Is Political Conservatism a Mild Form of Insanity?

Yes it does. You liberals hate lots of things: limited government, the Constitution, Amendments 2, 9 and 10, economic freedom, Flat or Fair Tax, clean nuclear power...

Right. Except for me to believe your assertions, you going to have to provide proof in the form of links, sources, or documentation. As a liberal I don't hate "limited government"...I hate "irresponsible government" (don't get it twisted). I love the Constitution, but would change the 2nd amendment. As for nuclear power and the dangers associated with it , as evidenced by Three Mile Island and more recently in Japan, I'm in favor of alternative energy sources (wind, solar, water)...but conservatives tend to throw all caution to the wind....just so long as a profit is returned. Let's talk about what conservatives hate: minorities, gays, women and children, the elderly and the infirmed, social programs, universal healthcare, foreign governments, Europe (although they love to vacation there and embarrass themselves and America), world religions, different belief systems, foreign languages, free markets and trade, veterans, freedom, the arts, expression, free press, liberals, Democrats, reform, regulations, safety, the environment, clean water and air, President Obama and his family, peace. I could go on.
Right. Except for me to believe your assertions, you going to have to provide proof in the form of links, sources, or documentation. As a liberal I don't hate "limited government"...I hate "irresponsible government" (don't get it twisted). I love the Constitution, but would change the 2nd amendment. As for nuclear power and the dangers associated with it , as evidenced by Three Mile Island and more recently in Japan, I'm in favor of alternative energy sources (wind, solar, water)...but conservatives tend to throw all caution to the wind....just so long as a profit is returned. Let's talk about what conservatives hate: minorities, gays, women and children, the elderly and the infirmed, social programs, universal healthcare, foreign governments, Europe (although they love to vacation there and embarrass themselves and America), world religions, different belief systems, foreign languages, free markets and trade, veterans, freedom, the arts, expression, free press, liberals, Democrats, reform, regulations, safety, the environment, clean water and air, President Obama and his family, peace. I could go on.

This is hilarious, you asking for proof while you provide it in the same post, followed by baseless allegations against conservatives. Where is your proof that conservatives "tend to throw all caution to the wind"? :)
This is hilarious, you asking for proof while you provide it in the same post, followed by baseless allegations against conservatives. Where is your proof that conservatives "tend to throw all caution to the wind"? :)

I asked you first. I have no problem supplying the back up for my claims, however, you always do. As soon as you comply, I'll be happy to accommodate you.
Here's proof right here:

Your turn. Provide basis for any of your allegations. :D

Reposting a quote from me is your proof? LOLOLOLOL You're stupider than you look.
Uh, DY, you never back up your claims. When you do, you can start asking others to back up their claims. But not until then. Don't ask me again.

Provide the evidence for this claim:

Originally Posted by DamnYankee

"Yes it does. You liberals hate lots of things: limited government, the Constitution, Amendments 2, 9 and 10, economic freedom, Flat or Fair Tax, clean nuclear power..."
Right. It's insane to want to keep spending within a budget, to stop inflating our money so that savings lose value, to wish that the government would stick within its own Constitutional powers...

Reposting a quote from me is your proof? LOLOLOLOL You're stupider than you look.
Uh, DY, you never back up your claims. When you do, you can start asking others to back up their claims. But not until then. Don't ask me again.

Provide the evidence for this claim:

Originally Posted by DamnYankee

"Yes it does. You liberals hate lots of things: limited government, the Constitution, Amendments 2, 9 and 10, economic freedom, Flat or Fair Tax, clean nuclear power..."

You just admitted that you hated the 2nd Amendment, and that is my evidence in support of one of my allegations. Now it is your turn to cite and evidence for any one of your allegations, queer. :D
It wasn't even a typo. The final "of" was the direct object of "What". He failed English syntax and usage.

actually, in English we might have said "What would we, liberals, have to be envious or jealous of?" or perhaps, "Why would we, liberals, be envious or jealous of you?'".....
You just admitted that you hated the 2nd Amendment, and that is my evidence in support of one of my allegations. Now it is your turn to cite and evidence for any one of your allegations, queer. :D

I don't necessarily hate the 2nd amendment...I don't think it's necessary. This is not the Wild Wild West, and folks don't need to be packing firearms. And originally, you stated, "liberals", which is plural. I'm one person. Where is the evidence to support your allegation that, across the board, more liberals than I "hate" the 2nd amendment????? Don't try to play "fast and loose" with me, Ms. Thing. And because it's'll never see me cite any evidence as far as you're concerned. I do, routinely, as a matter of fact, anyway. And your daddy was a queer, and your mama was a lesbian.
actually, in English we might have said "What would we, liberals, have to be envious or jealous of?" or perhaps, "Why would we, liberals, be envious or jealous of you?'".....

Right. If and when I need correction from you, I'll let you know. I'm a published author. Are you?
actually, in English we might have said "What would we, liberals, have to be envious or jealous of?" or perhaps, "Why would we, liberals, be envious or jealous of you?'".....

Oh, still "smarting" from your banning elsewhere? If and when I need correction from you, I'll let you know. I'm a published author....are you?
You just admitted that you hated the 2nd Amendment, and that is my evidence in support of one of my allegations. Now it is your turn to cite and evidence for any one of your allegations, queer. :D

Another bullshit lie from douchebag DY!

Hey that rhymes!

Care to show everyone where precisely poet claimed he "hated" the 2nd amendment? True, he said he'd "change" it...but he never used the word "hate" and your implication he did is just another bullshit DY lie!

That straightened out...we're still waiting on YOU to supply the links to support your claim Liberals "hate" limited Government, Amendments 2,9 & 10, economic freedom, etc, etc...
Another bullshit lie from douchebag DY!

Hey that rhymes!

Care to show everyone where precisely poet claimed he "hated" the 2nd amendment? True, he said he'd "change" it...but he never used the word "hate" and your implication he did is just another bullshit DY lie!

That straightened out...we're still waiting on YOU to supply the links to support your claim Liberals "hate" limited Government, Amendments 2,9 & 10, economic freedom, etc, etc...

He, like you, can't admit the dark depths of his intentions. Why would he want to "change" something as fundamental as an enumerated right if he didn't hate it? :D
He, like you, can't admit the dark depths of his intentions. Why would he want to "change" something as fundamental as an enumerated right if he didn't hate it? :D

Well, since you don't have to account for your positions, claims or assertions...I guess you'll never get the answer you seek. See how the other can play the game, as well as you?