Is Political Conservatism a Mild Form of Insanity?

I've never made my sexuality an issue. That would be you.

Oh, please. Your anime avatar with the figure "jiggling" her boobs. Your avatars with women in suggestive poses. All misogyny...treating women as sex objects. Pure Neanderthalism.
Oh, please. Your anime avatar with the figure "jiggling" her boobs. Your avatars with women in suggestive poses. All misogyny...treating women as sex objects. Pure Neanderthalism.

I see that you're still tormented by the jiggling boobs cartoon. :D

What does that have to do with my sexuality? Nothing.
I see that you're still tormented by the jiggling boobs cartoon. :D

What does that have to do with my sexuality? Nothing.

It signifies your sexual objectification of women.
I'm none of those. You hate me because I shine the harsh light of truth on your lies.

Same ol' song, over and over and over, isn't it? I'm not the only one who has called you those things. As I posted recently, before you even posted your first post to me, someone warned me about you slinging gay slurs. Did you forget that quickly? What's the matter? Brain tumor?
This, coming from a queer who calls men bitches.
Baby, when you act one, you get called one. You ain't hardly a man. Men don't gossip. Men don't backbite. They don't manipulate and act like petulant women. You do. Alias does. Freedom does. Ice Dancer does. Webbway and Yurt do. Bravo does. Dixie does.
And I told you...your daddy is queer. I'm gay. And proud.
Same ol' song, over and over and over, isn't it? I'm not the only one who has called you those things. As I posted recently, before you even posted your first post to me, someone warned me about you slinging gay slurs. Did you forget that quickly? What's the matter? Brain tumor?
Gay slurs at other who have used gay slurs.
Baby, when you act one, you get called one. You ain't hardly a man. Men don't gossip. Men don't backbite. They don't manipulate and act like petulant women. You do. Alias does. Freedom does. Ice Dancer does. Webbway and Yurt do. Bravo does. Dixie does.
And I told you...your daddy is queer. I'm gay. And proud.

You're also sexist. Why do you hate women?
You're also sexist. Why do you hate women?

I don't hate women. I just don't sleep with them. Nothing worse than a man emulating the worst feminine traits. Or vice versa. And no I'm not the least bit sexist. That would be you, viewing women as sex objects. Barefoot and pregnant...isn't that how your side likes to keep 'em?
Gay slurs at other who have used gay slurs.

Evidently you had had a history of using gay slurs at your opponents before I arrived here. I was aware of you doing the very thing under the ID of Southern Man, on other forums.
Why are you pretending to be surprised?
I don't hate women. I just don't sleep with them. Nothing worse than a man emulating the worst feminine traits. Or vice versa. And no I'm not the least bit sexist. That would be you, viewing women as sex objects. Barefoot and pregnant...isn't that how your side likes to keep 'em?

That's your bigoted portrayal of "my side", and of women.
You're also sexist. Why do you hate women?

Had a video shoot on Sunday...a predominantly "white" fundraising gala, for Univ. of Houston. A little "bejeweled" elderly white woman, asked me to sit down and talk to her.
I did, and I instantly fell in love with her. She was an ex-psycho therapist....91 years of age, and sharp as a tack. She plays bridge, and I told her I did, as well. We exchanged numbers and plan to get together over bridge and coffee. Right. I hate women so much. Oh, and I gave her a kiss. Such hate. LOL
Had a video shoot on Sunday...a predominantly "white" fundraising gala, for Univ. of Houston. A little "bejeweled" elderly white woman, asked me to sit down and talk to her.
I did, and I instantly fell in love with her. She was an ex-psycho therapist....91 years of age, and sharp as a tack. She plays bridge, and I told her I did, as well. We exchanged numbers and plan to get together over bridge and coffee. Right. I hate women so much. Oh, and I gave her a kiss. Such hate. LOL

At what age did you realize you were vaginaphobic?