Is it time to start executing "scientists" who mislead and misinform the masses

Right, but my point is what the command and control apparatus of the WOKE looks like. In the future nothing will be allowed to take place without DIE RELIGION (Diversity/Inclusion/Equity) minders first signing is already happening.
I don't care about your conspiracy theories or nonsense jargon that no person with a reading level above the 6th grade would ever use with any pretense of seriousness.

The reality is that only a minority of freaks, degenerates, and physical and mental defectives partake in such inferior nonsense to begin with.

In the future, scum like that won't be allowed to exist and will be imprisoned or executed for polluting a right-wing, nationalist utopian culture with their freakery and ugly nonsense.

There will be no "frees peach', no rights but that which serves the might and fitness of the nation, no ability for the underclass rabble and scourge to participate in politics at all unless they are members of the national party and national religion; otherwise, they'll be made into 2nd class citizens with the same rights as a negro in the Jim Crow era, assuming that we're generous enough to allow them to exist at all, when many would argue that a death camp is more fitting, churches which don't conform to national right-wing party and religion will be burned with all the fervor by which the Inquisition burned its own heretics.

All leftist wrong-think, (as decided by a nation of right wing nationalist, elites; and philosopher kings and queens, not the degenerate and goddless mobs and rabble whose distain for right-wing intellectualism only rivals their distain for morality and ethics), will be policed and censored, online or offline - degenerates and subversives, whether members of the pro-pedophilia LGBT freakshow, other freakshows such as "incels", anime masturbators, and the like will be under the gun.

By virtue of being on the "right side of history", the majority of "fence sitters", which include businesses, corporations, state and local governments, which could care less for the minority of freaks and minority of peddlers of the regressive and devolved freakery and immorality which you mention, will definitely be on the side of the right and help us carry out our new program against said base vermin. You are a naive little fool who just mindlessly parrots sensationalism and paranoia made a "thing" but the 6th grade reading level "trailer trash" media which you so greedily consume.
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the politicization of all things is the totalitarian calling card.
If history plays its cards right, they'll be governed and subordinated by right-wing, nationalist elites - they'll either conform to party or doctrine, or be excommincated from all scientific professions; possibly even outright shot and broadcast on live TV as a warning message for traitors and subverses who spread dangerous and unacceptable views and propaganda, not accomadable by a right-wing nationalist and internationalist state.

Totalitarianism is the kind of government that degenerates deserve, whether "incels", "trailer trash feminists", "anime masturbator Nazis", "transgender/transvestite pedophile-identifying ilk", or other variety of freaks and defective spawn unworthy of admission into the human race to begin with - just different varieties of the same disease.

Let the wrath of nature claim its defectives, and other products of our degenerate, trailer trash, 6th grade reading level media, leaving only God's philosopher kings and queens to rule with an iron hand of virtue.
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If history plays its cards right, they'll be governed and subordinated by right-wing, nationalist elites - they'll either conform to party or doctrine, or be excommincated from all scientific professions; possibly even outright shot and broadcast on live TV as a warning message for traitors and subverses who spread dangerous and unacceptable views and propaganda, not accomadable by a right-wing nationalist and internationalist state.

Totalitarianism is the kind of government that degenerates deserve, whether "incels", "trailer trash feminists", "anime masturbator Nazis", "transgender/transvestite pedophile-identifying ilk", or other variety of freaks and defective spawn unworthy of admission into the human race to begin with - just different varieties of the same disease.

Let the wrath of nature claim its defectives, and other products of our degenerate, trailer trash, 6th grade reading level media, leaving only God's philosopher kings and queens to rule with an iron hand of virtue.

Good point, Marcus.
If history plays its cards right, they'll be governed and subordinated by right-wing, nationalist elites - they'll either conform to party or doctrine, or be excommincated from all scientific professions; possibly even outright shot and broadcast on live TV as a warning message for traitors and subverses who spread dangerous and unacceptable views and propaganda, not accomadable by a right-wing nationalist and internationalist state.

Putting morality aside, this results in a completely unscientific country where truth means nothing. What you want is feels over reals on a national level.
I don't care about your conspiracy theories or nonsense jargon that no person with a reading level above the 6th grade would ever use with any pretense of seriousness.

The reality is that only a minority of freaks, degenerates, and physical and mental defectives partake in such inferior nonsense to begin with.

In the future, scum like that won't be allowed to exist and will be imprisoned or executed for polluting a right-wing, nationalist utopian culture with their freakery and ugly nonsense.

