Is the bird flu fake?

MSG does not induce headaches.
This common salt is not 'bad' for anyone.

I think you are paranoid about food.
MSG has been implicated as a trigger for migraines. My wife and I have eaten the exact same Chinese dish. She immediately got a migraine afterwards and puked her toenails up. She has had the same reaction to only fine MSG was used in the preparation of other foods, Fritos are also very high in fat and salt both not great for you in large amounts.
Yep, the #MalignantMessiah did a number on us, didn't he? Time for Round #2 because idiots never learn the first time they get burned.

It was the Chinese Disease that did the number on us. It came here on incoming flights from Europe and then there was nothing we could do.
It was the Chinese Disease that did the number on us. It came here on incoming flights from Europe and then there was nothing we could do.

It spread across the entire planet and affected every single country. Explain to us, why don't you, why America -- one of the most advanced nations on Earth -- had a higher death rate than other modern first world countries. No point in trying to argue that the above statement is not true. It IS true. #TRE45ON bungled the thing horribly, and caused the deaths of thousands of our people due to his incompetence and failure to act like a leader.

First, nobody knows if they're perfectly healthy. They can appear perfectly healthy, but still be carrying bird flu.
Here, you are fear mongering. Do you seriously go through life on a daily basis believing that you "appear perfectly healthy" yet "might be carrying [insert "super scary" disease here]"? Why worry about such things? Worrying doesn't add a single hour to your life... Instead, trust in God!
The reason "stamping out" occurs is to prevent spread. It's a standard process in agriculture.
Well, it's not working. Bird flu still exists and is still spreading.
If you don't do that, and hope/assume the other potentially exposed animals are healthy, you can end up in a much, much worse situation, which is what's happening now.
IOW, all of the culling of many tens of thousands of perfectly healthy chickens did NOT "prevent spread" and has STILL become, as you call it, a "much, much worse situation"??
45,000 chickens were found to be sick and dying in mid-January. Since 2022, 50 million chickens have been killed trying to stop the spread.
IOW, many of these chickens were needlessly culled.
It's not working and now bird flu is spreading to cats and cows.

Of course, stuff like this is likely unimportant in the world of a conspiracy theorist.....
Because they're protected by all of the kids with sane parents who get their kids vaccinated.
No they aren't.
That's how herd immunity works, unfortunately.
No, it's not.
The crazy ones are actually protected by the sane people.
The problems start when you get lots of crazies in one place, who aren't protected by sane people around them.
The problems start when you let illegal aliens invade the country.
See Gaines county in TX.

Measles outbreak expands in West Texas around county with low vaccination rate

A measles outbreak is growing in a rural area of West Texas where vaccination rates are well below the recommended level.
In late January, two children in Gaines County were hospitalized for measles. On Wednesday, the state health department shared in a health alert that the number of confirmed cases had grown to six.

As of Friday afternoon, the outbreak has jumped to 14 confirmed cases and six probable cases among people who are symptomatic and had close contact with infected individuals, Zach Holbrooks, executive director of the South Plains Public Health District, told CNN.

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Alright, so the Texas Dept of State Health Services (TDSHS) has reported ~90 measles cases thus far (statewide, not just in Gaines County, although most of them are in Gaines County). 16 of those cases have resulted in hospitalization. Five of those patients were vaccinated, so your mantra about "sane people" vs "crazy people" is stupid.
Birds that are free range are healthier, and bird flu isn't a marked problem anywhere. The biggest thing those farmers have to worry about is predators (everyone loves chicken!).
I have a family member with a flock of the most free of free range chickens. They roam all over the property. Birds of prey will circle above them from time to time, looking for a yummy chicken dinner, but the roosters keep the hens safe. If the roosters sense danger, then they will quickly communicate with the hens and the hens will quickly scurry away and take cover. Those roosters are very experienced at safety precautions, especially the "boss rooster". Most of the chickens within this flock die of natural causes at an old age. Bird flu has never been a concern.

I have another family member with chickens too, but I'm not familiar with the setup. I think they're "free range" though.

A friend of mine also has chickens. My friend has a fenced-in outdoor area for them to move around a little bit and "still be chickens", but without the threat of anything scooping up dinner.
I am interested in the position of the Cult.

