Is reagansghost an evince sock?

My compliments.
One does not normally see that much irony in just one post!

LOL! Is she talking about Toxic Top *again*? I'm shocked. Not that she would throw Toxic under the bus that way, but that for once she's actually being truthful. Guess it's true that a broken clock is right twice per day. lol
what the fuck is the deal with allowing the sock's?

It has to be the dumbest policy ever.

You can also change a poster, post.

It's pretty much anything goes except for calling racist white men child molesters.........that's the only place they draw the line.
Hahaha. You tickle me.

Am I lying?

You can threaten to kill someone and their family, you can use racial slurs, you can definitely use homophobic slurs, but god forbid if you call a racist white man a child molester or even insinuate it........all bets are off and you'd be banned.

You know I'm not lying.
Am I lying?

You can threaten to kill someone and their family, you can use racial slurs, you can definitely use homophobic slurs, but god forbid if you call a racist white man a child molester or even insinuate it........all bets are off and you'd be banned.

You know I'm not lying.
:rofl2: :rofl2:

You are killing me.
Two TDS posts, one late night;) shining brightly in this thread.....pathetic hypocrite is one of the first symptoms.... Star is on the infamous ignore list. Why would TDSF even stop by here to comment if she was Really ignoring her '

Toxic only post about Top,a self absorbed dried out old stinky cunt!
You can also change a poster, post.

It's pretty much anything goes except for calling racist white men child molesters.........that's the only place they draw the line.

what does race and gender have to do with it?

Can I call Asian men child molesters?