There will be no "frees peach', no rights but that which serves the might and fitness of the nation, no ability for the underclass rabble and scourge to participate in politics at all unless they are members of the national party and national religion; otherwise, they'll be made into 2nd class citizens with the same rights as a negro in the Jim Crow era, assuming that we're generous enough to allow them to exist at all, when many would argue that a death camp is more fitting, churches which don't conform to national right-wing party and religion will be burned with all the fervor by which the Inquisition burned its own heretics.

All leftist wrong-think, (as decided by a nation of right wing nationalist, elites; and philosopher kings and queens, not the degenerate and goddless mobs and rabble whose distain for right-wing intellectualism only rivals their distain for morality and ethics), will be policed and censored, online or offline - degenerates and subversives, whether members of the pro-pedophilia LGBT freakshow, other freakshows such as "incels", anime masturbators, and the like will be under the gun.

By virtue of being on the "right side of history", the majority of "fence sitters", which include businesses, corporations, state and local governments, which could care less for the minority of freaks and minority of peddlers of the regressive and devolved freakery and immorality which you mention, will definitely be on the side of the right and help us carry out our new program against said base vermin. You are a naive little fool who just mindlessly parrots sensationalism and paranoia made a "thing" but the 6th grade reading level "trailer trash" media which you so greedily consume.

I tell it like it is much better than most.

The fact that you pretend otherwise as attack me is instructive.
The "scientist", generally speaking is a rather hideous and defective little specimen, rarely if ever capable of doing much in the way of utility which couldn't be better automated by computing; granted there are brilliant thinkers and intellectuals who bear such a title, however the average person holding a silly little job title as "scientist" (which any corporation could award regardless of actual job duties).

Likely the profile of the typical "scientist" is the result of recessive evolutionary traits which may have served a pragmatic purpose in archaic times, but today has outlived its usefulness, lacking either the physical beauty (a superior evolutionary) trait of one who is at the peak of physical and sexual fitness, or the creativity of higher-level intellectuals, not burdened with such a childish job title, such as the high-level company executive, whether Steve Jobs or others (hell, even Trump could be put into this category, and it's apparent that evolution selected him and his superior business qualities for "leadership" over the comparatively inferior and worthless low-level science employee, who, beyond whatever worthless little pragmatic utility "it" serves in a minority of overrated job industries, is easily rendered into obsolescence, and beyond that, serves little to nothing but to uglify the nation and world around it, like an ugly little machine which lacks the utility of a superior computer program, but none of the aesthetic qualities of a well-designed machine such as a Ferrari, which make it desirable beyond its worthless and easily replacable and scrappable utilitarian functions.

The defective profile of the scientist, may be due to an evolutionary maladaption or disconnect between mind and body (or Id and Ego as Freud termed it) resulting in something of a curiosity and rather repulsive, but sadly useful little specimenl, possessing little to anything in the way of aesthetic potential (which, of course, is the highest end of evolutionary adaptation, whether physical or sexual, or whether aesthetic) - the only reason that people undertake scientific ideas or pursuits as an "end" in and of itself to begin with is an aesthetic one (beyond that, it is nothing more than one of many dime-a-dozen job industries which serves no less a purely utilitarian purpose than plumbing or construction work does).

In this new information age, science may have outlived whatever temporary, ugly purpose it once served; those too defective to offer anything of aesthetic value to nation (as documented in many academic texts, such as Survival of the Beautful) to aspire to anything beyond the hidieous little job title of "low-level scientist or science industry worker) can easily be automated by slightly less ugly and (considerably less rancid, and prone to rape, sexual assault and groping) machines, something which women of higher evolutionary caliber who once may have felt pressured to wed such an inferior, defective little aberration due to pramatic reasons, rather than superior aesthetic reasons - with superior intellectuals and aesthetics becoming the new elite; and the new deciders and interpreters of our vast cosmic reality.

Sadly, particularily given the paltry 6th-grade reading level which the average barely-literate or intellectually-functioning idiot is arrested at, the scientist and affiliated defectives and freaks of the same ilk has sadly become a popular pedagogue, misinformer, charlatan, and snake-oil salesman of reality, existing solely on the whim and superstition of stupid people who falsely equate the average idiot holding some childish little "science" title with a higher-level intellectual such as Einstein (when in reality, the average snake-oil salesman and defective little drone with the ugliness and self-loathe to aspire to such a worthless and meaningless title, has about as much in common with Einstein as an average weekend golfer does with Tiger Woods).

