Is Trump Really on Track to Win Re-Election?

Without a doubt there's no way Trump could ever make America great again with Rehnquist's Reichquest immaculate drug conceptions in Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate business with 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" flying carpet terrorists that threatened POTUS & Mengele Nazi concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations blitzkrieg of Washington, D.C. born descendants of Poland & Prussia trying to discuss Washington, D.C. sports teams just as those thieving "serve the Pope or die" US Constitution Christiananality pedophilia arsonists business in the assassination of JFK at SCOTUS. More gag me with one nation under God with equal justice under law suicidal super ego homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming.
If you're trying to get some message across, you're failing miserably.

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If you're trying to get some message across, you're failing miserably.

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Like Holocaust deniers of it's just business election fixing for an almost heaven perpetual jihad diatribe in "serve the Pope or die" .
Back to the thread. Polls are not a big deal a year and a half from an election. There will be many changes, however, if you are trying to determine what the election holds, it is all we have. As it stands now, Trump is not doing well. Those polled show they want to move away from the chaos president and return to adult management. Trump is the most flawed person we have ever had in the office. He is not well.
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I have ordinary rather than crystal balls, so I never attempt to foretell the future, but I think it's safe to predict that if the USA manages to elect Trumpf again it will sink lower in the world's opinion than it has ever sunk, ever, ever, ever. We feel the deepest sympathy for the vast numbers of decent Americans. Get out there and vote, friends - you'll be voting for everybody!
I am speaking English. I don't know what you're speaking. "Majority support" applies to the whole population. The Electoral College was designed to avoid a popular vote, in order to give the less populous states more power. The same reason that we have the Senate, where each state has 2 Senators. Trump lost the popular vote, which is why he insisted that there were millions of illegal votes cast for Hillary, despite there being no evidence of such. It was all about his ego.
Yet the Electors are elected by popular vote. Those voting for them mostly don't realize that they're voting for Electors. They think that they're voting for President. In fact, that's exactly how the ballots are set up.

Yes, it is, but you don't seem to know that much about it.
wrong again. The whole point is to make it harder to register to vote, especially for those who are likely to vote for Democrats. It's hard for quite a few people to prove that they are who they say they are. It's easy to "identify yourself". It can be difficult to back that up with acceptable documentation.
thousands of legitimate voters were prevented from registering to vote.

Your usual projection and denial.

Any bigotry is all yours.

According to Donnie John, aka Cadet Bone Spurs, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....

When you start a post with bullshit, the rest is just unnecessary blather from a dullard who isn't interested in intelligent debate, but rather, promoting false narratives and acting like a partisan asshat.
Trump is on track to getting his ass kicked by any of the top 5 Dem candidates. He has 3 opponents in the Repub party now. We all know he will not debate them. His shtick from the last election is getting real old and embarrassing. He cannot criticize Stanford for cheating on his wife. He did it many. many times. he would have to discuss real issues. Trump cannot do that. He would probably crack up on stage.
How do you like trumps's press conferences? Oh yeah, he ended those. Perhaps the daily press briefings would tell us something. Oh yeah, he ended those too.
This is simply the least transparent administration is modern history. Trump is hiding like the coward he is.