Is Target the new Walmart?

I think they are the same.
a few things are in bulk, like a bundle of 15 rolls of paper towells, but you don't have to buy a pack of 10 wide screen TV's :)

I wouldn't mind checking it out. But I do know that I really like costco's and they are pretty good to their employees so its got one up on Sams, plus as leaning points out Sams is owned by Walmart or Vice Versa, but I haven't heard about any mobs at Sams or women not getting promoted, so I'm guessing they are doing an okay job at keeping the riff raff out.
My mom used to shop at Sam's all the time before she died, even though it was just her and dad. She kept buying in bulk just like when all of us kids were at home. Now dad still thinks he has to go to Sam's and buy his Moon Pies and Honey Nut Cheerios and Progresso Soup by the case. Old habits die hard I guess.
That is just a myth, it is the elitist wannabee righties that avoid it the most.

Really?? I was always under the impression that it was the far left leaning folks who don't like Walmart because of their anti-union employment practices and their overseas sweat shops. Who knew? :)
i like super targets.

I kind of wish there were stores that had age requirements. As part of the war on children, I'd like to reintroduce segregation based on age. Once again kids ruined an otherwise pleasant outing and place of commerce.
Well how about no children zones in restaurants ?
Those little boogers carry all kinds of diseases, and second hand baby poop odor is deadly.
Ban the bastards from planes too. I caught a nice little cold from some snot nosed kid flying back from DC this weekend. No more than one child per plane. If ya have more....ya drive.
Ban the bastards from planes too. I caught a nice little cold from some snot nosed kid flying back from DC this weekend. No more than one child per plane. If ya have more....ya drive.

Now Super, that's just cruel and ridiculous. They should be muzzled and put with the animals if they cause any kind of disruption or if they are sick.
"Now Super, that's just cruel and ridiculous. They should be muzzled and put with the animals if they cause any kind of disruption or if they are sick."

Nope... I don't want them in Cargo either. There could be innocent dogs riding in there.
"Now Super, that's just cruel and ridiculous. They should be muzzled and put with the animals if they cause any kind of disruption or if they are sick."

Nope... I don't want them in Cargo either. There could be innocent dogs riding in there.

Well, I'm not unreasonable. We can compromise and put them next to the place where teh landing gear folds into.