Is Scott Walker walking the walk?

You keep repeating this drivel, and time and again I've asked you to provide PROOF of your assertions. To date, you can't.

LAWS are put in place to prevent present and future abuse of the citizenry. Perhaps you haven't heard in the last 50 years of local police and the Feds across the country busting "sweatshops", or companies using illegal aliens...paying below minimum wage, not providing adequate health and safety conditions at the work place. These are the things that UNIONS help create and GUARANTEE for the average American in the work place.

Is there corruption in some unions? Yep, that's why you have RICCO and the FBI.

What the fuck....You want me to prove some taxpayers don't have enough for themselves and their families needs, let alone support obscene union wages and benefits ?

you don't prove anything, why should the rest of us.....

You do realize, posting opinion bullshit from Huffington and other far left websites doesn't constitute proof.....

well, even if you don't, we do.

And yes, laws are put in place to prevent abuse by the unions......thats why the recall in WI prevent unions from abusing the taxpayers....
and perhaps you didn't know illegal aliens don't belong in this country in the first place...let 'en unionize in their home countries....
Nice burn PMP.....poor TCL will be back ranting about proof and the chronology of posts soon, like the buffoon he is....claiming he proved something and we couldn't refute is bs.
You do realize that if it were not for labor unions, all the little perks and expectations that you take for granted in the work place would either be severely limited or non-existent, don't you?

I strongly urge you to do a refresher coarse on the history of the Labor Movement in America. Interesting stuff.

I get none of the perks,,,, that I know of.

I actually work for a living.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You keep repeating this drivel, and time and again I've asked you to provide PROOF of your assertions. To date, you can't.

LAWS are put in place to prevent present and future abuse of the citizenry. Perhaps you haven't heard in the last 50 years of local police and the Feds across the country busting "sweatshops", or companies using illegal aliens...paying below minimum wage, not providing adequate health and safety conditions at the work place. These are the things that UNIONS help create and GUARANTEE for the average American in the work place
Is there corruption in some unions? Yep, that's why you have RICCO and the FBI.

What the fuck....You want me to prove some taxpayers don't have enough for themselves and their families needs, let alone support obscene union wages and benefits ?

Get off the barstool, you ignorant drunk! I didn't "ask" you anything of the sort....READ and COMPREHEND WTF is going on here.
you don't prove anything, why should the rest of us.....

The chronology of the post makes you out to be a Bravo liar again and again...your denial nonwithstanding.
You do realize, posting opinion bullshit from Huffington and other far left websites doesn't constitute proof.....

Ahhh, but dopes like YOU BRAVO, cannot logically or factually disprove the SOURCED MATERIAL that appears on that particular website, can you now? To date, all you've offered is your beer soaked rage based on ignorance.
well, even if you don't, we do.

Who is this "we" you refer to Bravo? The beer soaked rummies that you squawk maudlin exchanges with? Didn't your mama teach you that your supposition and conjecture is NOT a substitute for documented facts?
And yes, laws are put in place to prevent abuse by the unions......thats why the recall in WI prevent unions from abusing the taxpayers.... PLease do some research as to the history of labor laws and unions in this country, you braying jackass. As for why Wisconsin can thank the Koch brothers and Citizen's United for that. Also, many Wisconsinites felt the Dem candidate was just a weaker version of Walker on many issues. Well, they got what they wished for...few years from now they'll have no one to blame but themselves.and perhaps you didn't know illegal aliens don't belong in this country in the first place...let 'en unionize in their home countries....

Only a willfully ignorant, drunken teabagger clown would suddenly suggest that "illegal" aliens were behind or largely involved in America's union history, let alone what went down in Wisconsin and why. Once again, Bravo gives the phrase "fucking stupid" a whole new depth!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You do realize that if it were not for labor unions, all the little perks and expectations that you take for granted in the work place would either be severely limited or non-existent, don't you?

I strongly urge you to do a refresher coarse on the history of the Labor Movement in America. Interesting stuff.

I get none of the perks,,,, that I know of.

I actually work for a living.

The last four words of your first sentence here is precisely the problem, my Libertarian lunkhead....YOU DON'T KNOW WTF YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

Like I said, do your homework on the Labor movement in America, and stop blowing smoke.
And if it wasn't for you mother's teat and her milk , you would have starved to death long ago....

does that prove we STILL require that teat....?

