This is a Cypress post so you are right to call booooolsch't. Let's break it down.
Anything represented in our base 10 Indian-Arab numeric system is a human interpretation,
All he had to do was use the correct words. Anything so represented is a human concept. It's not an interpretation of anything. Quantity is one such concept, along with position, velocity (or momentum), orientation, color, odor, and other measurable properties.
Yes, there are other
unmeasurable properties as well, but they are beyond our human senses.
... but as spatial relationships or ratios, pi, the Pythagorean theorem, and the universal gravitational constant were objectively true billions of years ago,
Cypress is trying way too hard to appear thmart! If what Cypress wishes to express is that there are objective truths to reality, that's great, but he's talking about the science and math representations of those supposed truths, and confusing open and closed functional systems in the process.
Nothing about any closed functional system is absolutely true outside its closed functional system. There is no "pi" without the concept of a circumference. No closed functional system can comprehensively capture all the absolute truths of reality (re: Goedell's Incompleteness Theorem).
No open functional system is considered complete, or TRUE, and could be shown to be false tomorrow with the input of new information.
Also, there can be no gravitational constant without specific units of measure. To what specific units of measure was Cypress referring when he mentioned "billions of years ago", i.e. before there were any units of measure?
... and were discovered by the evolution of our conciousness.
No change in anything discovers anything.
What is the unambiguous definition of "our conciousness"?