APP - Is showing a photo ID racist?

Is showing a picture ID for any purpose racist

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Bullshit. I have done at least half of the things on your list without and ID and further I entirely question the relevance in any manner to voting rights.
If you are registered, you have proven you are a voter.

So are the other things racist and do they disenfranchise folks? How do these folks do these things without ID?
You tell me. It is your stupid list and I still don't see how it is relevant to voter rights.

We have reasonable restrictions on all of our rights right? Surely you don't want terrorists and felons voting do you? Same argument left wingers use for trying to restrict voting rights

I don't see why left wingers think it is a burden proving you are who you say you are. Unless they want to cheat and voter ID keeps them from cheating?
voter ID is a ploy to eliminate dead people, illegals, multiple voters and other members of the Democratic base from voting.......
Please explain your theory in greater detail. I can;t grasp what the problem is as you see it.

the "Kim LucK' is just a joking post. No "theory" just that I would not want my vote cancelled out in Florida,
by someone whom has a NY address, but also a Fl. Driver's liscense, and address.

We really don't know if this is a real problem ; I would doubt it is major, as voting irregularites go.
Still I can't see anything wrong with ID as proof that you are whom you say you are as you exercise your right of franchise.

Can you?

There needs to be free ID, and even transportation or the indigent/elderly/disabled, to aquire ID.

Just do this - I can't see any major problems associated with this then.
I am not for restricting voting, such as shortening early voting. Spot registration is fine too -with a valid proof of ID.
the "Kim LucK' is just a joking post. No "theory" just that I would not want my vote cancelled out in Florida,
by someone whom has a NY address, but also a Fl. Driver's liscense, and address.

We really don't know if this is a real problem ; I would doubt it is major, as voting irregularites go.
Still I can't see anything wrong with ID as proof that you are whom you say you are as you exercise your right of franchise.

Can you?

There needs to be free ID, and even transportation or the indigent/elderly/disabled, to aquire ID.

Just do this - I can't see any major problems associated with this then.
I am not for restricting voting, such as shortening early voting. Spot registration is fine too -with a valid proof of ID.

They can't reasonably argue that there is anything wrong with asking for ID so they fall back on their tried and true playbook. RACISM
the "Kim LucK' is just a joking post. No "theory" just that I would not want my vote cancelled out in Florida,
by someone whom has a NY address, but also a Fl. Driver's liscense, and address.

We really don't know if this is a real problem ; I would doubt it is major, as voting irregularites go.
Still I can't see anything wrong with ID as proof that you are whom you say you are as you exercise your right of franchise.

Can you?

There needs to be free ID, and even transportation or the indigent/elderly/disabled, to aquire ID.

Just do this - I can't see any major problems associated with this then.
I am not for restricting voting, such as shortening early voting. Spot registration is fine too -with a valid proof of ID.

If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
There is a lot of consternation over Voter ID laws, which by the way, an overwhelming majority of Americans support. The opponents of Voter ID claim that they are racist and disenfranchise their voter base because presumably they don't have picture ID

This raises the question is showing an ID at any time racist. Because one would assume that if they don't have a picture ID, then these same people could not partake in the listed activities below? So are these folks who supposedly don't have pictured ID being disenfranchised? If so, why isn't anyone complaining about it?

Cash a check
Buy a gun
Test drive a car
Apply for most jobs
Pick up your own kids from your public school
Rent tools from a hardware store
Buy over the counter allergy medicine
Get married
Apply for a passport
Rent a hotel room
Pick up tickets for events at a box office
Close a real estate sale
Identify a loved one’s remains
Sign up for a rewards card at a grocery store
Redeem a lottery ticket
Get on an airplane
Buy a beer at a restaurant
Fill out and submit an I-9 tax form (actually TWO forms of ID required!)
Return merchandise at many retail stores
Take professional exams in industries like insurance, accounting, finance, etc.
Pick up items at a store purchased online
Buy spray paint
Get a package from Fedex or UPS
Buy a car
Rent an apartment
Get a fishing or hunting license
Apply for government housing
Play sports in some youth leagues
Apply for Social Security/Medicare
Pay a cable bill
Camp at a state park campground
Get on an Amtrak train

I think the question of racism (or sexism, or homophobia) is partially answered by the question--does this proposed action have an effect that makes things worse for an easily defined group of people? Voter ID laws undoubtedly DO affect older people, people of color, college students and Democrats more than they affect the 18- to 60 folks, whites, people not now college students, and Republicans. Besides, the Constitution is pretty clear about the right to vote, and case law is clear on the right of college students to vote near their college, even if North Carolina missed that part of the Bar Exam.

You need an ID to get a FedEX package? Not in my neighborhood! Buy a gun..or beer? Papers please hasn't reached that far where I live. I haven't been carded for beer since I was 36. I think you should have to show ID to buy a gun, but Congress hasn't taken it that far.

