Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

Well, I was wrong on one point....he's an equal opportunity anti-religion raver. That being said, you are spot on as to the likeness of Winn's ramblings.

And what are you? You support any stupid murderous god myth that comes down the pike?

WHy do you defend theocrats?

Oh wait, I know, you're brainwashed.
And what are you? You support any stupid murderous god myth that comes down the pike?

I thought I was clear in my previous response. But for the record, I'm not a big fan of any organized religion...period. However, I can see the good and bad in any of them...and I do have a personal belief in the metaphysical and spiritual regardless that it doesn't exactly fit in with any of the dogma of the big 3 religions.

WHy do you defend theocrats?

Where did I do this? Please stop printing your supposition and conjecture as fact.

Oh wait, I know, no, you don't---as many of your past posts have proven you're brainwashed.
Says the man who uses a anti-semetic holocaust denier as a reference point....which pretty much makes your rants in this vein pretty much worthless.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Okay, if you've printed similar rants to the other religions and I merely have not read them, then I stand corrected and apologize on that point.

Now, since you hate all religions....let me explain to you that not ALL Christians, Jews and Muslims are automatically evil because you isolate all the negative aspects of their reverend text. Mind you, I agree that there are parts and aspects of the 3 religions you site that are intolerant of non-believers (and mysogynist)...which gives credence and rise to fundamentalist and/or extremist. Which is why you have morons like the Taliban and Al Qaeda, or zionists groups like that of the old Meir Kahane, or fools who kill bomb abortion clinics and target doctors for murder.

But, these are the exceptions and not the rule.

My stance has always been that I've no problem and give full support to a religious man that runs a soup kitchen withOUT heavy duty evangelism, as opposed to support to an institution that aides and abets pedophiles or a guy beating his wife to death because she said "no" on any level.
Whoops, sorry....I've edited the mistakes in the previous post above.

Terrorist ideologies beget terrorists. That's only logical. And not all religions are terrorist ideologies. If that were indeed the case, the USA would not exist, England would not have an active parliament, and the world would be in constant turmoil.

These books should be openly discussed on the world stage as an example of how not to think, and they shouldn't be burned or discarded, they should be preserved in all their horrendous glory as an example of human minds gone psychotic.

Where have you been? In my lifetime, I've been able to go down to the local library and read loads of books that go after religion in general with a vengeance...and you can have your choice as to what individual worship gets a scathing critical review. In America for the last 30 years, Catholics have been getting it in the neck via plays, stock TV characters, etc. Jews have ALWAYS been a comic diet staple, and Hindus, muslims and buddhist have always been somewhat lumped together as a foreign joke like Latka Gravis.

You've got an axe to grind against religion...goody for you. Just don't be as assinine in your critiques as the zealots and radical evangelists are.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
She's telling the truth, which is NOT a "smear".

So the talmud quotes are inaccurate then?

Nope....but the painfully obvious out-of-context use of the quotes coupled with Hoffman's bias supposition, conjecture and conclusions IS inaccurate. His brand of BS isn't anything new or even intellectually this explanation is more adept in explaining in full than I (or you) could do with a few quips and excerpts.
Nope....but the painfully obvious out-of-context use of the quotes coupled with Hoffman's bias supposition, conjecture and conclusions IS inaccurate. His brand of BS isn't anything new or even intellectually this explanation is more adept in explaining in full than I (or you) could do with a few quips and excerpts.

blah blah blah.

Put ONE of them in "proper" context for us, douche.

So much for your talmud hatchet.

In your view only christianity can ever be at fault. That's because you're a brainwashed fool.

I'm sure the ADL has no bias. (yeah, right)
Nope....but the painfully obvious out-of-context use of the quotes coupled with Hoffman's bias supposition, conjecture and conclusions IS inaccurate. His brand of BS isn't anything new or even intellectually this explanation is more adept in explaining in full than I (or you) could do with a few quips and excerpts.

I think AHZ's been dipping into The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
"You dismiss through ignorance"....once this point regarding Asshat's religious diatribes you are correct. As I just responded to him, I personally have not read his other takes on Christianity or Judeaism, so I stand corrected and apologized to him on this point.