So I'd argue that, in light of the dawn of a new, nationalist utopia in which virtue, perennial truth, and aesthetics are prioritized as a new elite - the state should take a vested interest in eliminating the "scientist" by any means necessary - if simply banning scientists and threatening them with prison from expressing opinions (particularly those outside their hideous and outdated little fields) that don't conform to national platform and policy, then the next drastic step might be to have CIA, MI6, or whatever agency is under control of the nationalist state to start having some assassinated, until their entire defective little crop of ugly freaks and degenerates - defective and redundant both in the eyes of God, and in the process of evolution; allow it to be an open secret that government is assassinating scientists who express dangerous or problematic views, and mislead or misinform the public with their snake oil, relying on their childish naivete and typically arrested national average 6th grade reading level which they purport to pass off as "fluent", when to an actually fluent speaker of language like myself and other intellectual, nationalist elite, it's barely even "English" to begin with, let alone fluent.

Put fear in the scientist that if he dare express his dangerous and problematic views in public, he is able to be quietly assassinated at any time; put fear in the ignorant and superstitious public to put any trust in the scientist, or to listen to any lies and misnformation he peddles and spews if it doesn't confrom to the truth and the rightful nationalist arbiters of it, if it doesn't conform to the rightful design of the new, coming nationalist Utopia - in which virtue reigns over vice and degneracy, truth reigns over lies, and beauty over ugliness - and in which all technology and other innovations are subordinated to God and state, not for the ugly and fatuous purposes of disgusting amusement, such as the enabling of porn addictions, but for the purpose of creating a New, Nationalist Utopia, a new Heaven on Earth, a new technological theocracy, a new Kingdom of God realized on a Global scale, via the Unification of technology with nationalist and theocratic values which will unify all nations and "civilizations", and purge and destroy degenerate and inferior ones (America, Britian, Western, Eastern, or otherwise) unless they conform to the mathematical design of God and Cosmos - and people under God and state, and in which all degneracy, vice, atheistic filth, worldwide will be eliminated for millenia to come, with all the force by which the past Inquistions formerly rooted out their heretics, but now utilized and fully realized with all that modern technology, subordinated to God and state, has too offer.

No, but it is time for you to suck my dick, idiot.
Putting morality aside, this results in a completely unscientific country where truth means nothing.
That is wrong; science like any other body of abstraction is approximated from mathematics, which is how information, theories, and so on (scientific or otherwise) become accepted or promoted as truths to begin with (much as they potentially become rendered redundant).

The difference is that a new body of truth and knowledge will be mathematically on the basis and axioms of right-wing nationalist and internationalist principles, decided by future philosopher kings and queens ruled by virtue rather than vice and degeneracy; with all information, scientific, philsophical, theological, legal, ethical, technological, etc - subordinated to God and nation.

Bacon's archaic little 16th century "scientific method" and its inferior and defective axioms and mathematical principles, as well as all of the outdated 19th century/Victorian era scientific ooga booga and mumbo jumbo peddled by trash mass media at the 6th grade reading level the rabble and slave class "masses" read at, to satiate their cargo-cultish superstitions and sell products to the gullible will be destroyed and annihilated, reduced to nothing more

Truth will be decided nationally and globally by right-wing intellectual elite; philosopher kings and queens, built on new mathematical principles from the ground up; to govern nation by nation, until the whole world, perhaps eventually the universe itself becomes a right-wing nationalist Utopia, a new transnational kingdom of God, beginning with the subordination of America to right-wing nationalist values and ideals (as well as the destruction of all opposing ones, dangerous ideas, archaic notions of "frees speach" and the sort), then extending to all of Western Europe, and eventually the globe itself. (When all opposing values are destroyed and annihilated via righteous wrath, they will no longer be "American" to speak of, anymore than the Sioux Indian is; right-wing nationalist government and internationalism will be the only American "ideal" allowed to exist, which all others must "conform" to or be reduced to the status that negros were during Jim Crow, that Jews were in Nazi Germany, and so on. (If this means burning and destroying every outdated piece of "Americana" which is problematic to this end, up to and including the archaic Constitution itself in the establishment of a new, nationalist regime, then so be it; America had a good run, and its eventual immolation is imminent anyway; those who don't conform to America, Britain, and Europe's new righteous direction can be eliminated like the heretics, neanderthals, and wrong-thinkers that they are).

I suppose that's the ironic beauty of Amerika's libertine notions of liberty; it grants me and mine the freedom and liberty to actively destroy and suborinate all degenerate and inferior aspects of it, and it can do nothing about it at all, other than wait for its impending immolation and reincarnation, like ancient Rome. (Perhaps akin to Lenin asserting that capitalists will sell him the rope by which he hangs himself).

