Every trumper is a N4T.
The following points are all PAINFULLY obvious, but trumpers apparently care more about paying fealty to their cult leader/golden god than they do about the future of the United States of America.....
How did we get here???
How did we get to the point where half the citizens of this country are so mired in hatred and bigotry that they'd hand the government over to an obviously anti-American grifter and charlatan who's doing the bidding of a former KGB agent right under everybody's noses, while they whistle blithely past the graveyard???
This would make a great plot for an international thriller novel or movie, but it is bound to devolve into disaster in real life.
By the time trump's simple-minded rube supporters figure out the consequences of having allowed themselves to be led down the primrose path, it will be too late.
I just hope they'll have to suffer as badly as everyone else.
How did we get here???
How did we get to the point where half the citizens of this country are so mired in hatred and bigotry that they'd hand the government over to an obviously anti-American grifter and charlatan who's doing the bidding of a former KGB agent right under everybody's noses, while they whistle blithely past the graveyard???
This would make a great plot for an international thriller novel or movie, but it is bound to devolve into disaster in real life.
By the time trump's simple-minded rube supporters figure out the consequences of having allowed themselves to be led down the primrose path, it will be too late.
I just hope they'll have to suffer as badly as everyone else.