As for the rest of your paragraph.....YOU should holster your personal angst regarding me and NOT falsely generalize as if this one incident is my SOP.
It was based on far more than this one instance. It's a regular habit of yours, I just noted it here.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Nope....but the painfully obvious out-of-context use of the quotes coupled with Hoffman's bias supposition, conjecture and conclusions IS inaccurate. His brand of BS isn't anything new or even intellectually this explanation is more adept in explaining in full than I (or you) could do with a few quips and excerpts.

blah blah blah. the repsonse of the intellectually bankrupt neocon clown.
Put ONE of them in "proper" context for us, douche.

That's why I supplied the link, mastermind. Not only does it put things in proper context, but it also deconstructs the pseudo-intellectual BS of your hero in no-uncertain terms. Obviously, YOU didn't read the link.....or you don't have the guts to say, "well, that's wrong and here's why".

So much for your talmud hatchet. It's pretty sad when you try to pass your little neologisms as something of importance or relevence. Bottom line: I did my due diligence, the burden of proof is now on you to point out the flaws beyond your generalized catch phrases and distorted dismisals.

In your view only christianity can ever be at fault. Once again, you make a statement that is based on your worthless supposition and conjecture. You have no proof in my own words to back up your accusation (as my statement on this thread contradicts you). In short, you're a liar....and not a very smart one at that. That's because you're a brainwashed fool. More bluff and bluster from the intellectually bankrupt neocon fool.
I'm sure the ADL has no bias. (yeah, right)

Translation: He didn't read the content, just the label. Once again, living proof that his ass is indeed in his hat. Well, I tried to have a civil and rational discussion with this joker, but as the thread shows when he's properly challenged, he devolves to his true form....that of a irrationally prejudiced neocon buffoon. Sad.
It was based on far more than this one instance. It's a regular habit of yours, I just noted it here.

You're a liar, Damo....plain and simple. If what you say was true, then I would NEVER admit error. I've done so on these boards when big deal for me. You've got an axe to grind with me ever since we butted heads over an issue and I would neither kiss your ass about it or put up with your condescending bullshit. Grow up're occasionally going to be properly challenged and proven wrong on a personal belief or rationalization. If you can't accept that....TFB. Don't post or just IA me....but if you lie about what I write I'll call you on it. If you're going to turn into a sore loser and general jackass like the cast of characters from the neocon peanut gallery via AOL, then I'll just eventually dump you in the bin as well.
Translation: He didn't read the content, just the label. Once again, living proof that his ass is indeed in his hat. Well, I tried to have a civil and rational discussion with this joker, but as the thread shows when he's properly challenged, he devolves to his true form....that of a irrationally prejudiced neocon buffoon. Sad.

So you can't post even one correction of something taken out of context, and the "right context"? Typical.
So you can't post even one correction of something taken out of context, and the "right context"? Typical. that your ass is in your hat with these tired dodges and bluffs? Yeah.

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Islam is the Religion of Pinheads![/ame]

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Translation: He didn't read the content, just the label. Once again, living proof that his ass is indeed in his hat. Well, I tried to have a civil and rational discussion with this joker, but as the thread shows when he's properly challenged, he devolves to his true form....that of a irrationally prejudiced neocon buffoon. Sad.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Nope....but the painfully obvious out-of-context use of the quotes coupled with Hoffman's bias supposition, conjecture and conclusions IS inaccurate. His brand of BS isn't anything new or even intellectually this explanation is more adept in explaining in full than I (or you) could do with a few quips and excerpts.
Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Nope....but the painfully obvious out-of-context use of the quotes coupled with Hoffman's bias supposition, conjecture and conclusions IS inaccurate. His brand of BS isn't anything new or even intellectually this explanation is more adept in explaining in full than I (or you) could do with a few quips and excerpts.

There's no out of context use.

The basis of Judaism is racism. God's Chosen People is racist on it's face.

The talmud quotes are just keeping with that theme. It's quite expected actually.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Nope....but the painfully obvious out-of-context use of the quotes coupled with Hoffman's bias supposition, conjecture and conclusions IS inaccurate. His brand of BS isn't anything new or even intellectually this explanation is more adept in explaining in full than I (or you) could do with a few quips and excerpts.
There's no out of context use. When you compile a group of sentences from various passages and paragraphs that have only one theme in common, then the reader is NOT aware of what preceded or came after that quote. In effect, you create a false conclusion of the entire theme of a literary work. That is what you have done.