No one denies the unions of the past served a useful and necessary, they are mostly used to squeeze more money
from taxpayers that don't have enough for themselves and their families needs.....

Says he who sucks at the government teat for his daily bread, what a hypocrit...
Nice burn PMP.....poor TCL will be back ranting about proof and the chronology of posts soon, like the buffoon he is....claiming he proved something and we couldn't refute is bs.

Stop lying, you pitiful drunken Bravo! PMP is on IA, because the second you produce FACTS that contradict what info he comes across, he devolves into a babbling idiot not unlike yourself. Necons and their idiot cousins the teabaggers always get a severe case of myopia when en it comes to the performance of their tin gods. Case in point:

And as for teachers:

The state’s annual school staff report shows that school districts cut 2,312 positions for the 2011-12 school year, a 50 percent increase in staff losses from the previous school year.
The larger than usual cuts to school staff for the 2011-12 school year support projections from the Department of Workforce Development last fall. The majority of staff cuts, more than 60 percent, were among teachers.

■Statewide, 311 of 424 school districts, or 73 percent of districts, reported cutting teachers this year.
■Overall, public schools in Wisconsin are employing 1,446 fewer teachers this year than they did in the 2010-11 school year. This represents a 2.4 percent loss in full-time equivalent (FTE) teaching staff at a time when student enrollment is stable.
■The largest cuts statewide were to school librarians and career and technical education, special education, and reading teachers. For the current school year, there are 414 fewer elementary teachers in public schools, which is a staffing cut of about 2 percent statewide.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
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They PAY INTO THEIR PENSIONS, son. They're also TAXED when then start collecting on them. The recall option is in the Wisonsin law, you know. And stop exaggerating the time regarding the Dem protests by staying out of state, would ya please?

I didn't say they didn't, son. I said they were asked to pay closer to their fair share. Which they were not. Same thing on their health benefits. Are you denying that the bulk of his time in office has been spent in those situations? You might want to re-read as I did not specify a time that the Dems were out of the state. I said 80-90% of his time in office was when (1) they were out of State refusing to do their jobs (2) Massive protests by the unions and (3) dealing with the recall. That is a lot of time that could have been spent on other efforts to help the states economy and jobs.

Translation: corporations have wanted to put an end to unions ever since they became's not so much friendly as , "now we have our way". Given the number of teachers layed off, the budget is only in better shape because you have LESS people to pay. So unemployment goes up, but the "budget" is sound? And let's have some documentation on that cleaning up of unions, because he sure as hell left the cops and firemen alone.

1) you keep saying that a number of teachers were laid off. That is simply not the case. while they did cut positions, the bulk of them were simply attrition... people retiring or quitting and the positions were simply not refilled. That is not a layoff.

2) Unemployment has gone down, not up, in Wisconsin.

Maybe because as unemployment rises and now collective bargaining is targeted to die and COLA rises?

Wisconsin membership in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees-the state's second-largest public-sector union after the National Education Association, which represents teachers-fell to 28,745 in February from 62,818 in March 2011, according to a person who has viewed Afscme's figures. A spokesman for Afscme declined to comment.

Read more:

ROFLAMO... they lost over half of their members Taichi... it had nothing to do with the attrition of a few thousand jobs. It had to do with giving the employees a CHOICE. They chose not to go with the union.

Collective bargaining still exists for wages. It also exists for other benefits. The only thing that has changed is WHO the unions must negotiate with. Now they are required to justify benefit increases to the tax payers... you know... those people that have to pay for the increases.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal

They PAY INTO THEIR PENSIONS, son. They're also TAXED when then start collecting on them. The recall option is in the Wisonsin law, you know. And stop exaggerating the time regarding the Dem protests by staying out of state, would ya please?
I didn't say they didn't, son. I said they were asked to pay closer to their fair share. Which they were not. Same thing on their health benefits. Are you denying that the bulk of his time in office has been spent in those situations? You might want to re-read as I did not specify a time that the Dems were out of the state. I said 80-90% of his time in office was when (1) they were out of State refusing to do their jobs (2) Massive protests by the unions and (3) dealing with the recall. That is a lot of time that could have been spent on other efforts to help the states economy and jobs.

You forget to mention that the 3 points were IN RESPONSE TO WALKER'S proposed policies, which were definitely NOT what he campaigned on...unless YOU can produce quotes from his campaign that stated he was goign after collective bargaining and boosting tax cuts for the wealthy. Also, WHO decided that the teacher unions were NOT paying their fair share? Jokers like Walker? The Koch brothers? Funny that, because if that were indeed the case, why exempt cops and firemen for their political support.

