IS this against the rules?

I frown at it regularly, but I didn't make it against the rules. Though if I thought it was an actual threat it would be. Imagine if it was and I had Grind on here telling folks to "kill themselves" so often that it became pretty much his catch phrase (or was that Billy?)...

Like porn and the SCOTUS... You'll know it when you see it.

We don't want such speech restricted on JPP. It does not constitute a real threat under the law. It is what the court calls "political hyperbole."

"The true threats doctrine requires, at a minimum, that a threat be communicated under circumstances indicating a serious intent to harm and causing fear and social disruption."
We don't want such speech restricted on JPP. It does not constitute a real threat under the law. It is what the court calls "political hyperbole."

"The true threats doctrine requires, at a minimum, that a threat be communicated under circumstances indicating a serious intent to harm and causing fear and social disruption."

The WOKE are changing the laws from intent being the deciding factor to "probability of causing emotional distress"....which is of course all subjective.
The WOKE are changing the laws from intent being the deciding factor to "probability of causing emotional distress"....which is of course all subjective.

What law has been changed to "probability of causing emotional distress"?
Floridians have been acting strange ever since Trump parked his Fat Ass down there!

Can't hardly wait for Trump and DeSantis to have a Fart contest to see which one qualifies to be the Presidential Candidate for the TRUMPTARD PARTY!

I have of course been very clear that I am a free speech absolutist....I dont want to see any restrictions on speech anywhere...I want people to speak freely.
To be a free speech absolutist is the be one who demands to keep my mind free.

You run your mind or give it away, I run my mind, I insist!
Tucker tonight is even more depressing than usual.

This son of a bitch is going down folks.

Prepare yourselves.

It will hurt.