The basis of Judaism is racism. God's Chosen People is racist on it's face. According to you and pseudo-intellectual wonks with delusions of grandeur like Hoffman. If what you say were true, then "conversion" would not be part of the system for Judeaism. To be fair, you can find prejudice of "gentiles" in the Big 3 religions as well as misogyny...but the basis and tenents are not wholly and only of those negative aspects. Case in point: Malcolm X figured that out when he pilgrimed to Mecca and saw muslims of all races and creeds, which put the kibosh on the NOI doctrines.

The talmud quotes are just keeping with that theme. Actually, YOU keep focusing ONLY on those type of quotes...the "theme" of the Talmud is not as you say. It's quite expected actually.
Only prejudiced wonks with an axe to grind would "expect" such. Like I said, it ain't perfect, but it's not entirely as you portray.

II. The Charges
A. Non-Jews as Non-Human
Probably the most far-reaching claim made by anti-Talmud polemicists is that Judaism
views non-Jews as a subhuman species deserving only hatred and contempt from its
Jewish superiors.1 The visceral hatred that Jews are alleged to bear for non-Jews is
proven, they claim, by a variety of statements in the Talmud and by Jewish law itself,
which purportedly encourages Jews to exploit their non-Jewish neighbors and engage in
criminal activities against them. Many go so far as to claim that Jews are intent on
subjugating non-Jews around the world and even on committing genocide against them.
1 Dilling (1964) p. 10, 54; Shahak (1994) p. 94; Hoffman (2000) p. 43; Duke (2002) p. 62.
In its long history, Judaism has had its share of bigots, racists and xenophobes, some of
whom expressed their prejudices in religious terms. In certain historical periods there
have even been Jewish sects whose worldview placed Jews higher than non-Jews in
inherent value. But normative Judaism has never diminished the essential humanity—
and the concomitant holiness, derived from the doctrine of creation in imago Dei—shared
by Jews and non-Jews alike. Based on verses in the biblical verses in Genesis 1:26-28,
the principle that all men and women are created in the image of God is codified in the
Mishnah (Avoth 3:14) and Talmud (Avoth 9b):
[רבי עקיבא] היה אומר: חביב אדם שנברא בצלם. חיבה יתרה נודעת לו שנברא בצלם,
שנאמר (בראשית ט:ו), "כי בצלם אלקים עשה את האדם."
[Rabbi Akiva] used to say, “Beloved is man, for he was created in God’s image; and the
fact that God made it known that man was created in His image is indicative of an even
greater love. As the verse states (Genesis 9:6), ‘In the image of God, man was created.’)”
This doctrine is echoed by one of the great rabbis of the twentieth century, Rabbi Joseph
B. Soloveitchik (Man of Faith in the Modern World, p. 74):
Even as the Jew is moved by his private Sinaitic Covenant with God to embody
and preserve the teachings of the Torah, he is committed to the belief that all
mankind, of whatever color or creed, is “in His image” and is possessed of an
inherent human dignity and worthiness. Man’s singularity is derived from the
breath “He [God] breathed into his nostrils at the moment of creation” (Genesis
2:7). Thus, we do share in the universal historical experience, and God’s
providential concern does embrace all of humanity.
In the face of these Jewish doctrines expressing concern for men and women of all
religions, the attempts of anti-Semites to portray normative Judaism as bigoted and
hateful are revealed as thorough distortions of Jewish ethics. They claim, for example,
that the Hebrew term goy (pl. goyim), which refers to non-Jews, means “cow” or
“animal.” In fact, however, the term means “a member of a nation” (see e.g. Genesis
35:11, Isaiah 2:4) and has no derogatory connotation. The Bible even refers to the Jewish
people as ‘goy’ (Exodus 19:6) but through the millennia has become a generic term for
“gentile.” Of course, like terms used for any other ethnic group, the context and tone in
which it is spoken or written can render it pejorative (think of the history of the word
“Jew”), but that should hardly prejudice someone to the appearance of the term in
classical Jewish literature.
A far more serious accusation than name-calling is made when anti-Semites echo the
blood libel and claim that Jewish law enjoins or permits Jews to murder non-Jews
whenever feasible. To support this allegation polemicists cite a passage in the Jerusalem
Talmud2 stating in the name of R. Simeon b. Yochai (mid-second century C.E.) that “The
best of the non-Jews should be killed.” But Jewish tradition has always understood this
statement as referring only to a situation in which Jews are at war; at such times, R.
Simeon says, the status of a non-Jewish opponent should not be taken into account, for
war cannot be waged with half-measures. That R. Simeon referred to wartime may be
gleaned from his life story, for he lived amidst the Hadrianic persecutions of the second
century C.E. and participated in the Bar Kochba revolt against Rome. More importantly,
however, every subsequent citation of R. Simeon’s statement in Jewish legal literature
has appended the words “ בשעת מלחמה ”—“in times of war.”3 Yet polemicists continue to
cite the unqualified passage from the Jerusalem Talmud in an effort to raise suspicions
that contemporary Jews are secretly commanded to murder their non-Jewish neighbors.
Such propagandizing is a purposeful misrepresentation.
Last edited:
Only prejudiced wonks with an axe to grind would "expect" such. Like I said, it ain't perfect, but it's not entirely as you portray.

