Is Melania Trump really fluent in five languages?

Why? Why does it matter at all?

It doesn't. It's just weird. So, so weird.

Remember when Trump lied about the "Tim Apple" thing? The lie itself didn't matter, what was concerning is that the president is a pathological liar who lies about unimportant stuff too.
With Melania, it doesn't really matter. Maybe she's a pathological liar too, but she's not president. It's just... so fucking weird.
It's rather amusing watching the liberal left's newfound morality. The party of perverts, sluts, philanderers, abortion murderers and corruption now concerned over married men fooling around. Who would have THUNK it????


I didn't say I cared about Trump fooling around. I think the whole denial of paying Stormy Daniels is funny, but it's nothing I'm concerned about.
Now Trump molesting women, that I do care about.
It doesn't. It's just weird. So, so weird.

What's weird is your focus on such a meaningless topic. You can't even describe what makes it so weird, which is weird.

Remember when Trump lied about the "Tim Apple" thing? The lie itself didn't matter, what was concerning is that the president is a pathological liar who lies about unimportant stuff too.

Remember when Obama lied about our healthcare? Remember when Obama lied about his position on gay marriage? Remember when Obama lied about his position on immigration?

The lies themselves do matter, what was concerning is that Obama might have been a pathological liar who lies about unimportant stuff too.

With Melania, it doesn't really matter. Maybe she's a pathological liar too, but she's not president. It's just... so fucking weird.

So you can't prove that Melania doesn't know five languages yet are perfectly willing to label her as a pathological liar just because you say she is? STFU, seriously.
I didn't say I cared about Trump fooling around. I think the whole denial of paying Stormy Daniels is funny, but it's nothing I'm concerned about.

Well it must concern you or you wouldn't bring it up. Apparently you might be the pathological liar in all this.

Now Trump molesting women, that I do care about.

What women has he "molested?" Has he been charged? Has he been convicted? Do pathological liars like you believe that you can just make up your own dogma and we all should just march in lockstep with those lies?
I dont care, except that they lied. I do not like lying. I know you enjoy being lied to....

Obama lied to morons like you for eight fucking years and now you hypocrites are suddenly concerned about it? Obama spent us into oblivion for eight fucking years and now you hypocrites are suddenly concerned about spending? BillyBob Clinton was banging interns in the White House, but now you hypocrites are suddenly the morality police with Trump????

What's weird is your focus on such a meaningless topic. You can't even describe what makes it so weird, which is weird.

It's weird because there was no reason to lie about this. It's not like she needed to lie to get out of trouble like Trump usually does.

Remember when Obama lied about our healthcare? Remember when Obama lied about his position on gay marriage? Remember when Obama lied about his position on immigration?

The lies themselves do matter, what was concerning is that Obama might have been a pathological liar who lies about unimportant stuff too.


So you can't prove that Melania doesn't know five languages yet are perfectly willing to label her as a pathological liar just because you say she is? STFU, seriously.

The video I posted does prove she can't speak five languages.
It doesn't. It's just weird. So, so weird.

Remember when Trump lied about the "Tim Apple" thing? The lie itself didn't matter, what was concerning is that the president is a pathological liar who lies about unimportant stuff too.
With Melania, it doesn't really matter. Maybe she's a pathological liar too, but she's not president. It's just... so fucking weird.

I posted this very same thing back in October and RWNJs were defending her language lie then, also.
Why are the idiots on the left so obsessed with Melina? She is very easy on the eyes is that it jealousy?

Why are Americans so obsessed with relatives of politicians? I think it is because they lack a royal family to moon about. As to the languages, Mittel-Europeans, as a result of imperialism, find it useful to speak several. It is like the English forcing this one on us.
Why lie about this? Does anyone who spends time around Trump just take on his trait of lying about everything?

When a woman looks like the First Lady, the only assholes that care about what languages she speaks are the creepy dogs that are jealous from the tip of their heads to the tips of their toes. GET A FUCKING LIFE!!!!!