Is This The Democrats Vision For America?

I don't have a reading problem, you're just functionally illiterate and disingenuous.

You also ran your mouth about a stolen election from behind the shadow of anonymity JPP provides you, that way you never had to be accountable for it.

So you incited people to attack the Capitol by feeding them lies, but you didn't join them.

Why? Because you don't believe any of the shit you say here.

I fully believe shit I say here.

I also tell people not to go to protests because they're INFILTRATED BY FEDS. see ray epps.
I fully believe shit I say here.


If you did, you would have done something about the "Stolen election".

But you didn't.

Instead, you hid out here on JPP like a little bitch.

You wouldn't even join the Nazis you were inciting with your election lies.

What am I to make of someone who does that?

What am I to make of someone who incites other people to do things, but doesn't do so themselves?

Please...tell me what I am supposed to make of you after you did that?
I also tell people not to go to protests because they're INFILTRATED BY FEDS. see ray epps.


That's just a stupid excuse for you to not act on any of the shit you say here.

You lied to Nazis about an election being stolen, what did you think was going to happen?
so you do support infanticide.

No idea what that even fucking means.

But remind me, which one of us caused the baby formula shortage by supporting Trump's NAFTA 2.0? OH RIGHT YOU DID.

Why do you support infanticide by making it too expensive for parents to buy baby formula?

Because that is actual infanticide, not this bullshit vague nonsense you're saying now -THAT YOU DON'T EVEN BELIEVE YOURSELF.
maybe because you feel your dick on fire?

My dick isn't on fire.

So why are you lying and saying it is?

How come you don't stand behind anything you write here?

You had your chance to do that, and you squandered it mostly because you're a giant pussy.