God's chosen people is a racist notion.

The talmud reflects that.

The only prejudice is your denial of obvious facts.

Why are you so brainwashed by jews?
God's chosen people is a racist notion.

The talmud reflects that.

The only prejudice is your denial of obvious facts.

Why are you so brainwashed by jews?

Why don't you get your head out of Hoffman's ass?

II. The Charges
A. Non-Jews as Non-Human
Probably the most far-reaching claim made by anti-Talmud polemicists is that Judaism
views non-Jews as a subhuman species deserving only hatred and contempt from its
Jewish superiors.1 The visceral hatred that Jews are alleged to bear for non-Jews is
proven, they claim, by a variety of statements in the Talmud and by Jewish law itself,
which purportedly encourages Jews to exploit their non-Jewish neighbors and engage in
criminal activities against them. Many go so far as to claim that Jews are intent on
subjugating non-Jews around the world and even on committing genocide against them.
1 Dilling (1964) p. 10, 54; Shahak (1994) p. 94; Hoffman (2000) p. 43; Duke (2002) p. 62.
In its long history, Judaism has had its share of bigots, racists and xenophobes, some of
whom expressed their prejudices in religious terms. In certain historical periods there
have even been Jewish sects whose worldview placed Jews higher than non-Jews in
inherent value. But normative Judaism has never diminished the essential humanity—
and the concomitant holiness, derived from the doctrine of creation in imago Dei—shared
by Jews and non-Jews alike. Based on verses in the biblical verses in Genesis 1:26-28,
the principle that all men and women are created in the image of God is codified in the
Mishnah (Avoth 3:14) and Talmud (Avoth 9b):
[רבי עקיבא] היה אומר: חביב אדם שנברא בצלם. חיבה יתרה נודעת לו שנברא בצלם,
שנאמר (בראשית ט:ו), "כי בצלם אלקים עשה את האדם."
[Rabbi Akiva] used to say, “Beloved is man, for he was created in God’s image; and the
fact that God made it known that man was created in His image is indicative of an even
greater love. As the verse states (Genesis 9:6), ‘In the image of God, man was created.’)”
This doctrine is echoed by one of the great rabbis of the twentieth century, Rabbi Joseph
B. Soloveitchik (Man of Faith in the Modern World, p. 74):
Even as the Jew is moved by his private Sinaitic Covenant with God to embody
and preserve the teachings of the Torah, he is committed to the belief that all
mankind, of whatever color or creed, is “in His image” and is possessed of an
inherent human dignity and worthiness. Man’s singularity is derived from the
breath “He [God] breathed into his nostrils at the moment of creation” (Genesis
2:7). Thus, we do share in the universal historical experience, and God’s
providential concern does embrace all of humanity.
In the face of these Jewish doctrines expressing concern for men and women of all
religions, the attempts of anti-Semites to portray normative Judaism as bigoted and
hateful are revealed as thorough distortions of Jewish ethics. They claim, for example,
that the Hebrew term goy (pl. goyim), which refers to non-Jews, means “cow” or
“animal.” In fact, however, the term means “a member of a nation” (see e.g. Genesis
35:11, Isaiah 2:4) and has no derogatory connotation. The Bible even refers to the Jewish
people as ‘goy’ (Exodus 19:6) but through the millennia has become a generic term for
“gentile.” Of course, like terms used for any other ethnic group, the context and tone in
which it is spoken or written can render it pejorative (think of the history of the word
“Jew”), but that should hardly prejudice someone to the appearance of the term in
classical Jewish literature.
A far more serious accusation than name-calling is made when anti-Semites echo the
blood libel and claim that Jewish law enjoins or permits Jews to murder non-Jews
whenever feasible. To support this allegation polemicists cite a passage in the Jerusalem
Talmud2 stating in the name of R. Simeon b. Yochai (mid-second century C.E.) that “The
best of the non-Jews should be killed.” But Jewish tradition has always understood this
statement as referring only to a situation in which Jews are at war; at such times, R.
Simeon says, the status of a non-Jewish opponent should not be taken into account, for
war cannot be waged with half-measures. That R. Simeon referred to wartime may be
gleaned from his life story, for he lived amidst the Hadrianic persecutions of the second
century C.E. and participated in the Bar Kochba revolt against Rome. More importantly,
however, every subsequent citation of R. Simeon’s statement in Jewish legal literature
has appended the words “ בשעת מלחמה ”—“in times of war.”3 Yet polemicists continue to
cite the unqualified passage from the Jerusalem Talmud in an effort to raise suspicions
that contemporary Jews are secretly commanded to murder their non-Jewish neighbors.
Such propagandizing is a purposeful misrepresentation.
Why don't you get your head out of Hoffman's ass?

