Is The United States Drug War Unconstitutional?

Of course you own your own body. And if you want to be an idiot and kill yourself with drugs, you can do it on your own time without the sanction of Government or your neighbors. But society does not need to sanction, nor support really stupid behavior.

You're too young and clueless to comprehend the purpose of organized civil society to promote progress and prosperity. You are stuck on this naive ideological purity idealism that merely promotes chaos and decline. You have an uninformed historic perspective that suggests naïveté and youth, or outright stupidity and ignorance.

Spoken from a naive and clueless historical perspective. Anyone who argues for anarchy is incredibly naive or incredibly ignorant. If you want to see how well it works, just study Somalia, or any of many nations that have no rule of law.

Of course, if you like Somalia style living, you'll love anarchy and unrestricted weapons.

Trully; such comments are too stupid for prime time.

Once again you illustrate that your not Smarter than anyone, but rather, barely smarter than an earthworm with such comments. .

whats funny is that i'm most likely older than you.
Bingo; but don't expect clueless low information voting retards to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

They just want pot and not have to worry about cops, i get that. They want what they want. Its the central theme of lefties. Hedonism of whatever stripe. And who cares if this victimless crime is behind the slaughter of 10k+ a year. I say legalize ALL drugs and give them away. Its cheaper than the war on drugs, it cuts the heart out if organized crime which is a worthy goal.
Another low information clueless moron who thinks that legalizing all drugs will suddenly end criminal behavior, drug cartels and not lead to societal deline?

Tell the class WHY legalizing FREEDOM will promote “criminal behavior,” “drug cartels,” and “societal decline” any more than the legalizing of the class one narcotic alcohol did to America, genius.

Oh! That’s right you don’t do rational thinking, huh?
As opposed to the whacked out retarded prose you post? Irony. Again, I merely point at idiots like you and laugh. It would be a waste of time to attempt any rational or coherent debate with idiots like you.

If there’s a soul here that doesn’t know by now genius that the reason you LYAO at my post is truly because you have no rational response or ability to debate the truths I confront you with, they’re even a BIGGER moron than you if that’s even possible.
For the education of the BIG government RINOs & DINOs, socialist authoritarians here, the following is what your unconstitutional BIG government authoritarian Drug War does for and to the nation.

I challenge every and any RINO & DINO or anybody else to refute and rationally debate the factuality of the following seven perfect reasons to end America’s Drug War.

First, it cost taxpayers billions of $ every year.

Second, it has been a total failure to end or even limit drug addiction.

Third, It creates a huge profit, tax free market for criminals and terrorist.

Forth, it corrupts law enforcement and politicians.

Fifth, It clogs up our judicial system and overcrowds our jails. Thanks to America’s Drug War, America incarcerates more of its citizens than any other nation on earth with the possible exception of North Korea. So much for “The Land Of The Free.”

Sixth, America’s Drug War causes violence along our borders and in our streets exactly as did our federal government’s prohibition of alcohol. Al Capone and Baby Face Nelson have been replaced by Mexican Drug Cartels and city gangs.

Seven, There’s NO authority/power listed/enumerated in our Constitution for the federal government to prohibit any drug or to operate a federal Drug War.

Is your unconstitutional Drug War worth the cost, or is freedom the only rational and sane policy?????
LMAO; I know you're not kidding. You really are THAT retarded!!

So genius, when are you gonna tell the class WHY no peaceful law-abiding American citizen should be allowed by your BIG fucking government to posses weapons at least equal to the criminals that would attack him/her?

Hey Jerkoff, maybe you should check with your lefty anti-Second Amendment brothers and sisters here before you attempt an answer, huh you clueless twit?
If the Congress of the United States and the federal government found it necessary in the year 1919 to amend the Constitution to prohibit the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors, why did they not find it necessary to amend the Constitution to prohibit the manufacture, transportation and sale of some particular drugs?

Is the United States Drug War unconstitutional?

Yes, it is. It may have to do simply with the moral turpitude of bearing false witness to our own laws.
Yes, it is. It may have to do simply with the moral turpitude of bearing false witness to our own laws.

It has to do with "FREEDOM." Our constitutional right to own our own bodies and decide for ourselves what we will put into them or take out of them. It's about our 9th Amendment guarantee of rights and our 10th Amendment guarantee of a limited federal government.
It has to do with "FREEDOM." Our constitutional right to own our own bodies and decide for ourselves what we will put into them or take out of them. It's about our 9th Amendment guarantee of rights and our 10th Amendment guarantee of a limited federal government.

I believe it has to do with a social Power no longer being delegated to our federal Congress.
There's no power of Congress to prohibit any form of free commerce. Congress has the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and commerce between the States. To regulate is not a power to prohibit if it were, the Congress would have never found it necessary to amend the Constitution to prohibit alcohol.