Is Trump about ready to drop out of the race?

Very plausible. tRump's fragile psychie could not stand the strain being beaten. He may well have some emergency "tRumpxit" bullshit up his sleazy sleeve.

It appears, based on the whining since 2016, you lefties can't stand getting your asses kicked.
He won’t quit.

He wants to have something to whine about, can’t whine if he quits.

He has a small chance at winning.

He is not smart enough to see the difference between now and 2016.

Federal prosecutors won’t give him a deal to induce him to quit because he’s likely to lose.
He has a small chance at winning.

According to pollsters?


Isn’t it amazing Biden isn’t even brining up impeachment

No, because his handlers keep telling him he's going to win.

Meanwhile, Nasty Nancy is sharpening her knife for the old fool:

President Trump noted late last week that he believes Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) decision to convene a committee to discuss the 25th amendment is not about replacing him as president, but rather replacing Joe Biden with his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), if Biden wins the November presidential election.

Tweeting Friday, Trump noted that Pelosi said her target wasn’t the president — and that he believes she’s telling the truth.

“Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris,” Trump said. “The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!”

DEMOCRATS are desperate to reassure themselves that they will have leadership when Biden is judged unfit to hold office.

“Let’s assume the DEMOCRATS are gonna vote for, you know, sleepy Joe, which is ridiculous, because Joe shouldn’t be a candidate,” President Trump said. “Joe is in no condition to be a candidate. We can say it nicely: The 25th Amendment that crazy Nancy’s playing around with, I think they put it in so they can get Kamala in.”
it does actually, if you get your head out of your ass. try it, corky.

Do you understand polls? The one with the biggest number is leading. That one is Biden. I suspect it is more of a vote against daffy than for Biden. But people know Biden is a fair-minded and honest person. Trump is not. His shtick is getting very old. Are you honestly that stupid?
Do you understand polls? The one with the biggest number is leading. That one is Biden. I suspect it is more of a vote against daffy than for Biden. But people know Biden is a fair-minded and honest person. Trump is not. His shtick is getting very old. Are you honestly that stupid?
you dream of his schtick.
The COVID-45 tRump murderer against over 200,000 Americans, in particular, and among his sold out republicans and other ass kissers deserves drop dead and rot on Earth before rotting in hell.