Is there such a thing as absolute truth?

This should be a no brainer. Any bets on how many fools try to deny absolute truth?

This is what every old timer said in Europe just before the 1st World War broke out.

And then, later This is what every old timer said in Europe just before the 2nd World War broke out.

And then, later This is what every old timer said in Syria just before the War broke out.

What is going on? Destiny had absolutely ruled over everyone's better wishes.

We'll get to the next war, in addition to our current 8, as soon the capitalists can gin up a bogus excuse.
I am glad folks are acclimating themselves to expecting that WE NOT BE LIED TO BY THE ADULTS IN THE ROOM.

When we stop following the lies, we create change.
This is what every old timer said in Europe just before the 1st World War broke out.

And then, later This is what every old timer said in Europe just before the 2nd World War broke out.

And then, later This is what every old timer said in Syria just before the War broke out.

What is going on? Destiny had absolutely ruled over everyone's better wishes.

This is what every old timer said in Europe just before the 1st World War broke out.

And then, later This is what every old timer said in Europe just before the 2nd World War broke out.

And then, later This is what every old timer said in Syria just before the War broke out.

What is going on? Destiny had absolutely ruled over everyone's better wishes.

Well, it seemed that you were trying to claim that someone said milk being good for everyone is not an absolute truth. I'm not aware of anyone ever having said that. In any case, it does not change the truth that milk is NOT good for everyone. You have not in any way proven that absolute truth does not exist. Every statement ever made is either true or false. That is absolute truth.

If you had paid attention you would have seen earlier posts of mine where I agreed that there is an absolute truth, just not from your example then (God), nor from your example in this phase. For instance, if you had bothered to pay attention to my forst sentence ou would have read this:

"Like as with many words divined by the human mind, there is the possibility of one word, or even a sentence, having many "truths".

In this case the word "milk" is used to define many different types, almond, rice, coconut, soy, etc. In the broader sense of the word milk id s good for everyone. When you narrow the matter down to just one type of milk, soymilk, rice milk, etc., that the word becomes an untruth, and thus it is not an "absolute truth". To that extent, ones "alternate facts" become an "absolute truth" if only to that one person. And in their mind your "absolute truth" becomes an "alternate fact". Then who is the determiner of what is an "absolute truth"? This is not to say that all facts are untruths, it is to say that while you dismiss all "alternate facts" (from your perspective) as being untrue, to others is is not the case.

As an example, Paul taught that to some eating meat was wrong (in particular Romans 14:21, and ignoring the idol argument), to others it was acceptable. Which is the absolute truth?
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Holy Tits Batman!

Quote Originally Posted by Grugore View Post
Well, it seemed that you were trying to claim that someone said milk being good for everyone is not an absolute truth. I'm not aware of anyone ever having said that. In any case, it does not change the truth that milk is NOT good for everyone.

All babies require milk is an absolute truth.

-Dah End-

<feel free to quibble>
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This is what happened to Jesus:

The Stations of the Cross ...

Kidnapped + physically assaulted + Killed ...

In addition to what happened to Jesus ... we also eat the poor animal.

PS: "Anima" is the Latin word for "Soul"


Many many many
Kidnap and
physically assault and
Kill ...
eat the milk giver
after she's dry.

And all the Old women wonder why?
This is what happened to Jesus:

The Stations of the Cross ...

Kidnapped + physically assaulted + Killed ...

In addition to what happened to Jesus ... we also eat the poor animal.

PS: "Anima" is the Latin word for "Soul"


Many many many
Kidnap and
physically assault and
Kill ...
eat the milk giver
after she's dry.

And all the Old women wonder why?

Welcome to my ignore list.