Sounds easy huh.
America should...
THere is no person named America that can do that........
America is an idea, a place, many things, but it isn't a person but it is subject to wallstreet & by extension the politicians working for them-> not us..
The problem is wallstreet, they want what will make them the most money, if banning that tech does not do it they are adamantly opposed.....
For decades now the mantra has been what is best for me (wallstreet) is best for everyone.. Example the bailouts, to big to fail-these politicians wrote the rules/changed the rules that allowed them to do this-IT WAS NOT BY ACCIDENT..
"we" can't let them fail=like it was us gonna fail-they kept the gold mine & we got the shaft, again.......
That isn't going to change as long as the two corporate parties are subservient to bankers & such.......