Is Sex a priviledge or a right ?

Each individual has the right to their own body and the right to freely act so long as it does not violate the rights of another (s).

So, Watermark has the right to nail his "girlfriend", so long as "she" consents. ;)
'You have the Right to remain silent...anything you say can and will be used against have the right to have a attorney present...please exercise your rights while being frisky...:rolleyes:
Each individual has the right to their own body and the right to freely act so long as it does not violate the rights of another (s).

So, Watermark has the right to nail his "girlfriend", so long as "she" consents. ;)

which she wont. no girl will. So i guess watermark doesn't have that right ;)
Each individual has the right to their own body and the right to freely act so long as it does not violate the rights of another (s).

So, Watermark has the right to nail his "girlfriend", so long as "she" consents. ;)

I think that the state should be able to intervene in situations where the outcome is individually beneficial but mutually destructive. Otherwise, I agree with the "your right to swing your fist stops at my nose" rule.

And hopefully a girl will screw me, though it's not likely while I'm spouting out sentences like the two preceding ones.
People really don't understand what freedoms are anymore.

I read this hard right wing Christian newspaper once, and someone went into a long winded boring diatribe about his thoughts on freedom. His point was, basically "you only get the right to play the violin after years of hard practice". I'm like, WTF? DUMB FUCKING CHRISTIANS. You ALWAYS have the right to play the violin, but having the right to do something doesn't necessarily imply having the ability to do so.

And what's sad is that, if you showed that article to most of the people in my state, or in the US, they'd probably nod in agreement, because they just have no fucking idea what freedom means anymore. The word has degenerated into nothing, just an adjective with a positive connotation that you can attach to any vague idea.
People really don't understand what freedoms are anymore.
I read this hard right wing Christian newspaper once, and someone went into a long winded boring diatribe about his thoughts on freedom. His point was, basically "you only get the right to play the violin after years of hard practice". I'm like, WTF? DUMB FUCKING CHRISTIANS. You ALWAYS have the right to play the violin, but having the right to do something doesn't necessarily imply having the ability to do so.

And what's sad is that, if you showed that article to most of the people in my state, or in the US, they'd probably nod in agreement, because they just have no fucking idea what freedom means anymore. The word has degenerated into nothing, just an adjective with a positive connotation that you can attach to any vague idea.

yeah, you support jacking off to rape, no wonder you are puzzled