Is Joe Biden really secret squirrel ?

So that's why Democrats are attracted to him? :thinking:

Yeah, that must be it.

You mean Trumpkins are attracted to Trump because he's loud, obnoxious and a bully who loves to abuse women? And they're were victims of schoolyard bullies?

That explains it so oooo much! :laugh:
You "whispered" to get children's attention in the classroom? I guess if speaking normally to them didn't work, you had to try
Let me remind you, though..."Why does Joe whisper?
"Lowering your voice is a mechanism used to get children to pay attention. "
Very Interesting comment...;)

Nope not interesting actually but expected. When you are dealing with children (Trumpkins), you have to get their attention somehow.
Actually very interesting comment...
Who whispers into a microphone to get the attention of children who are not present?