Islamic reaction to Pope...


Well-known member
What the Pope said was silly, wrong and hatefull... but come on, by reacting with violence they only give creditability to the ignorant statement he made.

The way I see it, the Pope critized Islam and Muhammed for adding nuthing to religen but violence. That is an ignorant, idiotic and silly statement, but if you react with violence you are adding to the ignorance and idiocy.

The Pope said something silly.

The Islamic reaction has been unforgiveable.

How many must die in the name of silly religen?
The Pope says worse things about Gays and severly discriminates against women and you dont see those groups turning to violence!
The Pope didn't say anything silly. Just taken out of context as usual.

Read the speech. This quote was way out of place in what he was talking about and the media still blow it up with context. Shamefull. But the reaction is even worse.
Religion is the problem. Simple as that. Bunch of absolutist fuckwits stuck in ancient mythology, reading it as if it were relevant to today.
Religion is the problem. Simple as that. Bunch of absolutist fuckwits stuck in ancient mythology, reading it as if it were relevant to today.

I agree, lots of harm done in the name of God.

Extreemism is the plague of our time!
Extreemism is the plague of our time!

Very true. The world is like one giant lunatic asylum at the minute. We are reverting back to the middle-ages.

Its like the age of reason has completely passed mankind by...
What he said was not "silly" it was a quote from a midevil period pope. It was part of a lecture he was giving and was only a small part of an over all long scholastic lecture. And the reaction to it was typical of the islamic fools that want any excuse to start something and kill people.

The pope has the right to say whatever he believes. Just as you do. More leaders need to be outspoken about islam. Those islamists want to control our freedom of speech. Including yours.

There are a lot of postings about the lecture on many boards and blogs, you can read it for yourself but its probably more than your little mind could cope with.
Very true. The world is like one giant lunatic asylum at the minute. We are reverting back to the middle-ages.

Its like the age of reason has completely passed mankind by...

I think thats a bit alarmist. I think religiosity is waning not waxing. This is merely the backlash. Liberalism is a tide which cannot be turned it seems.
What he said was not "silly" it was a quote from a midevil period pope. It was part of a lecture he was giving and was only a small part of an over all long scholastic lecture. And the reaction to it was typical of the islamic fools that want any excuse to start something and kill people.

The pope has the right to say whatever he believes. Just as you do. More leaders need to be outspoken about islam. Those islamists want to control our freedom of speech. Including yours.

There are a lot of postings about the lecture on many boards and blogs, you can read it for yourself but its probably more than your little mind could cope with.

I agree the Pope has a right to say what he wants to say, but for the leader of one of the worlds largest religens to make such an ignorant comment about another religen is silly, harmfull and ignorant. Islam is about much more than violence and not all of Islam is connected to violence...
And what do fine "christian" folks say about people of the Islamic religion ?
As has been pointed out plenty of extremeism and hatred on all sides. People are stupid.
Very true. The world is like one giant lunatic asylum at the minute. We are reverting back to the middle-ages.

Its like the age of reason has completely passed mankind by...

I think thats a bit alarmist. I think religiosity is waning not waxing. This is merely the backlash. Liberalism is a tide which cannot be turned it seems.

Well, from what I understand people were a hell of a lot less religious in the 1700's, and then in the late 1800's and the early 1900's. In all the in between periods religious revivals began and theocrats began taking hold. I hope we aren't entering another period of theocracy.
Well, from what I understand people were a hell of a lot less religious in the 1700's, and then in the late 1800's and the early 1900's. In all the in between periods religious revivals began and theocrats began taking hold. I hope we aren't entering another period of theocracy.

We aren't entering one, we have been in one since 2000 when Bush became president. He is a theocrat.
The Pope could have saved everybody a lot oftrouble if he had just stuck to Catholicism and told how the Jesuits crucified the Chinese who wouldn't convert to Catholicism, instead of talking about how violent Islam is. If he wants to talk about a violent religion he has plenty of examples right there in the good old Catholic faith...