Is Watermark Really Unemployed and Penniless?

Is Watermark Really Unemployed and Penniless?

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It's tough finding a job fresh out of college. Plus I have extreme social anxiety and it's difficult for me to interview.
OK...Social anxiety disorder is an easy one to fix. Here's the steps you take.

#1. Remember 90% of the people out there are far more fucked up than you will ever be. Just take a look at ILA. You're no where near as fucked up as him.
#2. Go out to a very crowded place, like a night club and talk to people like Super Freak does. After you get your ass kicked you'll know what not to do.
#3. Then go out to a very crowded place and talk to people like Rana would....just make sure it's not a gay bar. Then you'll know what to do.
#4. Learn not to give a rats ass what other people think of you. Mostly, they don't think nothing about you and don't give a rats ass about you. It's only fair that you not give a rats ass about them either. So go ahead and eat Sushi with your fingers. Fuck em if they can't take a joke.
#5. Do all these steps (except #3...once should be enough...but hey....if you like it) over and over again. With repetition the anxiety will fade.
#6. Learn how to break the ice with people. That's easy to do. Ask a person their name, then, calling them by name, ask them a question about themselves (nothing too personal) and then sit back and shut up while they talk. People just love to talk about themselves. That should give you enough information so that you can ask them more innocuous questions about themselves. As they talk just smile, look them in the eye, lean forward and nod your head. Pay attention to what they are saying and ask them more questions on what they are talking about (it shows you're paying attention. people like that). Never give your opinion on a topic. Keep that to yourself and remember their name. People love to be called by their first name.

Now everyone once in a while you'll run into some misanthropic asshole who can only be happy when their pissed off. Ignore them. They're just attention whores.
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Sounds pretty much like Ohio to me!
Not really. We make the duct tape, shotguns and WD40 and sell them to Mississippi. Also, unlike Mississippi we have our own Budweiser plant. Honestly....we don't drink that shit but those mouth breathers down south we sell it too drink that shit by the bucket load.