Is Trump pushing for HIGHER gasoline prices???

'Supply and Demand'.
Planes aren't flying, boats aren't cruising, cars aren't moving (Low Demand).
Saudi Arabia and Russia need Revenue, so go into a Production frenzy in competition for Market Share (Large Supply)
Gas Prices are extremely low. (The Beauty of Capitalism ... lower prices for the Consumer)

Captain Billy of the Oil Ministry wants 'Government Interference' and Market Manipulation to 'Control Prices'.
(Billy, admit you are a Closet Communist, and want Government to control Production)

Supply and demand has nothing to do with capitalism. Do you think those same rules didn't apply in the Soviet Union? What the fuck are you smoking?
Supply and demand has nothing to do with capitalism. Do you think those same rules didn't apply in the Soviet Union? What the fuck are you smoking?

Do you support 'Free Markets'? Do you feel there should be zero 'Government Intervention'?
Or ... maybe just a little 'Government Intervention' here and there?

Most people support Government regulation of the Market Place for the betterment of Society. The question is: To what degree?

(this will blow your mind, and I'm sure you'll disagree ... July 20, 1969 sitting in a Bar in Downtown Manhattan with a girl named Rita. My support of a Government Program paid off ... VERY COOL!)
This is something I've never understood. If you believe climate change is an existential crisis and the biggest challenge we face shouldn't you want higher gas prices? Don't higher gas prices mean people tend to drive less, buy more fuel efficient cars etc.? What am I missing here?

The only thing you are missing is honesty. If you buy gas you want low gas prices. If you are a greasy fat oil business in west texas or OPEC, you want high gas prices.

People are forced to do things they don't want to sometimes. The man in jail eats the shit food he hates. The eco-conscientious consumer fills his gas tank to get to work.
The pig oil man sells gas at low prices.
The only thing you are missing is honesty. If you buy gas you want low gas prices. If you are a greasy fat oil business in west texas or OPEC, you want high gas prices.

People are forced to do things they don't want to sometimes. The man in jail eats the shit food he hates. The eco-conscientious consumer fills his gas tank to get to work.
The pig oil man sells gas at low prices.

Not really following your argument about honesty. How are low gas prices good for addressing climate change?
The only thing you are missing is honesty. If you buy gas you want low gas prices. If you are a greasy fat oil business in west texas or OPEC, you want high gas prices.

People are forced to do things they don't want to sometimes. The man in jail eats the shit food he hates. The eco-conscientious consumer fills his gas tank to get to work.
The pig oil man sells gas at low prices.
Let's not forget that trump not only did away with Obama era fuel efficiency mandates, he stepped in to block states that were doing it anyway.
Nope. Not what I said. You offered the worst possible case to suggest supply/demand as an economic model. Now you're back pedaling as fast as you can.

What? It's not a model, it's a fundamental concept of all economics. Scarcity.