Is this what the start of the Civil War looks like?

I don’t know what it would look like, that’s why im asking.

Why ask?

Rise up and show the world what it looks like, Brad.

I am waiting.

Just the like the media is waiting for you to start your campaign against "amoral" insurance companies, and the Insurance Commissioner's office is waiting to you to file a complaint about same.
The civil war has been happening since Obama told Republicans to get to the back of the bus. We responded by voting Democrats out in droves, net just at FedCo but dozens of StateCos as well.

For example, here in NC we took control of both houses of congress for the first time since Reconstruction. Took the governor's seat too, but a 'rat snuck back in for the current term. No matter, because we hold veto-proof majorities. The 'rat vetoed a handful of bills just this week and we're overturning them one by one.

The current battle strategy of the 'rats is to use the press and the courts to stifle reform. It ain't working. Print and television are on their way out. Their shrillness has long been ignored. Trump is filling hundreds of lower court seats with young conservatives and soon we'll have we'll replace Kennedy's SCOTUS seat, then Ginsberg's.
The civil war has been happening since Obama told Republicans to get to the back of the bus. We responded by voting Democrats out in droves, net just at FedCo but dozens of StateCos as well.

For example, here in NC we took control of both houses of congress for the first time since Reconstruction. Took the governor's seat too, but a 'rat snuck back in for the current term. No matter, because we hold veto-proof majorities. The 'rat vetoed a handful of bills just this week and we're overturning them one by one.

The current battle strategy of the 'rats is to use the press and the courts to stifle reform. It ain't working. Print and television are on their way out. Their shrillness has long been ignored. Trump is filling hundreds of lower court seats with young conservatives and soon we'll have we'll replace Kennedy's SCOTUS seat, then Ginsberg's.

How many DEMOCRATS lost office during The Obama's Reign of Error?
The civil war has been happening since Obama told Republicans to get to the back of the bus. We responded by voting Democrats out in droves, net just at FedCo but dozens of StateCos as well.

For example, here in NC we took control of both houses of congress for the first time since Reconstruction. Took the governor's seat too, but a 'rat snuck back in for the current term. No matter, because we hold veto-proof majorities. The 'rat vetoed a handful of bills just this week and we're overturning them one by one.

The current battle strategy of the 'rats is to use the press and the courts to stifle reform. It ain't working. Print and television are on their way out. Their shrillness has long been ignored. Trump is filling hundreds of lower court seats with young conservatives and soon we'll have we'll replace Kennedy's SCOTUS seat, then Ginsberg's.


The 12th district as drawn by 'rats in 1990:


And now, after the GOP took control:

Not sure what the beginning would look like...and "the beginning" may already be in action.

About the only thing I am reasonably sure of is: Much of the world will be happy to see us killing each other.

I suspect we are now considered by many around the world to be one of the great dangers to world peace and understanding. We have fallen from a nation considered to be A BEACON ON THE A CONFLAGRATION SPREADING.

Oh well. We obviously have not killed enough of each other to be past this savage stage of evolution. A WWIII seems to be almost inevitable.

Might as well get it over with.
I guess because people being asked to leave restaurants is not a civil war.

Apparently you are not a Fox viewer. Being asked to leave a restaurant is *exactly* like the attack on Fort Sumter. Being told you can't teach Intelligent Design in high school biology class is *exactly* the same as being persecuted and thrown to the lions. Ditto for someone telling you "Happy Holidays" at Christmas time. Being told you can't call ppl the n-word is *exactly* the same as having all your First Amendment rights stripped away. Being told you have to wait three days and get a background check to purchase your latest bang-bang is *exactly* the same as having all your other bang-bangs confiscated. And so on.
The civil war has been happening since Obama told Republicans to get to the back of the bus. We responded by voting Democrats out in droves, net just at FedCo but dozens of StateCos as well.

For example, here in NC we took control of both houses of congress for the first time since Reconstruction. Took the governor's seat too, but a 'rat snuck back in for the current term. No matter, because we hold veto-proof majorities. The 'rat vetoed a handful of bills just this week and we're overturning them one by one.

The current battle strategy of the 'rats is to use the press and the courts to stifle reform. It ain't working. Print and television are on their way out. Their shrillness has long been ignored. Trump is filling hundreds of lower court seats with young conservatives and soon we'll have we'll replace Kennedy's SCOTUS seat, then Ginsberg's.

Every couple of years some bozos begin yapping about civil war and militias. Stupid hot air.
Every couple of years some bozos begin yapping about civil war and militias. Stupid hot air.

I'm not really sure why the contards want a civil war, other than a chance to use their extensive gun collections. They own all three branches of the federal government. Their glorious leader is a blustering bully they're super proud of, who has managed to piss off all the countries they envy. So why waste the ammo?
if there is a civil war it will be a bunch of conservatives coming down the street in wheelchairs and with Walkers

???....if there is a civil war, the conservatives will be the ones will be the revolting demmycrats on the street......
Every couple of years some bozos begin yapping about civil war and militias. Stupid hot air.

I ain’t gonna happen.

But it’s amusing when lefty bozos call for it lol. How do they plan to fight it? And with what? At least the right wing wackos have the means to do it.

In the Civil War era people had guns.