Is Obama smart enough to be President?

So it's OK to think that America has 57 states, that Sioux Falls is in Iowa, that a birth was due to an event that occurred years later - as long as the person has a degree from an Ivy League school?

It's not even that he went to an Ivy League school. Bush went to an Ivy League school.

Obama graduated from Harvard Cum Laude Juris Doctor. Don't tell me you're too stupid to understand the signifigance of that. All you will try to do is pretend it doesn't matter because he's black, which definitely means he got breaks, huh?
So you assume any question regarding Obama must be racist?

Maybe that's your frame of reference.

I'm wondering why you don't extend the same "benefit of the doubt" to those whose policies you abhor.
No doubt it was excessive fatigue that caused Obama to "see" dead veterans listening to his speech on Memorial Day, to "remember" his uncle's war stories about US troops liberating concentration camps they never saw, to ascribe his conception to an event that took place years after his birth, and sit under the tutelage of a race-baiter for 20 years without noticing.....that tired, run-down feeling probably made him less than astute in his deals with Rezko, too.

Maybe we need a President with more stamina.
No doubt it was excessive fatigue that caused Obama to "see" dead veterans listening to his speech on Memorial Day, to "remember" his uncle's war stories about US troops liberating concentration camps they never saw, to ascribe his conception to an event that took place years after his birth, and sit under the tutelage of a race-baiter for 20 years without noticing.....that tired, run-down feeling probably made him less than astute in his deals with Rezko, too.

Maybe we need a President with more stamina.

Did you hear about how Obama's father was able to come to America and meet his mother as a result of Kennedy contributions to a program to bring students from Kenya to study in the US?

The Kennedys did not become involved until a year after Obama Sr. was already here).
Yes, that's right, I misheard. The Divine One did say "primaries", not "states", didn't he?

[ame=""]YouTube - Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States[/ame]

Fact GW Bush was a average student at Yale and Harvard...
Akin the Dwight Eisenhower at West Point(Ranked 64th out of 164)achieved the rank of 5 star general and became President!

Now compare to Jimmy Carter...the biggest screw up as President...he ranked 59th out of 820 Annapolis( puts him in the top he only achieved the rank of Lieutenant while serving in the Navy!

Now what was it you all were saying about average students vs top 10%...:rolleyes:

I could go down the list of average students vs top 10% and show way more achievers in the average student league...!
How many "slip-ups" are you willing to tolerate? Not one, I'll wager, if the speaker is a Republican.

Let's see a list of those 57 primaries...
50 states, American Samoa, D.C., Guam, Northern Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands - off the top of my head - but that's only 56 and I'm lazy. Point in fact - there are more than 50 primaries.

As to your statement, do you realize that I am on the political right? So your little specious allegation about double standards, well, blow it out your ass!
How many "slip-ups" are you willing to tolerate? Not one, I'll wager, if the speaker is a Republican.

Let's see a list of those 57 primaries...
50 states, American Samoa, D.C., Guam, Northern Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands - off the top of my head - but that's only 56 and I'm lazy. Point in fact - there are more than 50 primaries. So if BO says, "I've been to, I think, 57 states, except..." then it's not strange.

As to your statement, do you realize that I am on the political right? So your little specious allegation about double standards, well, blow it out your ass!
Fact GW Bush was a average student at Yale and Harvard...
Akin the Dwight Eisenhower at West Point(Ranked 64th out of 164)achieved the rank of 5 star general and became President!

Now compare to Jimmy Carter...the biggest screw up as President...he ranked 59th out of 820 Annapolis( puts him in the top he only achieved the rank of Lieutenant while serving in the Navy!

Now what was it you all were saying about average students vs top 10%...:rolleyes:

I could go down the list of average students vs top 10% and show way more achievers in the average student league...!

Yes, it's surprising that you get more "achievers" out of the 90% than the 10%.

Who gets more "achievements" per capita, though? You're little irrelevant anecdotes don't prove a lot.
Someone did a parody of the "57 States" gaff, claiming that it was a Fraudian Slip, because there are supposed to be 57 Muslim states (not sure if that's factually correct) in the world. And being the closet Muslim that he is, he was thinking in terms of globull conquest/Jihad when he spoke... :)