You might be to shallow and illiterate to comprehend this reality: But, anyone with the least bit of cognation toward logic and reason will have no problem whatsoever in comprehending the obvious.
Nope....nothing bigoted nor politically incorrect about promoting transsexualism as undesired by the left.....yet you politically promote such sexual deviance as "mainstream" and normal. What's wrong with this hypocrisy? merely demonstrates the reality of all looney leftist ideology. THE TWO FACES of the real democrat party....the historical reality of the past proven to be in full force even today when they attempt to present the Halo
above the socialist agenda. You are revealing the true "ID" of all leftists....confirming the reality of the past in a demonstration of why and how it was and remains the factual remains the democrats that are rooted in such noble institutions as Jim Crow, the KKK, slavery, minority anti-civil liberties, fascism....etc.,
It is noble of you to point out that you find transsexualism and queerness to be something SHAMEFUL.....why else would you assume that it would instigate anger? You have revealed your true self as a bigot and racist. Thanks for playing.
As I have said and the left continues to demonstrate...… you always bury yourself anytime you attempt to prove that you know how to use a shovel. Your post reveals far more about YOU than it does the target of your personal bigotry that the left attempts to keep hidden from view. Their TWO FACES.
Its always there hiding in plain sight.....revealed when the shadows are removed....more times than not by your own actions.