Islam v Christianity

cancel2 2022

Hmmm....I guess it's a wash. Actually I'd have to say Christianity is superior cause I loooooove bacon and who in their right mind would want more than one wife?

I just got a book in the mail yesterday that I am reading, "Women and Fundamentalism, Islam and Christianity"

I am still in the process of reading, "Women Without Superstition, No Gods-No Masters"

Thank goodness for atheist women, they are the ones who fought so hard for women's rights. They were burned as witches, imprisoned and shunned by their fellow women, but they endured nd as a result women now have rights.
There are 3 main differences between Islam & Christianity:

1. Today, most Christians believe in the Trinity, meaning that God has 3 forms (Father, Son, Holy Ghost/ Spirit). The concept of trinity was not adopted by Christianity until the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Some of the early Christians were Unitarians. Even today, there are Christian Unitarian churches that do not accept the Trinity. According to Wikipedia, notable Rationalist Unitarians include thinkers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson (American), as well as famous figures such as Florence Nightingale (British) in nursing and humanitarianism, Charles Dickens (British) in literature, and Frank Lloyd Wright (American) in architecture.

While in Islam,

(a) Trinity is totally rejected. Jesus is neither God, nor Son of God (in the literal sense). Jesus was a human prophet and not divine.

(a) Muslims worship only God, the one and only the creator of the universe.

(b) This God (the Quran refers to as Allah) is the God and creator of Jesus and is the same God that Jesus in the current Bible refers to as Father and to whom Jesus used to pray.

(c) Muslims consider Mohammad, Moses, and Jesus as prophets and messengers sent by God ("messengers" is term that refers to prophets who brought holy scriptures to their people as a message from God). These prophets were human beings, not divine, and should not be worship directly or indirectly.

(d) Muslims believe that each human being can be called son/daughter of God because he/she was created by God. So there is nothing special or divine about Jesus being called son of God and therefore Jesus should not be worshiped.

(e) Finally, angels (such as Gabriel) are servants/agents of God. Angels are created by God; therefore, they are not divine and should not be worshiped.

2. The Quran says Jesus did not die on the cross, but God made it appear that way to people. Furthermore, the Quran also says that Jesus was ascended to Heaven by God. Most Christians today insist Jesus was crucified and died on the cross, but two days later was resurrected.

3. Christians believe in the concept of "Original Sin" which means that human beings are born as sinners , bearing the burden of the "Original Sin" of Adam and Eve. Muslims do not believe in the " Original Sin" for 2 main reasons:

(a) In the Quran, God forgave Adam for what he has done, and

(b) according to the Quran, no one should be made to bear the burden of someone else's sin or mistake because it is unfair.