APP - Is showing a photo ID racist?

Is showing a picture ID for any purpose racist

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There is a lot of consternation over Voter ID laws, which by the way, an overwhelming majority of Americans support. The opponents of Voter ID claim that they are racist and disenfranchise their voter base because presumably they don't have picture ID

This raises the question is showing an ID at any time racist. Because one would assume that if they don't have a picture ID, then these same people could not partake in the listed activities below? So are these folks who supposedly don't have pictured ID being disenfranchised? If so, why isn't anyone complaining about it?

Cash a check
Buy a gun
Test drive a car
Apply for most jobs
Pick up your own kids from your public school
Rent tools from a hardware store
Buy over the counter allergy medicine
Get married
Apply for a passport
Rent a hotel room
Pick up tickets for events at a box office
Close a real estate sale
Identify a loved one’s remains
Sign up for a rewards card at a grocery store
Redeem a lottery ticket
Get on an airplane
Buy a beer at a restaurant
Fill out and submit an I-9 tax form (actually TWO forms of ID required!)
Return merchandise at many retail stores
Take professional exams in industries like insurance, accounting, finance, etc.
Pick up items at a store purchased online
Buy spray paint
Get a package from Fedex or UPS
Buy a car
Rent an apartment
Get a fishing or hunting license
Apply for government housing
Play sports in some youth leagues
Apply for Social Security/Medicare
Pay a cable bill
Camp at a state park campground
Get on an Amtrak train
There is a lot of consternation over Voter ID laws, which by the way, an overwhelming majority of Americans support. The opponents of Voter ID claim that they are racist and disenfranchise their voter base because presumably they don't have picture ID

This raises the question is showing an ID at any time racist. Because one would assume that if they don't have a picture ID, then these same people could not partake in the listed activities below? So are these folks who supposedly don't have pictured ID being disenfranchised? If so, why isn't anyone complaining about it?

Cash a check
Buy a gun
Test drive a car
Apply for most jobs
Pick up your own kids from your public school
Rent tools from a hardware store
Buy over the counter allergy medicine
Get married
Apply for a passport
Rent a hotel room
Pick up tickets for events at a box office
Close a real estate sale
Identify a loved one’s remains
Sign up for a rewards card at a grocery store
Redeem a lottery ticket
Get on an airplane
Buy a beer at a restaurant
Fill out and submit an I-9 tax form (actually TWO forms of ID required!)
Return merchandise at many retail stores
Take professional exams in industries like insurance, accounting, finance, etc.
Pick up items at a store purchased online
Buy spray paint
Get a package from Fedex or UPS
Buy a car
Rent an apartment
Get a fishing or hunting license
Apply for government housing
Play sports in some youth leagues
Apply for Social Security/Medicare
Pay a cable bill
Camp at a state park campground
Get on an Amtrak train

I guess all the liberals bailed; because the only sound are crickets.
I guess all the liberals bailed; because the only sound are crickets.

I think it is clear that they know they can't respond without calling names which is against APP rules. That is why they stay over on the less moderated side of JPP so they can flame away.

In just two days, I have totally exposed the left wingers on this board for what they are.

GOP fails to keep Black voters down

Millions of Americans voted for the first time during the 2008 presidential election. The outcome made history when then-Senator Barack Obama was voted in as the 44th president of the U.S. This win was a true testament of democracy and the power of voting. Blacks and other minorities were not the only ones realizing the power of their votes, but the GOP witnessed it as
showing ID is not racist. demanding ID could be. a better statement would be that requiring ID is a step forward to excluding any group of people/persons that the requiree wants to.
No it's not "racist" there is some question about interfering in an ENUMERATED RIGHT in the Constitution, though.

Rights are not unlimited, we regulate them all the time.

I'm for a national ID, since we are all screwing around trying to harden states ID's ( but I don't want to side track this)

The usual argument: "you can't prove widespead fraud"
Well OK -but I KNOW people who vote have multiple drivers liscenses/ID's

why not the small thing of presentation??
Make them free to the indigent - and not the restriction's NC just put on their voter ID laws.,,,
North Carolina's sweeping voter ID law faces legal challenge

While some will try to make this seem to be controversial, the simple reality is that requiring voters to provide a photo ID when they vote is a common sense idea,” McCrory also said. “This new law brings our state in line with a healthy majority of other states throughout the country.”

