islamaphobia doesn't exist, it's a liars way of attempting to control while suppressi

Thanks for sharing a lie that the religious use to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many. Sickening how low the religious stoop like using more lies to threaten people to suffer if they do not follow your already factually proven foundation of lies after they die. Shame on you for spewing such rhetoric.

I share facts proving that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything, you just ignore fact (intellectual cowardice) and use a factually proven lie to base your excuse for so called argument anyway.

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Crusade? I do not hate anyone or anything and the facts I share that back my clams on the foundation of the primary issue religion which you are quite obviously unable to contest with even so much as a shred of validity are quite obviously not lies. I know you lie because that is what religion teaches people to do. I fight for the destruction of religion because unlike the religious I happen to value human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies of which have lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day.

The minds of the religious prove to be weak and pathetic time and time again. I love and care about the life on this planet which is why I fight for the destruction of religion to unite the masses to defeat the globalst crime organization as well put an end to thousands of years of war and divide over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies.

You seem poorly educated, ignorant and consumed with hatred to me.. Have you ever traveled outside of Canada?
He is warped by hate and ignorance. It is sad that he does not have a hint how far off base he is.
I guess he missed class when they explained that you do not use infinitives in what is supposed to be a persuasive statement. As soon as you say all Muslim believe something, you are wrong. There are the same degrees of belief in Islam as there are in Christians. There are religiously obsessed and people going so their parent's won't bitch.
Ironically his theme is Islamophobia does not exist and he is proof it does.

It's no secret you lie because that is what religion teaches you to do to try and drag me down to your warped sick and pathetic level. A man is not a religion since your brain is appearing to be way too small to figure out something so obvious all by yourself..

I fight for the destruction of religion because of thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies and here we have the religious attempting to clam this qualifies me as a hater for valuing human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies. Meanwhile the religious support the largest hate crime against humanity spanning over thousands of years. Since they have no validity, they make up lies about me in desperate attempt to try and drag me down to their pathetic level because that is what religion teaches weak and gullible minds to do as this one so eagerly demonstrates.
islamaphobia doesn't exist, it's a liars way of attempting to control while suppressing you with rhetoric

That Australian trumper was just dishing out flowers to his friends, eh? Bang you're dead!

I already slaughtered that within the very composition beginning this very thread, you know the relevance within that composition you intellectually cower from

"Every single muslim on the planet is loyal to islam. Islam deems violent hate crimes against non muslims as acceptable. These violent hate crimes against non muslims escalate everywhere around the world in modern day that muslim populations begin to rise.

It is quite obviously rational and wise to be concerned for the well being and safety of every non muslim everywhere muslim populations begin to rise which proves that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe because a phobia describes an irrational fear.

Those who attempt to label you as an islamaphobe are those who seek to defecate on you like you're a stupid piece of garbage with such a pathetic and obvious lie to try and enforce violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam everywhere in modern day where muslim populations begin to rise.

Also doesn't anyone else find it just a little peculiar that when it comes to people against any other religion it is anti that religion (especially after thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies, I can't blame anyone for being against any / every religion) and yet when it comes to muslims who are being fast tracked to several countries in modern day they try to lie to you calling being anti islam, islamaphobia?! Obvious rhetoric especially when the lie islamaphobia wasn't even made up until soon after the so called Syrian crisis when the globalist crime organization started flooding other countries with those who are all loyal to islam which deems violent hate crime against non muslims as acceptable with every sick and filthy lie and deception that the globalist crime organization could redundantly fathom!

This whole stupid phobia thing started blowing out of proportion if I recall in the 80's with some stupid movie about spiders yet some spiders can seriously harm or kill you! The the LGBT started referring to a natural repulsion as an irrational fear and since leftists and globalists got away the that lie by banning people from platforms because they exposed the lie while using the main stream media to start attempting to shame the public for being against such a filthy lie, now they are attempting to force such lies of what a phobia is yet again with this phony islam narrative because they seem to think that they are going to get away with such sick and pathetic rubbish. Enough of pea brained mentalities making a mockery of everything.

