Is Obama's Birth Certificate a fake?

it's people, and i use that word loosely, like southern man who make me happy. because even if obama turns out to govern to much to the center right or center, for me, i am going to love his presidency anyway.

because they'd crawl through glass and eat dog shit to stop a black man from becoming president.

i love it. it makes me smile. it's a wide smile.

times are good.


Obama's black? I hadn't noticed! His mom looks pretty white to me. The issue is, whether he is qualified to run for president. According to the Constitution, you must be a natural born citizen of the US, and he was apparently born in Kenya. Unless his parents were US service personnel, I think he is not qualified. Sorry.... Oh well, I guess we'll end up with the bigoted racist Biden as president, when all is said and done.
Obama's black? I hadn't noticed! His mom looks pretty white to me. The issue is, whether he is qualified to run for president. According to the Constitution, you must be a natural born citizen of the US, and he was apparently born in Kenya. Unless his parents were US service personnel, I think he is not qualified. Sorry.... Oh well, I guess we'll end up with the bigoted racist Biden as president, when all is said and done.
As Ayne Rand would have said. There's no such thing in nature as a contradiction. Please check your premises, one of them is wrong.
October 21, 2008 * By Drew Zahn * © 2008 WorldNetDaily

Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg, who filed a lawsuit demanding Sen. Barack Obama present proof of his American citizenship, now says that by failing to respond Obama has legally "admitted" to the lawsuit's accusations, including the charge that the Democratic candidate was born in Mombosa, Kenya.

As WND reported, Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court in August, alleging Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States. Though Obama has posted an image of a Hawaii birth certificate online, Berg demands that the court verify the original document, which the Obama campaign has not provided.

Now Berg cites Rule 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which states that unless the accused party provides written answer or objection to charges within 30 days, the accused legally admits the matter.

Since Obama has only filed motions to dismiss and has not actually answered the charges in the lawsuit, Berg claims, according to Rule 36, Obama has legally admitted he is not a natural-born citizen.

Now Berg is asking the court for a formal declaration of Obama's admission and asking the Democratic National Committee for another presidential candidate.

In a statement released today, Berg argues that he filed Requests for Admissions on Sept. 15, meaning Obama had until Oct. 15 to answer or face the consequences of Rule 36.

"Obama and the DNC 'admitted,' by way of failure to timely respond to Requests for Admissions, all of the numerous specific requests in the Federal lawsuit," Berg's statement reads. "Obama is 'not qualified' to be president and therefore Obama must immediately withdraw his candidacy for president and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate."

Complete article at

By the way:

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit challenging Barack Obama's qualifications to be president.

U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick on Friday night rejected the suit by attorney Philip J. Berg, who alleged that Obama was not a U.S. citizen and therefore ineligible for the presidency. Berg claimed that Obama is either a citizen of his father's native Kenya or became a citizen of Indonesia after he moved there as a boy.

Obama was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a Kenyan father. His parents divorced and his mother married an Indonesian man.

Internet-fueled conspiracy theories question whether Obama is a "natural-born citizen" as required by the Constitution for a presidential candidate and whether he lost his citizenship while living abroad.

Surrick ruled that Berg lacked standing to bring the case, saying any harm from an allegedly ineligible candidate was "too vague and its effects too attenuated to confer standing on any and all voters."
By the way:
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit challenging Barack Obama's qualifications to be president.

U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick on Friday night rejected the suit by attorney Philip J. Berg, who alleged that Obama was not a U.S. citizen and therefore ineligible for the presidency. Berg claimed that Obama is either a citizen of his father's native Kenya or became a citizen of Indonesia after he moved there as a boy.

Obama was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a Kenyan father. His parents divorced and his mother married an Indonesian man.

Internet-fueled conspiracy theories question whether Obama is a "natural-born citizen" as required by the Constitution for a presidential candidate and whether he lost his citizenship while living abroad.

Surrick ruled that Berg lacked standing to bring the case, saying any harm from an allegedly ineligible candidate was "too vague and its effects too attenuated to confer standing on any and all voters."
Tell me, do you AGREE with the basis for the dismissal? I seriously doubt the claims against Obama have any merit.

But since when is the constitutionality of a presidential candidate NOT the business of each and every citizen of this country? To dismiss the suit on those grounds is pure unadulterated BULLSHIT. The president of the United States has a direct effect on each of us, as can be borne out by the mess we will be cleaning up for the next several decades left to us by Bush.
Yes, but he's about to be you President too! :pke:

it's people, and i use that word loosely, like southern man who make me happy. because even if obama turns out to govern to much to the center right or center, for me, i am going to love his presidency anyway.

because they'd crawl through glass and eat dog shit to stop a black man from becoming president.

i love it. it makes me smile. it's a wide smile.

times are good.


Actually, as a patriot, I'd crawl through glass to keep a Marxist from becoming president. I'll leave the coprophilia and the racism to you. :pke:
Let me guess: "Because he was less Marxist than his opponent."

