Is the "Germophobe" POTUS having a Corona "meltdown"?

Hello Tacomaman,

Some pretty bizarre stuff in the imaginary 'alternate facts' world. When it comes to giving up on being in touch with reality or agreeing with Democrats, Republicans cannot jettison reality quick enough. Republicans would sooner embrace non-fact than to allow unity in America. It is sad to see such wide spread willingness to fool one self. Pardon me but I don't think total BS is a very good substitute for living in the real world.

When trumpanzees still cling to Mexico paying for the wall, largest inaugural crowd in history and 3 million illegal voters, you realize that tRump appeals to the most ignorant segment of the voting public.
.....l'il Trump suckass......)

Another tRump suckass ....... "village idiots."

........ mental midgets.......more intelligence.

When trumpanzees ........

Ya ... only cost us $10 trillion !

Were you in grade school in 2008 when the economy of the Repubs and Bush blew the fuck up? Obama spent a lot fixing the right wing messes. At the end of his term, the debt was coming down. Daffy screwed that up. He cranked it up bigly.
Loving is cracking up just like daffy. It must be fear from Corona making them so crazy.
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Were you in grade school in 2008 when the economy of the Repubs and Bush blew the fuck up? Obama spent a lot fixing the right wing messes. At the end of his term, the debt was coming down. Daffy screwed that up. He cranked it up bigly.
Loving is cracking up just like daffy. It must be fear from Corona making them so crazy.

No congress signed the community reinvestment act into law . Making banks make home loans to people who could not afford to pay them back .... saw it in my own neighborhood.... low income Hispanics buying half a million dollar homes while driving junker cars . I saw it coming a mile away ... I was right !