Is Trump pushing for HIGHER gasoline prices???

Lol, gee, shocker that libs would try to blame this on The Bad Orange Man. Do you morons think we've forgotten your historical position on fossil fuels? The Green Nude Eel? Get the fuck outta here.
Lol, gee, shocker that libs would try to blame this on The Bad Orange Man. Do you morons think we've forgotten your historical position on fossil fuels? The Green Nude Eel? Get the fuck outta here.
You didn't address the fact that he is more concerned about his Big Oil donors who are shutting down fracking companies, than he is about how we can afford to heat our homes.

He actively pushed for this, and threatened import tariffs on oil in an attempt to hike prices.
Lol, gee, shocker that libs would try to blame this on The Bad Orange Man. Do you morons think we've forgotten your historical position on fossil fuels? The Green Nude Eel? Get the fuck outta here.

Are you failing to understand what is going on here?

"OPEC and allies’ oil production cut is Trump’s ‘biggest and most complex’ deal ever: Dan Yergin"

"Just a few weeks ago, Trump had said the early-March plunge in oil prices were “good for the consumer” as it meant lower gasoline prices. That drop in crude prices had been triggered by an oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia after Moscow rejected a proposal by OPEC to cut 1.5 million barrels of production per day."
"Saudi Arabia and Russia ended their oil price war on Sunday by finalising a deal to make the biggest oil production cuts in history, following pressure from US President Donald Trump to support an energy sector ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic."

Leftists LOVE high gas prices. Get with the leftist bandwagon JackOFF. :rolleyes:

Of course, in moron land where idiots like you wallow, this is Trump's fault right? Moron.
This is something I've never understood. If you believe climate change is an existential crisis and the biggest challenge we face shouldn't you want higher gas prices? Don't higher gas prices mean people tend to drive less, buy more fuel efficient cars etc.? What am I missing here?
Leftists LOVE high gas prices. Get with the leftist bandwagon JackOFF. :rolleyes:

Of course, in moron land where idiots like you wallow, this is Trump's fault right? Moron.

Most people like LOWER gas prices.
So. If Russia and Saudi Arabia get in a 'Price War', that's good for the Consumer.
Even Trump mentioned this as being 'good for the Consumer'.
Odd that Trump would now turn around and support the Oil Cartel cutting Production to INCREASE the Price of Gas.
(who's the Moron now?)
Most people like LOWER gas prices.
So. If Russia and Saudi Arabia get in a 'Price War', that's good for the Consumer.
Even Trump mentioned this as being 'good for the Consumer'.
Odd that Trump would now turn around and support the Oil Cartel cutting Production to INCREASE the Price of Gas.
(who's the Moron now?)
Because it's destroying our fracking industry (who has NO allegiance to this nation). That's always the ploy behind S.A hiking production.
Because it's destroying our fracking industry (who has NO allegiance to this nation). That's always the ploy behind S.A hiking production.

Yes. I believe that is correct. Too low oil prices will drive US Frackers out of business. But ...
... I thought Conservatives believed in 'Free Enterprise' without any 'Government Interference'?

Trump has now put himself as Head of the Oil Cartel, controlling the Price of Oil through Production Quotas. (Oh My! That's Socialism!!!)
Yes. I believe that is correct. Too low oil prices will drive US Frackers out of business. But ...
... I thought Conservatives believed in 'Free Enterprise' without any 'Government Interference'?

Trump has now put himself as Head of the Oil Cartel, controlling the Price of Oil through Production Quotas. (Oh My! That's Socialism!!!)
They do, until they don't. It's like Libertarians. They hail the free market above all, until the free market crashes the economy.

In true trump fashion, after he actively moved to drive the market higher, oil is still crashing.

And his judge in Wisconsin lost by 6%.

Just sayin
They do, until they don't. It's like Libertarians. They hail the free market above all, until the free market crashes the economy.

In true trump fashion, after he actively moved to drive the market higher, oil is still crashing.

And his judge in Wisconsin lost by 6%.

Just sayin

:) It's interesting to see the 'Internet Capitalists' hailing 'Free Enterprise' while constantly ignoring 'Government Interference' in the Market.
I live in Louisiana and the Sugar Industry is Huge and Powerful. Lots of Quotas and Tariffs on 'imported sugar' to maintain high prices.
Lots of Third World Nations produce lots of super cheap sugar. This would be bad for the 'Sugar Plantations' here. :)
You don't know what that word means.

'Supply and Demand'.
Planes aren't flying, boats aren't cruising, cars aren't moving (Low Demand).
Saudi Arabia and Russia need Revenue, so go into a Production frenzy in competition for Market Share (Large Supply)
Gas Prices are extremely low. (The Beauty of Capitalism ... lower prices for the Consumer)

Captain Billy of the Oil Ministry wants 'Government Interference' and Market Manipulation to 'Control Prices'.
(Billy, admit you are a Closet Communist, and want Government to control Production)
:) It's interesting to see the 'Internet Capitalists' hailing 'Free Enterprise' while constantly ignoring 'Government Interference' in the Market.
I live in Louisiana and the Sugar Industry is Huge and Powerful. Lots of Quotas and Tariffs on 'imported sugar' to maintain high prices.
Lots of Third World Nations produce lots of super cheap sugar. This would be bad for the 'Sugar Plantations' here. :)
Yep. 'Free market!!!' Of course, milk/corn/oil/etc. are all heavily subsidized.

In a 'free' market, milk would be $6/gallon, and gas would be $6/gallon.