Is Sex a priviledge or a right ?

saying sex is a right is like saying eating cheeseburgers is a right.
So you are saying that a state could legislate all sexual activity and not run afoul of the constitution? There is no right to agree with another person to have sex? What if no money is involved?
Stupid huh?

well just have sex in a public place and see what happens to ya. A registered sex offender for life at least I would expect.
Privacy is a legal requirement for sex.
Consentual sex in public would be no more than a misdemeanor in most states.
By Brian Alexander contributor
updated 5:55 p.m. ET Dec. 14, 2004

Brian Alexander

News of the illness of Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist has raised the issue of how President George Bush might change the Supreme Court. What does this have to do with sex?

Well, when it comes to sexual expression, a lot of people say, “There oughta be a law!” And politically powerful crusaders are already salivating over the possibilities. Concerned Women for America (CWA), for example, said last year that anal sex ought to be banned: “If we were really compassionate, we would be putting sodomy laws back on the books, not removing them.”

In fact, according to a search of state criminal code databases, there are already laws, lots of laws, regulating even private sexual expression. You might find some of them surprising.
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Occasionally, the surprises stem from the legislative zeal to be thorough. In Texas, for example, “public lewdness” is against the law. No surprise there. But you can commit public lewdness even in private if you are “reckless about whether another is present who will be offended or alarmed” by, among other things, an “act involving contact between the person’s mouth or genitals and the anus or genitals of an animal or fowl.” Apparently, as long as nobody’s offended or alarmed, Rhode Island Red better watch out.

What's indecent?
States also have a wide variety of definitions for such things as public indecency. In Indiana, for example, you might be indecent if your male genitals are completely covered but “in a discernibly turgid state.”

As a former adolescent male, this worries me.

If you’re traveling with a lover, and you are not married to each other, but feeling in the mood, you’d better not rent a hotel room in North Carolina because "any man and woman found occupying the same bedroom in any hotel, public inn, or boardinghouse for any immoral purpose...shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.”

Sex laws
Dec. 2: MSNBC columnist Brian Alexander describes some of the more archaic sex laws still on the books.

Sex under those circumstances would absolutely be “immoral” because, like many other states, North Carolina has laws against fornication whether you are in a hotel or just at home: “If any man and woman not being married to each other, shall lewdly and lasciviously associate, bed, and cohabit together, they shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.”

In Idaho, fornication can get you a $300 fine and six months in jail. But that’s a piece of cake compared to the penalty for adultery -- up to a $1,000 fine and three years in the state pen.

If you’re a man in Oklahoma, and you tell a virgin female you want to marry her, then you two commit fornication, you had better not change your mind about the marriage, Bub, or else you’ve committed a felony. You could go to jail for five years. Luckily, if you change your mind back again, and make an honest woman of her, all is forgiven.

Idaho, Indiana, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Texas are all conservative “red states.” Massachusetts, on the other hand, is the ultimate “blue state,” the state Bush accused of being full of “liberals” as if the state were a breeding ground for godless subversives. But it’s got some doozy sex laws. Adultery could get you three years in state prison. Sell a dildo, do five years. (I’ve previously mentioned anti-vibrator laws in Texas.) The state even has a catch-all statute for any “unnatural and lascivious act with another person.” The law doesn’t say just what is unnatural or lascivious.

Maryland appears to outlaw just about everything except the missionary position between married men and women. The law prescribes 10 years for “any unnatural or perverted sexual practice” like, say, oral sex. Not only that, but, says the law, the state can indict you without naming the particular act it’s accusing you of committing or even the manner in which you committed it.

more at link.
Sex in public

Whether you want to get frisky al fresco or sneak up on someone else who is, know the laws first.
The law unzipped

The Sexual Offences Act (2003) defines what's acceptable when it comes to unusual sexual practices and what might invite an angry mob at your court hearing. Whether you're into whipping out your tackle for all to see, invading someone's privacy, or getting it on in trains, planes, woods or car parks, here's what you need to know.

It is an offence to intentionally expose your genitals in public in the hope that it'll cause alarm or distress. Even if you're hoping for a round of applause, you risk arrest. The law applies to males and females, but has been phrased carefully to avoid prosecuting naturists and streakers (who still risk breaking public nuisance laws).

Punishment: Up to two years in prison, and/or a fine

It is illegal to seek sexual gratification by observing/ recording/ broadcasting another person doing a private act (such as undressing, having sex, or anything you would not ordinarily do in public). This is designed to protect you from being watched without your knowledge or consent via anything from hidden webcam to a hole in the wall. The law exists to protect you, and prosecute pervs caught with their pants down.

Punishment: Up to two years in prison, and/or a fine
Sex in public places

The Sexual Offences Act (2003) doesn't legislate specifically against this practice. Public order offences exist that guard against outraging taste and decency (i.e. shagging in the supermarket aisle), but permits sex in an isolated place so long as you have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Your sexy public places

Our Saucy survey revealed you lot are definitely not shy of airing your bits outdoors with fields, parks and woods coming up as top choice. Check the survey out for the rest of your top 10, and the more unusual choices...
Sex laws
Dec. 2: MSNBC columnist Brian Alexander describes some of the more archaic sex laws still on the books.

Sex under those circumstances would absolutely be “immoral” because, like many other states, North Carolina has laws against fornication whether you are in a hotel or just at home: “If any man and woman not being married to each other, shall lewdly and lasciviously associate, bed, and cohabit together, they shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.”

In Idaho, fornication can get you a $300 fine and six months in jail. But that’s a piece of cake compared to the penalty for adultery -- up to a $1,000 fine and three years in the state pen.

If you’re a man in Oklahoma, and you tell a virgin female you want to marry her, then you two commit fornication, you had better not change your mind about the marriage, Bub, or else you’ve committed a felony. You could go to jail for five years. Luckily, if you change your mind back again, and make an honest woman of her, all is forgiven.

Idaho, Indiana, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Texas are all conservative “red states.” Massachusetts, on the other hand, is the ultimate “blue state,” the state Bush accused of being full of “liberals” as if the state were a breeding ground for godless subversives. But it’s got some doozy sex laws. Adultery could get you three years in state prison. Sell a dildo, do five years. (I’ve previously mentioned anti-vibrator laws in Texas.) The state even has a catch-all statute for any “unnatural and lascivious act with another person.” The law doesn’t say just what is unnatural or lascivious.

Maryland appears to outlaw just about everything except the missionary position between married men and women. The law prescribes 10 years for “any unnatural or perverted sexual practice” like, say, oral sex. Not only that, but, says the law, the state can indict you without naming the particular act it’s accusing you of committing or even the manner in which you committed it.

more at link.

Those are blue laws that are only on the books because everyones forgotten about them and no prosecutor ever brings up charges. If a prosecutor actually did try to put you in prison for 10 years for having anal sex with your wife, the law would have attention brought to it and it would probably be amended before the trial began.
So you are saying that a state could legislate all sexual activity and not run afoul of the constitution? There is no right to agree with another person to have sex? What if no money is involved?

no im not saying that. And I wouldn't agree that the government should legislate cheeseburgers either.

So I guess I do have a right to cheeseburgers, yet it still sounds ridiculous when I say that. And that was basically my point.