The suit specifically targets the parts of the law that eliminate a week of early voting, end same-day registration, and prohibit "out-of-precinct" voting.

The changes will not take effect until the 2016 elections, the governor said in a 95-second video his office posted on YouTube.

The new law allows voters to cast a provisional ballot if they come to a polling station without proper ID. The hours to cast an early ballot remain the same, and there will be 10 days for voters to cast their ballot early.
Read more:

No it's not "racist" there is some question about interfering in an ENUMERATED RIGHT in the Constitution, though.

Rights are not unlimited, we regulate them all the time.
words in the constitution that say 'shall make no law, shall not be infringed, among other amendments where federal action is specifically forbidden does not mean that rights can be regulated. just because a black robed tyrant gives a bullshit opinion backed by citizens who are cowards doesn't make it so.
words in the constitution that say 'shall make no law, shall not be infringed, among other amendments where federal action is specifically forbidden does not mean that rights can be regulated. just because a black robed tyrant gives a bullshit opinion backed by citizens who are cowards doesn't make it so.
I MUCH respect Original Intent, I am a HUGE supporter of Federalism, the division of powers enumerated, and the 10th which enumerates the lack of Fed'l powers.

That said; SCOTUS does make rulings, and we get stare decisis -what was once "Marblecake Federalism" is now the hackneyed gobbledegook of "New Federalism"

maybe I didn't directly address your point - allow me to please expound on an issue dear to myself
There is a lot of consternation over Voter ID laws, which by the way, an overwhelming majority of Americans support. The opponents of Voter ID claim that they are racist and disenfranchise their voter base because presumably they don't have picture ID

This raises the question is showing an ID at any time racist. Because one would assume that if they don't have a picture ID, then these same people could not partake in the listed activities below? So are these folks who supposedly don't have pictured ID being disenfranchised? If so, why isn't anyone complaining about it?

Cash a check
Buy a gun
Test drive a car
Apply for most jobs
Pick up your own kids from your public school
Rent tools from a hardware store
Buy over the counter allergy medicine
Get married
Apply for a passport
Rent a hotel room
Pick up tickets for events at a box office
Close a real estate sale
Identify a loved one’s remains
Sign up for a rewards card at a grocery store
Redeem a lottery ticket
Get on an airplane
Buy a beer at a restaurant
Fill out and submit an I-9 tax form (actually TWO forms of ID required!)
Return merchandise at many retail stores
Take professional exams in industries like insurance, accounting, finance, etc.
Pick up items at a store purchased online
Buy spray paint
Get a package from Fedex or UPS
Buy a car
Rent an apartment
Get a fishing or hunting license
Apply for government housing
Play sports in some youth leagues
Apply for Social Security/Medicare
Pay a cable bill
Camp at a state park campground
Get on an Amtrak train

Bullshit. I have done at least half of the things on your list without and ID and further I entirely question the relevance in any manner to voting rights.
If you are registered, you have proven you are a voter.
Bullshit. I have done at least half of the things on your list without and ID and further I entirely question the relevance in any manner to voting rights.
If you are registered, you have proven you are a voter.
not really, not without some proof that you are the registree.

Reminds me of an old MASH skit:

Situations were bizarre, such as in the third season episode "Officer of the Day" where Hawkeye treats a series of civilian patients with the same ID for a Kim Luck, prompting Hawkeye to quip, "It's our Kim Luck-y day."
Bullshit. I have done at least half of the things on your list without and ID and further I entirely question the relevance in any manner to voting rights.
If you are registered, you have proven you are a voter.

Please refrain from using that language on APP
No it's not "racist" there is some question about interfering in an ENUMERATED RIGHT in the Constitution, though.

Rights are not unlimited, we regulate them all the time.

I'm for a national ID, since we are all screwing around trying to harden states ID's ( but I don't want to side track this)

The usual argument: "you can't prove widespead fraud"
Well OK -but I KNOW people who vote have multiple drivers liscenses/ID's

why not the small thing of presentation??
Make them free to the indigent - and not the restriction's NC just put on their voter ID laws.,,,

Who would risk the fine to cast a statistically insignificant vote? IIRC the fine is $10,000. Purposeful voter fraud makes no sense at all and is a non-issue.