Is OK to keep black people from voting?

Is it established that I'm nerdier than Grind? He does a lot of nerdy things I don't do, and its really only his natural leadership ability that seems to prop him up above me...
It's really a tough call to me, but you're generally not as.... rough around the edges I guess, as Grind. Thus you're more like Frylock in that respect.
No, you're Meatwad because you are the one we all pick on. I'm tempted to name Threedee as Frylock just because he's the nerdier of the two remaining. Grind also reminds me more of Master Shake because he picks on you the most.

People pick on me all the time, but I don't really mind, and I mostly laugh it because it's mostly the truth. However, you can actually hurt my feelings if you say something too true.

For instance, making a good, logical point about my lack of intelligence, when that's practically the only thing I value in myself. I will type very angry words at you if you do so.
And Meatwad takes such abuses in good nature as well. It actually balances out really well. I'm bald, a pervert of the highest order, have facial hair, am very angry, like to drink beer. There is very little Carl and I don't have in common.

Threedee is Frylock for already mentioned reasons and Grind is Master Shake for already mentioned reasons. It all works out.
desh there is nothing wrong with strategically wanting certain people to not vote against your interests. No one is suggesting that legally blacks shouldn't be allowed to vote. Any democrat on this board would say that they would prefer republicans don't vote.... this is the same thing.

Hey, I guess you must have danced with glee if you weren't a black Democrat in Florida in 2000.....that's were words became deeds.
I think you cons may have missed the fact in that link that they were WORKING to keep legal voters from voting by cheating their fucking asses off.

They worked to keep American voters from voting through ILLEGAL means.

They were subverting democracy.

How is it you people ALWAYS excuse your party for cheating in elections?
See how much the right cares about democracy?

We are about to have an election, the republicans repetedly cheat in these elections, no one cares and no news stations report it.

See how much the right cares about democracy?

We are about to have an election, the republicans repetedly cheat in these elections, no one cares and no news stations report it.


Because repubs are too busy sweating putty balls over one black man holding a nightstick in front of a polling place.