We don't go to NASCAR either but that doesn't mean we don't drive.
Who's "we"? You and Darla?
We don't go to NASCAR either but that doesn't mean we don't drive.
Liberal millennials and Antifa members.
Think so, Brad?
Will you rise up?
I am waiting.
Trump evaded compulsory military service.
You're welcome
I'm pretty sure they swore an oath to follow the lawful orders of the C in C against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
So did Blowjob Bill, didn't he?
The DOMESTIC part seems to be what the liberals want to overlook.
I wonder why.
Kids in cages maybe and family separations is what passes for domestic "enemies".
The DOMESTIC part seems to be what the liberals want to overlook.
I wonder why.
Kids in cages maybe and family separations is what passes for domestic "enemies". I know no one's supposed to mention that now because you think it wasn't mentioned enough before. Pretty stupid logic really.
Ah, then you'll really start posting.
Think so?
Will you rise up?
I am waiting.
Teddie Nugent shit hisself and lived in it to show up and avoid Viet Nam. Typical Reich winger behavior
The only "kids in cages" are from the Obama tenure; but this had nothing to do with Runes comment of "Furthermore it wouldn't be the military or the national guard squelching it, it would be the local and state police as well as Federal LEOS."!!
You mean the gerrymandering where a district is proportioned in order to create a majority minority? Why is that gerrymandering OK, boy?
You mean like Clinton and Obama??
Most of us understand the money that manages all that son, peddle your tripe at a meeting.
He wasn't Caucasian,?