Is there a greater feeling?

Best I can tell is a mix breed yellow lab with some wild coyote...probably 40 or so pounds


You must've deleted your cat story that other's have quoted. That sucks. I was never a cat person, until my wife started getting cats. One of her cats is an adopted feral we got as a kitten. He will have nothing to do with me, he's mama's boy. He will come in my general vicinity, and looks relaxed around me, but, WILL NOT let me touch him, lol.

You must've deleted your cat story that other's have quoted. That sucks. I was never a cat person, until my wife started getting cats. One of her cats is an adopted feral we got as a kitten. He will have nothing to do with me, he's mama's boy. He will come in my general vicinity, and looks relaxed around me, but, WILL NOT let me touch him, lol.

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What does your dog story have to with my cat story?

That cat was real. And I buried in the ocean. Don't fuck with on this.
What does your dog story have to with my cat story?

That cat was real. And I buried in the ocean. Don't fuck with on this.

Dude, you are losing it. Seek professional help. You told a story about a feral cat, I told a story about a feral cat, WITH A PICTURE OF THE CAT.