II. The Charges
A. Non-Jews as Non-Human
Probably the most far-reaching claim made by anti-Talmud polemicists is that Judaism
views non-Jews as a subhuman species deserving only hatred and contempt from its
Jewish superiors.1 The visceral hatred that Jews are alleged to bear for non-Jews is
proven, they claim, by a variety of statements in the Talmud and by Jewish law itself,
which purportedly encourages Jews to exploit their non-Jewish neighbors and engage in
criminal activities against them. Many go so far as to claim that Jews are intent on
subjugating non-Jews around the world and even on committing genocide against them.
1 Dilling (1964) p. 10, 54; Shahak (1994) p. 94; Hoffman (2000) p. 43; Duke (2002) p. 62.
In its long history, Judaism has had its share of bigots, racists and xenophobes, some of
whom expressed their prejudices in religious terms. In certain historical periods there
have even been Jewish sects whose worldview placed Jews higher than non-Jews in
inherent value. But normative Judaism has never diminished the essential humanity—
and the concomitant holiness, derived from the doctrine of creation in imago Dei—shared
by Jews and non-Jews alike. Based on verses in the biblical verses in Genesis 1:26-28,
the principle that all men and women are created in the image of God is codified in the
Mishnah (Avoth 3:14) and Talmud (Avoth 9b):
[רבי עקיבא] היה אומר: חביב אדם שנברא בצלם. חיבה יתרה נודעת לו שנברא בצלם,
שנאמר (בראשית ט:ו), "כי בצלם אלקים עשה את האדם."
[Rabbi Akiva] used to say, “Beloved is man, for he was created in God’s image; and the
fact that God made it known that man was created in His image is indicative of an even
greater love. As the verse states (Genesis 9:6), ‘In the image of God, man was created.’)”
This doctrine is echoed by one of the great rabbis of the twentieth century, Rabbi Joseph
B. Soloveitchik (Man of Faith in the Modern World, p. 74):
Even as the Jew is moved by his private Sinaitic Covenant with God to embody
and preserve the teachings of the Torah, he is committed to the belief that all
mankind, of whatever color or creed, is “in His image” and is possessed of an
inherent human dignity and worthiness. Man’s singularity is derived from the
breath “He [God] breathed into his nostrils at the moment of creation” (Genesis
2:7). Thus, we do share in the universal historical experience, and God’s
providential concern does embrace all of humanity.
In the face of these Jewish doctrines expressing concern for men and women of all
religions, the attempts of anti-Semites to portray normative Judaism as bigoted and
hateful are revealed as thorough distortions of Jewish ethics. They claim, for example,
that the Hebrew term goy (pl. goyim), which refers to non-Jews, means “cow” or
“animal.” In fact, however, the term means “a member of a nation” (see e.g. Genesis
35:11, Isaiah 2:4) and has no derogatory connotation. The Bible even refers to the Jewish
people as ‘goy’ (Exodus 19:6) but through the millennia has become a generic term for
“gentile.” Of course, like terms used for any other ethnic group, the context and tone in
which it is spoken or written can render it pejorative (think of the history of the word
“Jew”), but that should hardly prejudice someone to the appearance of the term in
classical Jewish literature.
A far more serious accusation than name-calling is made when anti-Semites echo the
blood libel and claim that Jewish law enjoins or permits Jews to murder non-Jews
whenever feasible. To support this allegation polemicists cite a passage in the Jerusalem
Talmud2 stating in the name of R. Simeon b. Yochai (mid-second century C.E.) that “The
best of the non-Jews should be killed.” But Jewish tradition has always understood this
statement as referring only to a situation in which Jews are at war; at such times, R.
Simeon says, the status of a non-Jewish opponent should not be taken into account, for
war cannot be waged with half-measures. That R. Simeon referred to wartime may be
gleaned from his life story, for he lived amidst the Hadrianic persecutions of the second
century C.E. and participated in the Bar Kochba revolt against Rome. More importantly,
however, every subsequent citation of R. Simeon’s statement in Jewish legal literature
has appended the words “ בשעת מלחמה ”—“in times of war.”3 Yet polemicists continue to
cite the unqualified passage from the Jerusalem Talmud in an effort to raise suspicions
that contemporary Jews are secretly commanded to murder their non-Jewish neighbors.
Such propagandizing is a purposeful misrepresentation.

