Is Trump about ready to drop out of the race?

Very plausible. tRump's fragile psychie could not stand the strain being beaten. He may well have some emergency "tRumpxit" bullshit up his sleazy sleeve.
That's true. tRump will likely need the defeat to use as an excuse to lead his "sheep" to the "promise land".

I expect he'll sulk off to Mar-A-Lago where he'll hold court in exile, do appearances on Fox to keep his mug out there, and spend the rest of his years and money fighting off the indictments and charges. Good.
The shit you dumbasses come up with day in and day out. Every. Single. Day. With the nonsense.
This must be you sleeping at night:
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I expect he'll sulk off to Mar-A-Lago where he'll hold court in exile, do appearances on Fox to keep his mug out there, and spend the rest of his years and money fighting off the indictments and charges. Good.

Or, he could spend a few months fighting some charges, lose, get sentenced, and have to do time. Blago did, and all he did was try to sell a Senate seat.

He was lucky to have someone pardon him, but how often do you get foolish pardons of people who really did the crime and deserve to do the time? Not many people like Trump out there to hand those out.