Islam is an ideology


Congratulations to Muslims for inventing the concept of ideology a full 1100 years before the west did during the enlightenment! Truly a precocious civilization.
Fertile Crescent

As with Ancient China, I would say it produced much, but not ideology. Now, the sophists of Ancient Greece were clearly fucking ideologues of the lowest order. Western civilization had successfully slut-shamed sophistry until it came back into fashion last century, despite everything.
Mostly because they didn't.

I happen to be fond of civilization, written language, arable crops, mathematics, art and culture.
Rune you scurvy looking pig fucker.

You're confusing a geographical region, the Fertile Crescent, with a Religion. Chinese civilization existed for millennia before the advent of the religion of Islam.

You ever read "The Art of War"? That's pretty strong evidence that the Chinese had developed ideology fully a thousand years before Islam even existed.
I recommend the video lecture series "The Great Ideas of Philosophy" by Professor Daniel Robinson, and available through the "Great Courses".

Being a total novice myself, I found there were things to admire about the early Islamic scholars, and the "well ordered society" tenets of Confucianism.

But to me, there really is nothing that holds a candle to the political and ethical philosophies in the western tradition associated with Plato and Aristotle. I mean, that was the foundation of it of the philosophy and natural sciences in the western tradition.

The Islamic world is certainly owed a debt for being the reservoir of scholarly knowledge while Europe endured the dark ages.

These days, I am largely an adherent of the philosophies of Governor Jerry the rich and provide for economic and environmental justice!
I recommend the video lecture series "The Great Ideas of Philosophy" by Professor Daniel Robinson, and available through the "Great Courses".

Being a total novice myself, I found there were things to admire about the early Islamic scholars, and the "well ordered society" tenets of Confucianism.

But to me, there really is nothing that holds a candle to the political and ethical philosophies in the western tradition associated with Plato and Aristotle. I mean, that was the foundation of it of the philosophy and natural sciences in the western tradition.

The Islamic world is certainly owed a debt for being the reservoir of scholarly knowledge while Europe endured the dark ages.

These days, I am largely an adherent of the philosophies of Governor Jerry the rich and provide for economic and environmental justice!
I try to live by the philosophy that if life doesn't give you water and sugar your lemonade is going to be just awful.

More importantly though is that if life gives you melons you might be dyslexic.
Don't get too excited. There are some conditions that have to be met before we can eat the rich. Most important of these is they must be wrapped in bacon. Tracey first coined the term during the during the French Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte coined the term ideologue. Ideology has been around as long as civilization though.

I think the argument that has been made about the French Revolution is that it was the beginning of the age of ideology, to the degree that people seek the elevation of ideology itself, instead of ends that appear to them more finite, such as military victory, defense of the frontiers, economic solvency, etc.
It would be more correct to say that the French Revolution marked the advent of political ideologies or the era of political ideology.

Ideologies have been around as long as human history even if the term is a recently coined one. Ideologies tend to reflect the dominant socioeconomic systems. In industrial societies political ideologies are prominent. In feudal societies religious ideologies prevail and in ancient slave societies, like Ancient Rome and Greece, epistemological ideologies dominated.

Point being ideologies and ideologues have been around a very long time.