Is tRump worried that the Corona Virus could cost him the election?

Hopefully his adoring JPP worshiper Stretch, who feels compelled to share each and every TRE45ON lovemelongtimeplease rally with us, will also share how he reassures the nation and vows to work with both sides till this health crisis passes, tonight.

And maybe tomorrow we'll all wake up with wings. lol
Health crisis? lol Surely you jest.

The flu kills more people - and that 'threat'- fizzles out every year come Spring. Any health expert will tell you that.
Health crisis? lol Surely you jest.
The flu kills more people - and that 'threat'- fizzles out every year come Spring. Any health expert will tell you that.

I think we're all well aware of that. Nonetheless this is a health crisis that is affecting the economy, the markets, the travel industry, manufacturing supply lines, etc. -- globally -- not just here.
I think we're all well aware of that. Nonetheless this is a health crisis that is affecting the economy, the markets, the travel industry, manufacturing supply lines, etc. -- globally -- not just here.

For a "nothing burger", Corruptrump seems to be terrified of it.
For a "nothing burger", Corruptrump seems to be terrified of it.

It's the markets that are freaking him out, and they in turn are freaking out over the virus. He knows his only chance at re-election and avoiding prison is the appearance of a great economy. Right now it doesn't look great at all.
It's the markets that are freaking him out, and they in turn are freaking out over the virus. He knows his only chance at re-election and avoiding prison is the appearance of a great economy. Right now it doesn't look great at all.

You are correct. tRump got "gifted" twice. Once by inheriting a great economy. Two, by an Electoral College anomaly. He "owns" the economy now, and the EC fluke isn't likely to repeat itself. Corruptrump is freaking out bigtime.
Trump is terrified that the flu will broom him out of office bigly. He has to justify cutting budgets for the CDC and HHS. He owns that. They are trying to manufacture testing equipment and masks. Should have done that months ago. But spoiled rich people think they are immune from problems. Everything works out for you when you are rich until it doesn't.