What you want is feels over reals on a national level.
What idiotic rot. "Feels over reals" has nothing to do with "science" in the modern sense, as a method or institution.

Most chidlish and simplistic atheist arguments are just "feels over reals" arguments, such as comparisons to Santa Claus or other simple, "commonsensical arguments". (Much as most under-literate idiots parroting some outdated science mumbo jumbo or propaganda are just parroting it by rote based on faith in what they were taught, or lack the literacy, education, and well-roundedness of knowledge to believe but otherwise (much as had the average simpleton born in the Dark Ages would have just believed in alchemy since they had access to no other information, or were too stupid, naive, and indoctrinated to devise anything otherwise).

Such things are just simplistic, easily debunkable arguments from authority based on faith or trust in silly little things and 19th century archaisms that their teachers taught them, that they read or heard on TV or whatever outlet of 6th grade reading level information they get their childish and simple little assortment of facts and information from

Not on the basis of having been anything close to a Newton or Einstein and having mathematically approximated any scientific theories themselves; given that the average person's IQ is only 100 (compared to my MENSA-level IQ and top 1% linguistic ability, for example), it's not like the average TV watcher or low-level "science/engineering" job sector employee could have approximated anything mathematical on the level of Newton or Einstein even if they wanted to.

So no, such people are akin to little lost sheep, in need of an Enlightened philosopher king ruled by virtue rather than scientistic superstition and mass media consumption, to enlighten them and show them the way out of Plato's dark cave, not fit to govern themselves, and destined to wallow in degeneracy, vice, and regression if left to their own devices.

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That is wrong; science like any other body of abstraction is approximated from mathematics.

The difference is that a new body of truth and knowledge will be mathematically on the basis and axioms of right-wing nationalist and internationalist principles, decided by philosopher kings and queens ruled by virtue rather than vice and degeneracy.

Bacon's archaic little 16th century "scientific method" and its inferior and defective axioms and mathematical principles, as well as all of the outdated 19th century/Victorian era scientific ooga booga and mumbo jumbo peddled by trash mass media at the 6th grade reading level the rabble and slave class "masses" read at, to satiate their cargo-cultish superstitions and sell products to the gullible will be destroyed and annihilated, reduced to nothing more

Truth will be decided nationally and globally by right-wing intellectual elite; philosopher kings and queens, built on new mathematical principles from the ground up; to govern nation by nation, until the whole world, perhaps eventually the universe itself becomes a right-wing nationalist Utopia, a new transnational kingdom of God, in which virtue reigns supreme, and heretics, defectives, atheists, heathens and inferiors, and all inferior and treasonous nations and 'governments' which don't conform to the new theocratic Utopia are annihilated forever like the diseased and inferior little Sodoms that they are. Except the fire from heaven will be accomplished with thermonuclear war if necessary; the destruction of all inferior peoples and nations, Amerikkka and its degeneracies included - I hope I live long enough to see the complete and other annlihilation of America at the righteous hand of God, and help perpetuate its righteous destruction.

What idiotic rot. "Feels over reals" has nothing to do with "science" in the modern sense, as a method or institution.

Most chidlish and simplistic atheist arguments are just "feels over reals" arguments, such as comparisons to Santa Claus or other simple, "commonsensical arguments". (Much as most under-literate idiots parroting some outdated science mumbo jumbo or propaganda are just parroting it by rote based on faith in what they were taught, or lack the literacy, education, and well-roundedness of knowledge to believe but otherwise (much as had the average simpleton born in the Dark Ages would have just believed in alchemy since they had access to no other information, or were too stupid, naive, and indoctrinated to devise anything otherwise).

Such things are just simplistic, easily debunkable arguments from authority based on faith or trust in silly little things and 19th century archaisms that their teachers taught them, that they read or heard on TV or whatever outlet of 6th grade reading level information they get their childish and simple little assortment of facts and information from

Not on the basis of having been anything close to a Newton or Einstein and having mathematically approximated any scientific theories themselves; given that the average person's IQ is only 100 (compared to my MENSA-level IQ and top 1% linguistic ability, for example), it's not like the average TV watcher or low-level "science/engineering" job sector employee could have approximated anything mathematical on the level of Newton or Einstein even if they wanted to.

So no, such people are akin to little lost sheep, in need of an Enlightened philosopher king ruled by virtue rather than scientistic superstition and mass media consumption, to enlighten them and show them the way out of Plato's dark cave, not fit to govern themselves, and destined to wallow in degeneracy, vice, and regression if left to their own devices.


Very good points, Marcus.