Is Putin the Savior?

I'd never thought I'd see the day where Americans side with Putin (FOX NEWS) over an American president, on this Crimea issue. Initially, Obama was a fascist-racist-masochist-commu now, he is a wimp compared to Putin. People in the States support a former KGB. WTF

It speaks VOLUMES regarding how deep the hatred runs that many partisan Righties feel for Obama.
It speaks VOLUMES regarding how deep the hatred runs that many partisan Righties feel for Obama.

That's nothing compared to the irrational hatred dumbasses on the left felt and still feel towards Bush; but alas, you’re a dumbass hyper partisan dimwit stuck on that special brand of hypocrite and stupid.

What Americans are siding with Putin in this issue? Who is supporting Putin? I cannot imagine a bigger strawman argument in desperate defense of the most inept, inexperienced, economically clueless and most divisive arrogant dunce to ever inhabit the White House.

So please, point out all these Americans in support of Putin. I don't see any; at least, any who are rational and intelligent.

Pat Buchanan for one...

He wrote this:

Is Vladimir Putin a paleoconservative?

In the culture war for mankind’s future, is he one of us?

Putin says his mother had him secretly baptized as a baby and professes to be a Christian. And what he is talking about here is ambitious, even audacious.

He is seeking to redefine the “Us vs. Them” world conflict of the future as one in which conservatives, traditionalists, and nationalists of all continents and countries stand up against the cultural and ideological imperialism of what he sees as a decadent west.

“We do not infringe on anyone’s interests,” said Putin, “or try to teach anyone how to live.” The adversary he has identified is not the America we grew up in, but the America we live in, which Putin sees as pagan and wildly progressive.

we'll zappa.... you answered that question quite nicely...

I guess you should stand by for the onslaught of "insult only" replies that your answer will bring.
we'll zappa.... you answered that question quite nicely...

I guess you should stand by for the onslaught of "insult only" replies that your answer will bring. stop, an off topic attempt at diversion courtesy of Defective Truth and his patented:

you’re a dumbass hyper partisan dimwit stuck on that special brand of hypocrite and stupid.


I can't wait to see what verbal gymnastics he resorts to, to deny what I posted.
Pat Buchanan for one...

He wrote this:

Is Vladimir Putin a paleoconservative?

In the culture war for mankind’s future, is he one of us?

Putin says his mother had him secretly baptized as a baby and professes to be a Christian. And what he is talking about here is ambitious, even audacious.

He is seeking to redefine the “Us vs. Them” world conflict of the future as one in which conservatives, traditionalists, and nationalists of all continents and countries stand up against the cultural and ideological imperialism of what he sees as a decadent west.

“We do not infringe on anyone’s interests,” said Putin, “or try to teach anyone how to live.” The adversary he has identified is not the America we grew up in, but the America we live in, which Putin sees as pagan and wildly progressive.


Once again you read, but fail to comprehend. I am amused that you would use a nutbag like Buchanan as proof of your case.

Because you’re painfully stupid, let me point it out for you: any other time leftists think that Buchanan is a right wing nutbag, until Buchanan says something stupid that fits their moronic views of leftists like you, then he makes perfect sense.

Buchanan isn’t justifying Putin’s actions or claiming they are just you moron; he is impugning Obama's version of America. That’s how stupid you are. But then, how would a moron stuck on your special brand of stupid recognize stupidity when you wallow in it all damned day?

Carry on shit-for-brains.
we'll zappa.... you answered that question quite nicely...

I guess you should stand by for the onslaught of "insult only" replies that your answer will bring.

Says the dunce expatriate living in a slum in Mexico; yay you shit-for-brains. I am amused when to morons have a circle jerk of stupidity whining about insults while insulting those who disagree with them.

You really are one profound dumbass. At least Zappas has tiny balls; you're a damned cowardly little eunuch.
This is one of the few times he's been right, both about the rise of Putin and Crimean situation. Doesn't validate him in any other area, but here he's correct.

Apparently you read but do not comprehend. So you’re saying you agree with Pat Buchanan's moral relativity? I am amazed when the anti-Christian left on this forum agree with Buchanan's version of morality. Truly amazing!!
Once again you read, but fail to comprehend. I am amused that you would use a nutbag like Buchanan as proof of your case.

Because you’re painfully stupid, let me point it out for you: any other time leftists think that Buchanan is a right wing nutbag, until Buchanan says something stupid that fits their moronic views of leftists like you, then he makes perfect sense.

Buchanan isn’t justifying Putin’s actions or claiming they are just you moron; he is impugning Obama's version of America. That’s how stupid you are. But then, how would a moron stuck on your special brand of stupid recognize stupidity when you wallow in it all damned day?

Carry on shit-for-brains.

What did I tell everyone?

Defective asks which Americans are supporting Putin, I provide proof and he throws another invective filled diversion.
What did I tell everyone?

Defective asks which Americans are supporting Putin, I provide proof and he throws another invective filled diversion.

Wrong again you dunce; Pat Buchanan wasn't supporting Putin you moron. Try to read the article again and this time attempt to comprehend it.

Damn you are one dumb MoFo.
Says the dunce expatriate living in a slum in Mexico; yay you shit-for-brains.

every so often, I take you off of ignore to see if your posting style has evolved.

This comment deserves a reply. Why in the world would you think that I live in a slum, and why would you chose such a clearly fictitious gratuitous insult to hurl my way?

You have no idea what city I live in nor in what neighborhood in that city my home is located. Can you explain yourself here?
every so often, I take you off of ignore to see if your posting style has evolved.

This comment deserves a reply. Why in the world would you think that I live in a slum, and why would you chose such a clearly fictitious gratuitous insult to hurl my way?

You have no idea what city I live in nor in what neighborhood in that city my home is located. Can you explain yourself here?

Should I help with the confusion and PM him the link to the magazine?