Is this an example of racism?

You are truly a fucking idiot. A racist piece of shit is someone I dislike, disagree with and choose to permanently ban via IA. So again... are you saying Desh is the same as them? You are saying we should all put Desh on IA?

Again you fucking idiot... I do not have Desh on IA because, while vile, she isn't a racist piece of shit. So if you are too fucking moronic to comprehend the difference between Desh and a racist piece of shit, then shut the fuck up. I'll IA whomever I choose. Right now I choose to only do it to the racists pieces of shit. But your ignorance is causing me to re-evaluate that decision.

So put me on ignore you ignorant SOB. All your posts show the contempt in which you hold women and the lies you tell yourself so you can continue bashing women.

You don't have any woman on this forum duped into knowing who you really are, your words revealed you from the beginning.
So put me on ignore you ignorant SOB. All your posts show the contempt in which you hold women and the lies you tell yourself so you can continue bashing women.

You don't have any woman on this forum duped into knowing who you really are, your words revealed you from the beginning.

LMAO... my words revealed me? seriously? This is the stupid shit you are going to pull now? I mock stupid people, regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. Just because you and Desh are women, doesn't mean you are being mocked for that. You are mocked for your stupidity Christie. That is all.
LMAO... my words revealed me? seriously? This is the stupid shit you are going to pull now? I mock stupid people, regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. Just because you and Desh are women, doesn't mean you are being mocked for that. You are mocked for your stupidity Christie. That is all.

:rolleyes: Yeah you're just doing a public service here. As if you are the arbiter on who or what is stupid. Keep lying to yourself, loser.
:rolleyes: Yeah you're just doing a public service here. As if you are the arbiter on who or what is stupid. Keep lying to yourself, loser.

Again, you prove to ignorant to comprehend words. I mock those that I find ignorant. I am sure to you, they seem intelligent. I am sure you deem yourself intelligent. I disagree with that. you tried to pull a pathetic 'you hate women' on me simply because you are too ignorant to comprehend that your gender has nothing to do with your stupidity.

post 125

Originally Posted by Granule
It's like this, wackjob. If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".

There are a few exceptions as I believe there are some democrats, though misguided, who are truly trying to help others.

I hope that clears things up for you.

the whole quote