Is the COVID "pandemic" becoming another HOLOCAUST??

Alt righter posts, "Having competent political leaders trying to save lives in a healthcare emergency is just like what the Nazis did to the Jews"... He could not be more wrong.
Not what I said (there's a reason you didn't quote anything that I actually said) ... I've already explained my reasoning in the OP and subsequent posts.
I swear that I am the protagonist in a real life version of the movie Idiocracy... For fucks sake, dude........ learn how to read...

Take as much time as you need... From my OP: "Attached below is a Nazi propaganda poster which circulated around Poland in 1941, which reads (when roughly translated): "Jews are lice; they cause typhus".

Again, take as much time as you need to not go into complete moron mode and to comprehend basic English.


You are the brawndo drinkers piss sipper
The Demonkkkrat Party is currently, via their bigotry, labeling "conservatives" as "unvaccinated", and labeling "unvaccinated" as "disease carriers".

It is their position that "conservatives"/"unvaccinated"/"disease carriers" are causing and prolonging the global COVID-19 outbreak, and that such "disease carriers" should be rounded up and put into "quarantine camps".

I ask everyone on this forum: Does this not sound like what the Nazis did to the Jews??

History is, once again, repeating itself. Only this time, it isn't "typhus spreading" "disease carrying" Jews who are being targeted and rounded up into concentration camps... THIS time, it is "COVID spreading" "disease carrying" "unvaccinated conservatives" who are being targeted and will eventually on a widespread basis be rounded up into concentration camps...

Just like the Jews were labeled as "disease carriers" during the Holocaust era, "unvaccinated conservatives" are currently being labeled as "disease carriers".

There is nothing new under the sun. Attached below is a Nazi propaganda poster which circulated around Poland in 1941, which reads (when roughly translated): "Jews are lice; they cause typhus".


View attachment 21721

yes. they're trying to do a pogrom against free thinkers and patriots.
Joe Biden: "For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm."

Nancy Pelosi: "They are selfishly an endangerment to other people, including staff people here," Pelosi said Thursday of her colleagues who haven't been vaccinated.

"We have a responsibility to make sure that the House of Representatives chamber is not a petri dish because of the selfishness of some not to be vaccinated,"

“We could come to a place where we say if you don't want to wear a mask and … you're not vaccinated, don't even come to the floor,” Pelosi said. “We have …up above, in the gallery, where people can come to vote. We don’t want to deter anybody's ability to exercise their constitutional duties. We have that responsibility as well. We're trying to balance everybody being able to exercise his or her constitutional duties as well as protect the staff and the other members.”

Is that enough for you, or do you want some more?

Nothing about conservatives and disease carriers.

Nothing about conservatives and disease carriers.


Nancy was specifically referring to the unvaccinated conservatives within the House Chamber that she presides over.

All of the comments were about disease carriers, and treating unvaccinated people as if they are diseased.

IOW, Nancy is calling completely healthy unvaccinated people things such as "selfish", "dangerous", "[disease spreaders]", due to the petri dish comment, "[people who she needs to be protected from]", and she doesn't want unvaccinated people around her (due to her belief that they are diseased).
Nancy was specifically referring to the unvaccinated conservatives within the House Chamber that she presides over.

Where did Pelosi refer to conservatives?

All of the comments were about disease carriers, and treating unvaccinated people as if they are diseased.

They are not called "diseased carriers" as you falsely claimed.