The remora of JPP
A momentary lapse into Paradise
If I am racist for liking that then so be it.

A momentary lapse into Paradise
Will that stop the obsession with Asian women?
Depends on the side effects you get from it...
Depends on the side effects you get from it...
Depends on the side effects you get from it...
yellow fever
1. A term usually applied to white males who have a clear sexual preference for women of Asian descent, although it can also be used in reference to white females who prefer Asian men.
BTW Jackie Chan rules.![]()
Jackie Chan is Chinese, but maybe all Asians look alike to you...![]()
Jackie Chan is Chinese, but maybe all Asians look alike to you...![]()
You wouldn't be able to tell a German, from a Czech, from a Belgian out of a lineup with any degree of accuracy or confidence.
Actually my Japanese friend said they all look alike. I guess he's racist.![]()
They are all relatively close, but there is a different look in women of England and women of Russia...and it's not the hairstyles.
OTOH, Chinese, Koreans and Japanese, in general, do look different just like some Native American tribes look different and for the same reason; long term separation by geographical boundaries. Same thing happened with the Grand Canyon squirrels. https://scienecerules.wordpress.com/2015/11/06/the-speciation-of-squirrels/
That said, human beings are 99.9% identical genetically. People remain people despite superficial outward appearances. Genetically, there are no "races". The best kidney match for a rich, white Televangelist's kid might be a man born and raised in Nairobi...where Obama was born. /sarcasm
That said, like squirrels divided by the Grand Canyon can see a diversion of outward appearance or the inbreeding of Kentucky produces people who look alike, there can be regional differences an appearances. For one thing, Korean chicks have big boobs.
Is he an American, as in born here? Many Japanese people (who live in Japan) *are* very racist towards not just whites but towards other Asians as well.
Is he an American, as in born here? Many Japanese people (who live in Japan) *are* very racist towards not just whites but towards other Asians as well.
If somebody bet me a hundred dollars that I would be able to pick out an average Japanese from an average Korean in a lineup, and an average German from an average Belgian, I would turn the bet down because I do not have high confidence I could tell them apart based on look alone.
No. He still lives in Japan. His dream is to open a Jeep shop in Key West.