Is the Bird Flu fake? Neville, the Felon accuses Biden of killing all the hens for no good reason. Thoughts?
Do you have a list of folks you think are "cult members" on this site? I've never heard anyone say the bird flu was "fake", nor have I seen it anywhere. Pointing out that killing hundreds of millions of chickens while also making laws about "cage free" eggs (Colorado did) will increase the prices of eggs is not saying that something else is "fake".
Wow. It's apparent you are as ignorant as you seem.
Ignorance isn't Into The Night's problem; it is YOUR problem. I will show you why in just a second.
I am curious how you tell when a bird is infected? Does it have a cough? runny nose? Do you take their temperature daily or hourly?
A bird will typically display symptoms of infection. It might cough, it might sneeze, it might be lethargic, it might have discharge, etc etc... It's quite simple to distinguish a healthy bird from a sick bird.
How do you separate them before they can infect others based on how you are telling when they are infected?
You can't guarantee that other chickens won't get infected, but such separation of chickens typically involves grabbing the sick chicken and putting/keeping it in a different and contained area from the other chickens. A similar process can also be used on a broody hen.
Then how do you treat infected birds that have caught a virus? Antibiotics? Chicken soup?
There is no "miracle drug" to give them. Treatment usually involves separating them and making them as comfortable as possible (rest, food, water). The chicken might recover; the chicken might die.
Bird flu is spread by migrating birds. I guess we should just designate no poop when flying zones for those birds. That would eliminate the spread of disease by fecal matter.
Interesting. So bird flu is spread by migrating birds, yet "we" must "stop the spread" by culling entire herds of chickens (which aren't even migrating birds btw)? How does that prevent migrating birds from spreading bird flu? I suspect that "no poop zones" would work about as well as "no gun zones"......... Heck, maybe leftists should just "ban all birds" like they wish to "ban all guns". :rofl2:
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Is the bird flu fake? Over 100 cases of Measles now reported in Tex. China's CDC just announced a new strain of Covid found in bats, schools all across the country reporting the RSV virus closing down class rooms....nah, the bird is fake.
Here, you are fear mongering. Do you seriously go through life on a daily basis believing that you "appear perfectly healthy" yet "might be carrying [insert "super scary" disease here]"? Why worry about such things? Worrying doesn't add a single hour to your life... Instead, trust in God!

Well, it's not working. Bird flu still exists and is still spreading.

IOW, all of the culling of many tens of thousands of perfectly healthy chickens did NOT "prevent spread" and has STILL become, as you call it, a "much, much worse situation"??

IOW, many of these chickens were needlessly culled.

Since proven processes, like stamping out, aren't what you think should be done, then what do YOU think should be done? Maybe we should all just pray it doesn't spread?
No they aren't.
Yes they are. That is literally how vaccines work.
No, it's not.
Yes it is.

The problems start when you let illegal aliens invade the country.

Alright, so the Texas Dept of State Health Services (TDSHS) has reported ~90 measles cases thus far (statewide, not just in Gaines County, although most of them are in Gaines County). 16 of those cases have resulted in hospitalization. Five of those patients were vaccinated, so your mantra about "sane people" vs "crazy people" is stupid.
"The problems start when you let illegal aliens invade the country."

That CAN start a problem when you have a county full of tin foil hat/conspirators in a border town who decided that they "Don't need no stinkin' gob'ment vaccines!".

BTW, since you want to blame illegals, when is the last time you heard about a measles outbreak in Mexico, hmmmmm?

Ignorance isn't Into The Night's problem; it is YOUR problem. I will show you why in just a second.

A bird will typically display symptoms of infection. It might cough, it might sneeze, it might be lethargic, it might have discharge, etc etc... It's quite simple to distinguish a healthy bird from a sick bird.

You can't guarantee that other chickens won't get infected, but such separation of chickens typically involves grabbing the sick chicken and putting/keeping it in a different and contained area from the other chickens. A similar process can also be used on a broody hen.

There is no "miracle drug" to give them. Treatment usually involves separating them and making them as comfortable as possible (rest, food, water). The chicken might recover; the chicken might die.

Interesting. So bird flu is spread by migrating birds, yet "we" must "stop the spread" by culling entire herds of chickens (which aren't even migrating birds btw)? How does that prevent migrating birds from spreading bird flu? I suspect that "no poop zones" would work about as well as "no gun zones"......... Heck, maybe leftists should just "ban all birds" like they wish to "ban all guns". :rofl2:
It looks like you are also ignorant. Most viral disease is contagious before symptoms of illness are visible in the spreader. If you are only culling obviously sick birds then you will keep culling sick birds until you have culled your entire flock because the virus will be spread by birds that don't yet show signs of illness and the fecal matter of those birds.