Look at the larger picture this way, the wannabe puppeteers are the globalist crime organization. The strings are the main stream media, the UN, the EU along with designated, elected and appointed traitors and tyrants. They expect you all to be their puppet. It's time to cut the strings for freedom from this pea brained ass face selfish, greedy and ignorant, compulsive, obsessive lying deceiving mental basket cases, take back all they stole from many countries over the decades and throw all of their sorry asses behind bars where they all belong! All meaning the strings and the wannabe puppeteers. They all deserve it for betraying all of you with a slew of sick and filthy lies and deceptions while they enforce violent hate crimes against citizens and non muslims while attempting to shame citizens for being against such sick, filthy and inexcusable behavior. It's time to criminalize the Trojan horse called "freedom of religion" permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations thus we can finally start believing in ourselves and one another with such sick and filthy lies out of the way thus no longer dividing us as such sick and filthy lies have been doing for thousands of years. Like duh, time to wake up.

Again, the non contestable factual evidence proving that there is no such thing as a god or what muslims call allah (the very foundation of some religions) is as follows in a nut shell and keep in mind proof that religious claim that the lie allah or the lie god is intelligent is that they are all foolish enough to worship or pray to a factually proven lie thus is them acknowledging they claim that factually proven lie is intelligent to be able to understand prayer or worship. The factual evidence quoted in a nut shell. The same factual evidence proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies and yes including scientology (look for my 4 minutes 9 second video on you tube or bit chute about physicists lying) Finally atheists merely believe religions are lies, (of which the religious labeled people who wanted not anything to do with their rhetoric in attempt to try and drag those "non religious" people down to the level of the religious) where as I am no atheist, I am the Primary Factual Fundamentalist that shares the factual evidence which proves it and I am very proud to be non religious because unlike the religious, I happen to value human life more than I value a factually proven foundation of filthy religious lies:

"Nothingness is the absence of energy and matter hence there is nothing. Energy and matter are both physical. If someone tells you that there is anything that exists beyond the physical realm, they are lying because the fact remains that without the physical there is nothing. Not anything can go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone develop an intelligence out of nothing, let alone be able to create with nothing because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything aka no such thing as a god ever existed."

All anyone obviously needs to do to prove what I share is not fact at all is simply share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. We do no even have to get to the develop intelligence out of nothingness part because not anyone will ever share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness and I know this because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

As long as religion exists there will always be war and divide because that is where the following and spreading of lies leads as thousands of years already proves. Those who encourage religion obviously do not want anything to do with peace, they want to keep the masses dumb and gullible because it assures war and divide as thousands of years already proves beyond any shadow of doubt.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada"
DJS - May I suggest that you learn to précis? People's attention-spans are not what they were, and you come over as going on a bit.
Name one muslim not loyal to islam so many of us humans can laugh at your pathetic rhetoric, I mean everyone when I say everyone ignoramus!!!

I used to work with three Muslims who weren't that religious. They celebrated the holidays, but they didn't agree with everything in the Koran. Just like most Christians don't believe everything in the Bible.

It's true that there are lots of Muslim extremists, but saying it's every single Muslim is just wrong.
I used to work with three Muslims who weren't that religious. They celebrated the holidays, but they didn't agree with everything in the Koran. Just like most Christians don't believe everything in the Bible.

It's true that there are lots of Muslim extremists, but saying it's every single Muslim is just wrong.
My own feeling is that a lot of 'Muslim extremists' are like the IRA sympathisers I used to know - youngsters who'd lost touch with their own people and who wanted to reassert it by 'heroic' action. The more patient ones learned Irish, but I hate to think where some of the others ended up. An awful lot of 'criminal' activists know about as much about Islam as I do, and more about booze!