Part of the problem is what kind of ID will do? I once had a prospective tenant show a photo in the local newspaper identifying him as Mr.X. That was supposed to be adequate ID to rent an apartment. I didn't rent to him for other reasons, but gets and "A" from me for creative Self Identification.

It is quite possible, as North Carolina is doing, to declare that the kind of ID most likely to be presented by the people you are trying to exclude to be useless for the purpose of voter identification. Literacy tests pre-1965 did not sound as racist as they were, until you saw what the American South was using to "prove" literacy. Requiring a birth certificate for identification sounds fine, but it is a real problem for older rural people who may never have had their birth registered anywhere, even if they have been voting for the last fifty years. If a policy is racist in its effects, it is racist, no matter how meek and mild it sounds.
Originally posted by Minerva

I think you should have to show ID to buy a gun, but Congress hasn't taken it that far.

I didn't take exception to anything posted except this. This is simply not reality.
I think the question of racism (or sexism, or homophobia) is partially answered by the question--does this proposed action have an effect that makes things worse for an easily defined group of people? Voter ID laws undoubtedly DO affect older people, people of color, college students and Democrats more than they affect the 18- to 60 folks, whites, people not now college students, and Republicans. Besides, the Constitution is pretty clear about the right to vote, and case law is clear on the right of college students to vote near their college, even if North Carolina missed that part of the Bar Exam.

You need an ID to get a FedEX package? Not in my neighborhood! Buy a gun..or beer? Papers please hasn't reached that far where I live. I haven't been carded for beer since I was 36. I think you should have to show ID to buy a gun, but Congress hasn't taken it that far.

Part of the problem is what kind of ID will do? I once had a prospective tenant show a photo in the local newspaper identifying him as Mr.X. That was supposed to be adequate ID to rent an apartment. I didn't rent to him for other reasons, but gets and "A" from me for creative Self Identification.

It is quite possible, as North Carolina is doing, to declare that the kind of ID most likely to be presented by the people you are trying to exclude to be useless for the purpose of voter identification. Literacy tests pre-1965 did not sound as racist as they were, until you saw what the American South was using to "prove" literacy. Requiring a birth certificate for identification sounds fine, but it is a real problem for older rural people who may never have had their birth registered anywhere, even if they have been voting for the last fifty years. If a policy is racist in its effects, it is racist, no matter how meek and mild it sounds.

Well thought out post.

It does make one wonder, what is it about these democrat constituencies that try all are always negatively impacted by EVERYTHING?
I think the question of racism (or sexism, or homophobia) is partially answered by the question--does this proposed action have an effect that makes things worse for an easily defined group of people? Voter ID laws undoubtedly DO affect older people, people of color, college students and Democrats more than they affect the 18- to 60 folks, whites, people not now college students, and Republicans. Besides, the Constitution is pretty clear about the right to vote, and case law is clear on the right of college students to vote near their college, even if North Carolina missed that part of the Bar Exam.

You need an ID to get a FedEX package? Not in my neighborhood! Buy a gun..or beer? Papers please hasn't reached that far where I live. I haven't been carded for beer since I was 36. I think you should have to show ID to buy a gun, but Congress hasn't taken it that far.

Part of the problem is what kind of ID will do? I once had a prospective tenant show a photo in the local newspaper identifying him as Mr.X. That was supposed to be adequate ID to rent an apartment. I didn't rent to him for other reasons, but gets and "A" from me for creative Self Identification.

It is quite possible, as North Carolina is doing, to declare that the kind of ID most likely to be presented by the people you are trying to exclude to be useless for the purpose of voter identification. Literacy tests pre-1965 did not sound as racist as they were, until you saw what the American South was using to "prove" literacy. Requiring a birth certificate for identification sounds fine, but it is a real problem for older rural people who may never have had their birth registered anywhere, even if they have been voting for the last fifty years. If a policy is racist in its effects, it is racist, no matter how meek and mild it sounds.

You've made some excellent points and I want to comment on the one about FedEx packages. NIMBY, not FedEx, UPS or any other carrier. Another one was renting a hotel room. I've done that quite a few times this year and when you check in some of them are asking to see a credit card and ID. So I give them the credit card only, and nobody ever turned me away for not providing another form of ID. After googling this I found out they can ask you, but they can't not rent you the room if you don't show another form of ID. Really the only place I've been showing photo ID is Costco.
No it's not "racist" there is some question about interfering in an ENUMERATED RIGHT in the Constitution, though.

Rights are not unlimited, we regulate them all the time.

I'm for a national ID, since we are all screwing around trying to harden states ID's ( but I don't want to side track this)

The usual argument: "you can't prove widespead fraud"
Well OK -but I KNOW people who vote have multiple drivers liscenses/ID's

why not the small thing of presentation??
Make them free to the indigent - and not the restriction's NC just put on their voter ID laws.,,,

I'm just curious and not trying to be snarky. What's the purpose that people you know have multiple licenses and IDs? Are they in the crime business?