Blah blah.

You still have not refuted a single talmud quote. Figures.

It's a faith based on racism. The talmud fully reflects that.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Why don't you get your head out of Hoffman's ass?

II. The Charges
A. Non-Jews as Non-Human
Probably the most far-reaching claim made by anti-Talmud polemicists is that Judaism
views non-Jews as a subhuman species deserving only hatred and contempt from its
Jewish superiors.1 The visceral hatred that Jews are alleged to bear for non-Jews is
proven, they claim, by a variety of statements in the Talmud and by Jewish law itself,
which purportedly encourages Jews to exploit their non-Jewish neighbors and engage in
criminal activities against them. Many go so far as to claim that Jews are intent on
subjugating non-Jews around the world and even on committing genocide against them.
1 Dilling (1964) p. 10, 54; Shahak (1994) p. 94; Hoffman (2000) p. 43; Duke (2002) p. 62.
In its long history, Judaism has had its share of bigots, racists and xenophobes, some of
whom expressed their prejudices in religious terms. In certain historical periods there
have even been Jewish sects whose worldview placed Jews higher than non-Jews in
inherent value. But normative Judaism has never diminished the essential humanity—
and the concomitant holiness, derived from the doctrine of creation in imago Dei—shared
by Jews and non-Jews alike. Based on verses in the biblical verses in Genesis 1:26-28,
the principle that all men and women are created in the image of God is codified in the
Mishnah (Avoth 3:14) and Talmud (Avoth 9b):
[רבי עקיבא] היה אומר: חביב אדם שנברא בצלם. חיבה יתרה נודעת לו שנברא בצלם,
שנאמר (בראשית ט:ו), "כי בצלם אלקים עשה את האדם."
[Rabbi Akiva] used to say, “Beloved is man, for he was created in God’s image; and the
fact that God made it known that man was created in His image is indicative of an even
greater love. As the verse states (Genesis 9:6), ‘In the image of God, man was created.’)”
This doctrine is echoed by one of the great rabbis of the twentieth century, Rabbi Joseph
B. Soloveitchik (Man of Faith in the Modern World, p. 74):
Even as the Jew is moved by his private Sinaitic Covenant with God to embody
and preserve the teachings of the Torah, he is committed to the belief that all
mankind, of whatever color or creed, is “in His image” and is possessed of an
inherent human dignity and worthiness. Man’s singularity is derived from the
breath “He [God] breathed into his nostrils at the moment of creation” (Genesis
2:7). Thus, we do share in the universal historical experience, and God’s
providential concern does embrace all of humanity.
In the face of these Jewish doctrines expressing concern for men and women of all
religions, the attempts of anti-Semites to portray normative Judaism as bigoted and
hateful are revealed as thorough distortions of Jewish ethics. They claim, for example,
that the Hebrew term goy (pl. goyim), which refers to non-Jews, means “cow” or
“animal.” In fact, however, the term means “a member of a nation” (see e.g. Genesis
35:11, Isaiah 2:4) and has no derogatory connotation. The Bible even refers to the Jewish
people as ‘goy’ (Exodus 19:6) but through the millennia has become a generic term for
“gentile.” Of course, like terms used for any other ethnic group, the context and tone in
which it is spoken or written can render it pejorative (think of the history of the word
“Jew”), but that should hardly prejudice someone to the appearance of the term in
classical Jewish literature.
A far more serious accusation than name-calling is made when anti-Semites echo the
blood libel and claim that Jewish law enjoins or permits Jews to murder non-Jews
whenever feasible. To support this allegation polemicists cite a passage in the Jerusalem
Talmud2 stating in the name of R. Simeon b. Yochai (mid-second century C.E.) that “The
best of the non-Jews should be killed.” But Jewish tradition has always understood this
statement as referring only to a situation in which Jews are at war; at such times, R.
Simeon says, the status of a non-Jewish opponent should not be taken into account, for
war cannot be waged with half-measures. That R. Simeon referred to wartime may be
gleaned from his life story, for he lived amidst the Hadrianic persecutions of the second
century C.E. and participated in the Bar Kochba revolt against Rome. More importantly,
however, every subsequent citation of R. Simeon’s statement in Jewish legal literature
has appended the words “ בשעת מלחמה ”—“in times of war.”3 Yet polemicists continue to
cite the unqualified passage from the Jerusalem Talmud in an effort to raise suspicions
that contemporary Jews are secretly commanded to murder their non-Jewish neighbors.
Such propagandizing is a purposeful misrepresentation.

