Well, there is a little more to it than that.....
For the United States, Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution says "Congress shall have power to ... declare War". However, that passage provides no specific format for what form legislation must have in order to be considered a "Declaration of War" nor does the Constitution itself use this term.
But for the fact that the “specific format” is spelled out perfectly simply by using the word “declare.” Even if it’s only by a voice vote a formal “declaration” of war has to come only from the Congress because there is no other body or person designated and authorized by the Constitution to declare war but the Congress and the Constitution itself certainly does use the word/term “declare.”
Many,who have postulated "Declaration(s) of War" must contain that phrase as or within the title. Others oppose that reasoning. In the courts, the United States First Circuit Court of Appeals in Doe v. Bush said: "[T]he text of the October Resolution itself spells out justifications for a war and frames itself as an 'authorization' of such a war." in effect saying an authorization suffices for declaration and what some may view as a formal Congressional "Declaration of War" was not required by the Constitution.
Of course the courts are made up of politically, ideologically, partisan judges appointed and approved by other politically, ideologically motivated partisans which only proves that a court’s decision is simply a “legalization” or a prohibition of a particular action and not necessarily a decision affirming or denying constitutionality of anything. In short, most judges don’t give a flying fuck about the Constitution, they only care about their particular political ideology.
Relative to the actual
fact of the issue a
resolution from the Congress that gives proxy of the Congresses duty and authority to
declare war to a President is not a declaration of war or even anything closely resembling it, but rather a cowardly abdication of the duty and power of the Congress.
Therefore you got exactly what you wished for with your unconstitutional resolution, lacking in congressional debate and fact finding, a fucking quagmire of a war costing billions and billions that killed and maimed thousands of young Americans and ended in creating a clone of Iran and offered up an excuse for the fucking Democrats who voted for it to proclaim they were lied to by a Republican President and thereby innocent of the fucking quagmire and its end result.
Aside from all of that, Iraq and Saddam were no known threat to America nor did Iraq ever attack America.
What God died and made America the enforcer of toothless UN resolutions?