Translation: corporations have wanted to put an end to unions ever since they became's not so much friendly as , "now we have our way". Given the number of teachers layed off, the budget is only in better shape because you have LESS people to pay. So unemployment goes up, but the "budget" is sound? And let's have some documentation on that cleaning up of unions, because he sure as hell left the cops and firemen alone.

1) you keep saying that a number of teachers were laid off. That is simply not the case. while they did cut positions, the bulk of them were simply attrition... people retiring or quitting and the positions were simply not refilled. That is not a layoff.

Sorry, but if you cut back on state and/or federal funding for education, you get lay offs. That's IN ADDITION to what you cite, and that is laid at the feat of Walker. Nice try, Freak...but the WHOLE truth, when carefully examined, does not support your myopia.

2) Unemployment has gone down, not up, in Wisconsin.

Proof please.

Maybe because as unemployment rises and now collective bargaining is targeted to die and COLA rises?

Wisconsin membership in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees-the state's second-largest public-sector union after the National Education Association, which represents teachers-fell to 28,745 in February from 62,818 in March 2011, according to a person who has viewed Afscme's figures. A spokesman for Afscme declined to comment.

Read more:

ROFLAMO... they lost over half of their members Taichi... it had nothing to do with the attrition of a few thousand jobs. It had to do with giving the employees a CHOICE. They chose not to go with the union.

Not quite, my chuckling Freak. as usual, your myopia misses the big picture. Even when the National review agrees with you in part, it brings in facts that contribute to the results:

Collective bargaining still exists for wages. It also exists for other benefits. The only thing that has changed is WHO the unions must negotiate with. Now they are required to justify benefit increases to the tax payers... you know... those people that have to pay for the increases.

You repeat a moot point, and then give a totally ass backwards explanation as to what happened in Wisconsin regarding collective bargaining. Collective bargaining goes on between the employer and union employees be they private or public...the taxpayers are represented by their elected officials, who BARGAIN with the unions. Got that? So if collective bargaining was so detrimental to the taxpayers, then why did Walker exempt the cops and firemen?
you need to look more closely... those jobs were cut, but they were done so (for the most part) with attrition... people retiring/quitting... not lay offs.

You need to dial back your revisionism.....cut means cut, termination.... NOT attrition by retirement or resignation. Stop trying to confuse or combine the two.

Again, pay attention, from the Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction:

The state’s annual school staff report shows that school districts cut 2,312 positions for the 2011-12 school year, a 50 percent increase in staff losses from the previous school year.
The larger than usual cuts to school staff for the 2011-12 school year support projections from the Department of Workforce Development last fall. The majority of staff cuts, more than 60 percent, were among teachers.

■Statewide, 311 of 424 school districts, or 73 percent of districts, reported cutting teachers this year.
■Overall, public schools in Wisconsin are employing 1,446 fewer teachers this year than they did in the 2010-11 school year. This represents a 2.4 percent loss in full-time equivalent (FTE) teaching staff at a time when student enrollment is stable.
■The largest cuts statewide were to school librarians and career and technical education, special education, and reading teachers. For the current school year, there are 414 fewer elementary teachers in public schools, which is a staffing cut of about 2 percent statewide.
The last four words of your first sentence here is precisely the problem, my Libertarian lunkhead....YOU DON'T KNOW WTF YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

Like I said, do your homework on the Labor movement in America, and stop blowing smoke.

My biggest problem with public unions is they contribute money to politicians that want a bigger government, less freedom, and make doing business a lot more harder than it should be.

What ever unions were at the start, they're not now.

Maybe "you" should look more closely at history.
The last four words of your first sentence here is precisely the problem, my Libertarian lunkhead....YOU DON'T KNOW WTF YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

Like I said, do your homework on the Labor movement in America, and stop blowing smoke.

It takes many union workers to do what one non-union worker can do.
My biggest problem with public unions is they contribute money to politicians that want a bigger government, less freedom, and make doing business a lot more harder than it should be.

What ever unions were at the start, they're not now.

Maybe "you" should look more closely at history.

Right. Like making it harder to make an obscene profit by disenfranchising their workers through low wages and shitty benefits. Oh, the evils of unions...