Can't argue that now. Bush is now the most marxist President in living memory. He's just recently helped give away nearly a trillion dollar to save failed businesses. How isn't this socialism? He can only be compared to FDR in terms of socialist programs he's implemented. The differance being Bush's socialism is only intended to help a handfull of wealthy, greedy and corrupt fuck ups.

How comes when it's one of the Plutocrats the government bails out it's a "Rescue Plan" or creating a regresive tax policy for the wealthy it's "Tax relief" but if it's a middle class tax cut it's socialism? What hipocricy.
Because he was running against Gore and Jerry, both who were further left that he.

Boy facts just dont' mean anything to you. There's nearly 5 trillion in debt and nearly a trillion dollars of tax payer dollars going to failed banks to prove Bush is one of most socialist Presidents in US History. He's gone way farther to the left of any President, in terms of socialist programs, then any President other than FDR now.

It just amazes me how you wing nuts who ruined a great political party can't see what a failure Bush has been.
Can't argue that now. Bush is now the most marxist President in living memory. He's just recently helped give away nearly a trillion dollar to save failed businesses. How isn't this socialism? He can only be compared to FDR in terms of socialist programs he's implemented. The differance being Bush's socialism is only intended to help a handfull of wealthy, greedy and corrupt fuck ups.

How comes when it's one of the Plutocrats the government bails out it's a "Rescue Plan" or creating a regresive tax policy for the wealthy it's "Tax relief" but if it's a middle class tax cut it's socialism? What hipocricy.
Which doesn't change the vague assertion insistent in many people.

People who think that Kerry would be "more Marxist" look at Bush, say, "Yeah, that was bad but at least I saved the nation from even worse socialism..."


I was done voting for government giveaways, it is one of the reasons I have been on record not supporting the current candidate...
I would hardly call taking the peoples' money and giving it to wealthy bankers "socialism". (Which Obama fully supported and voted for, so he ain't free and clear of this mess by a LONG shot!) Isn't socialism supposed to be the other way around?

Frankly I don't know WHAT the current practice of embracing credit spending among the general populace (while practicing the government form) and then patching the resulting chaos with more deficit. Sure as hell ain't socialism. Nor is it capitalism. More like giant pickle up the ass-ism.

I don't know if there IS a definition for what is happening. I do know both parties are in it up to their hair follicles, and have been since before I was pissing my diaper.
I would hardly call taking the peoples' money and giving it to wealthy bankers "socialism". (Which Obama fully supported and voted for, so he ain't free and clear of this mess by a LONG shot!) Isn't socialism supposed to be the other way around?

Frankly I don't know WHAT the current practice of embracing credit spending among the general populace (while practicing the government form) and then patching the resulting chaos with more deficit. Sure as hell ain't socialism. Nor is it capitalism. More like giant pickle up the ass-ism.

I don't know if there IS a definition for what is happening. I do know both parties are in it up to their hair follicles, and have been since before I was pissing my diaper.

You got that right and it aint going to get any better anytime soon till the whole house of cards collapses and then we'd better hope to god that we have another Washington, Lincoln or FDR to lead this country through the mess.
Boy facts just dont' mean anything to you. There's nearly 5 trillion in debt and nearly a trillion dollars of tax payer dollars going to failed banks to prove Bush is one of most socialist Presidents in US History. He's gone way farther to the left of any President, in terms of socialist programs, then any President other than FDR now.

It just amazes me how you wing nuts who ruined a great political party can't see what a failure Bush has been.
The bank think was due to Fannie and Freddie, both perpetrated by the Democrats.
Funny, in one of WND's first articles on the subject, they stated that they had their experts look at the image, and they could find no evidence of fraud. They went on to state that the 'proofs' of fraud were based on alterations to the original image or ignorance of the technologies involved. Of course, after that, WND went into full rabid attack mode.
Funny, in one of WND's first articles on the subject, they stated that they had their experts look at the image, and they could find no evidence of fraud. They went on to state that the 'proofs' of fraud were based on alterations to the original image or ignorance of the technologies involved. Of course, after that, WND went into full rabid attack mode.

That article may be found here:

"A separate WND investigation into Obama’s certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren’t originally there."
Kinda funny revisiting the topic. The right wing conservative republicans are so easily played, fooled that is, the dark money elitists must laugh that it is so easy to keep a majority of republicans occupied with nonsense, you know fake news. But some righties are kinda scary too, stupidity often leads to bad places.

"In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness." Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Here's the link to the Daily Kos posting of BHO's birth certificate. This is reported as the original (actually a duplicate printed by the Hawaiian State Government in 2007). Daily Kos: State of the Nation


Hawaii committee calls for Obama statue in his birth state :cool:

HONOLULU — A state Senate committee in Hawaii on Tuesday called for a statue of former President Barack Obama to be erected in the state where he was born.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously for a resolution requesting that the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts commission the statue.

Obama was born in Honolulu in 1961 and graduated from Punahou School.

The resolution will be referred to the Hawaii Senate's Ways and Means committee for consideration.

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