Blah blah.

You still have not refuted a single talmud quote. Figures.

It's a faith based on racism. The talmud fully reflects that.

And there you have it folks....another insipidly stubborn dumbass neocon who can't defend his prejudices logically or factually beyond squawking his disproved contentions and mantras over and over.

Once again, he proves his ass is indeed in his hat. Now he'll just repeat his BS again, because the last word, no matter how insipid, is so important to him. :palm: So much more to pity him. I leave him to his delusions.
And there you have it folks....another insipidly stubborn dumbass neocon who can't defend his prejudices logically or factually beyond squawking his disproved contentions and mantras over and over.

Once again, he proves his ass is indeed in his hat. Now he'll just repeat his BS again, because the last word, no matter how insipid, is so important to him. :palm: So much more to pity him. I leave him to his delusions.

Im going by the holy texts of the faith.

YOUR meager pathetic quote was taken out of context.

Judaism is a theocratic race cult.

A jew is a better person to the extent that he rejects his faith.

Oh, and neocons are know for being jew brainwash victims like you.

I take it as an insult to be called a neocon.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And there you have it folks....another insipidly stubborn dumbass neocon who can't defend his prejudices logically or factually beyond squawking his disproved contentions and mantras over and over.

Once again, he proves his ass is indeed in his hat. Now he'll just repeat his BS again, because the last word, no matter how insipid, is so important to him. So much more to pity him. :palm:I leave him to his delusions

Im going by the holy texts of the faith. A just collect a series of quotes that have negative connotations while ignoring whatever paragraph or passage they may belong to as well as what context to the rest of the paragraph or passge concludes.
YOUR meager pathetic quote was taken out of context. Another the link and it's quote shows in previous posts, it is YOU and your hero Hoffman who take things out of context while ignoring other information in order to purport your prejudiced mindsets.

Judaism is a theocratic race cult. Says who? You? Hoffman? Well, I got news for ya bunky, there have been several generations of Jews living in DEMOCRATIC America for some time now. So maybe you should toddle over and tell them to move out? I suggest you do this from the back of a fast moving truck.
A jew is a better person to the extent that he rejects his faith. Says who? You? Hoffman? Gee, isn't that what Torquemada and his boys said? I mean, it seems you are in sync with the mindset of the fringe element of one religion to demonize another. Your head must hurt from so much spinning.

Oh, and neocons are know for being jew brainwash victims like you.

Really? So you're vehemently AGAINST the current GOP and all who stood with the Shrub & company? Interesting, because you're NOT against them because of their political and social views, but because they are secretly being controlled by jews. Hmm, I read the same BS by David Duke and his ilk for years....but you're SO much smarter than them, right bunky? :rolleyes:

I take it as an insult to be called a neocon.
