You keep repeating this drivel, and time and again I've asked you to provide PROOF of your assertions. To date, you can't.
LAWS are put in place to prevent present and future abuse of the citizenry. Perhaps you haven't heard in the last 50 years of local police and the Feds across the country busting "sweatshops", or companies using illegal aliens...paying below minimum wage, not providing adequate health and safety conditions at the work place. These are the things that UNIONS help create and GUARANTEE for the average American in the work place.
Is there corruption in some unions? Yep, that's why you have RICCO and the FBI.
What the fuck....You want me to prove some taxpayers don't have enough for themselves and their families needs, let alone support obscene union wages and benefits ?
you don't prove anything, why should the rest of us.....
You do realize, posting opinion bullshit from Huffington and other far left websites doesn't constitute proof.....
well, even if you don't, we do.
And yes, laws are put in place to prevent abuse by the unions......thats why the recall in WI prevent unions from abusing the taxpayers....
and perhaps you didn't know illegal aliens don't belong in this country in the first place...let 'en unionize in their home countries....