Islamic reaction to Pope...

Well, from what I understand people were a hell of a lot less religious in the 1700's, and then in the late 1800's and the early 1900's. In all the in between periods religious revivals began and theocrats began taking hold. I hope we aren't entering another period of theocracy.

I think we are. Fundamentalist christians have pretty much taken over one of the two major political parties in the U.S. And, ever since the Afghan-Soviet war, young arabs have become more and more radicalized (hard to believe, that in the 1960s Kabul afghanistan was somewhat of a tolerarent hippie-hang out).

The disturbing thing is that downfall of all the major european empires through history, can be correlated directly to a rise in religious zealotry - Spain, Rome, England, Dutch - presumably because religious zealotry retards scientific, technical, and social progress.
I think we are. Fundamentalist christians have pretty much taken over one of the two major political parties in the U.S. And, ever since the Afghan-Soviet war, young arabs have become more and more radicalized (hard to believe, that in the 1960s Kabul afghanistan was somewhat of a tolerarent hippie-hang out).

The disturbing thing is that downfall of all the major european empires through history, can be correlated directly to a rise in religious zealotry - Spain, Rome, England, Dutch - presumably because religious zealotry retards scientific, technical, and social progress.

"Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them." And they don't call this the United States of Amnesia for nothing!! We've got the shortest memories on the planet.
I think thats a bit alarmist. I think religiosity is waning not waxing. This is merely the backlash. Liberalism is a tide which cannot be turned it seems.

I beg to differ. The ME is as much of a religious basket-case as it always been, religion has never been stronger or more powerful in the US, in Africa religion is as pervasive as it always has been. In China, religion is resurging, and it has always been strong in many parts of Asia.

Eastern Europe is fervently religious, as is southern Europe.

Rationality only has bastions in Japan and western Europe......
I think they are being extremely hypocritical. Like their preachers and clerics don't talk about Christians and Jewish people negatively. Cry me a river.
Then there are the Crusades....The inquisition....

The crusades were in response to an islam invasion. They were the only thing that stopped the muslems from overrunning all of europe. islam is NOT a relgion of peace. islam does not mean peace, it means submit. They don't send missionaries out to convert, they do it by the sword, or in todays case the gun and suicide vests. They are not out to save souls they are out to conquor.

The inquisition was where things really began to change in the west. and had nothing to do with the crusades. It helped bring about a revolution within the catholic church. It was a real bad period that saw the church lose a lot of its power over the populations. isalm has continued to keep its power over the populations.

What the libs don't realize is this is a war for their benifit as well. If this country fell under islam the libs and gays would be the first to be executed. They would not be called names and offended, they would be beheaded. Anyone that fails to convert would be killed. All art and books would be destroyed. And after the world falls to islam they will begin fighting among themselves.
What the libs don't realize is this is a war for their benifit as well. If this country fell under islam the libs and gays would be the first to be executed. They would not be called names and offended, they would be beheaded. Anyone that fails to convert would be killed. All art and books would be destroyed. And after the world falls to islam they will begin fighting among themselves.

I was going to wade into this religion-bashing thread but gaffer done done it for me. People have done all sorts of stupid things in the name of their religion. Christians have been bad Christians and Muslims have been bad Muslims. But I think the above paragraph says it best. If I am a non-religious person (more specifically a liberal person) and given the choice of the two to co-exist with in a country, I have to choose Christianity. Some religious nut keyed rob's car, but at least he didn't try to cut his head off for the perceived infidelity.
Extreemism is the plague of our time!

Very true. The world is like one giant lunatic asylum at the minute. We are reverting back to the middle-ages.

Its like the age of reason has completely passed mankind by...

I couldnt agree more ....
I think it began to rear it's head under Regan, the astrology believer.

A) Nancy was the one into astrology.... not much different than Hillary getting advice from the ghost of Elanor Roosevelt .. eh?

B) How do you tie Astrology into Christian Theocracy?
The crusades were in response to an islam invasion.

You are full of crap....

The crusades were concerned with capturing Jerusalem.
What the libs don't realize is this is a war for their benifit as well. If this country fell under islam the libs and gays would be the first to be executed. They would not be called names and offended, they would be beheaded. Anyone that fails to convert would be killed. All art and books would be destroyed. And after the world falls to islam they will begin fighting among themselves.

1) Please name one Democrat who says we shouldn't be fighting Al Qaeda.

2) Your paranoia about islam "taking over this country" is almost childlike. Check your diapers for poop. I have no idea who propagandized you into being so fearful - Sean hannity? Even bush has said nothing about arab invasion fleets heading across the atlantic to "take over" america.
Gaffer is not well versed in world history at all.

I am coming to the conclusion that Gaffer isn't the brightest spark.....
Very true. The world is like one giant lunatic asylum at the minute. We are reverting back to the middle-ages.

Its like the age of reason has completely passed mankind by...

I think thats a bit alarmist. I think religiosity is waning not waxing. This is merely the backlash. Liberalism is a tide which cannot be turned it seems.
Exactly and the stats back up what honest observation will tell you anyway, which is that the number of atheists is growing.
I just don't get how dishonest Liberals can keep lying about the "growing" threat of religion.

Also, the Soviet Union and Communist China killed off more tens of millions than religion ever did in the 20th century. I'll take religion as a presence over government anyday.
Also, the Soviet Union and Communist China killed off more tens of millions than religion ever did in the 20th century. I'll take religion as a presence over government anyday.

More people have died in the name of religion than in the name of atheism.

Soviet Russia and Communist China killed in the name of collectivisation.

The figures of religion aren't showing a decline in religion, if it were I would be celebrating. In Africa, Asia, the ME, S & E Europe and South America, religion is as strong as ever.

In the US, never has religion had so much power....
Also, the Soviet Union and Communist China killed off more tens of millions than religion ever did in the 20th century. I'll take religion as a presence over government anyday.

More people have died in the name of religion than in the name of atheism.

Soviet Russia and Communist China killed in the name of collectivisation.

The figures of religion aren't showing a decline in religion, if it were I would be celebrating. In Africa, Asia, the ME, S & E Europe and South America, religion is as strong as ever.

In the US, never has religion had so much power....
Sorry wrong, the number of atheists in the US is growing.

And those other regions you named all had religion to near 100% forever so strong as they are they have nowhere to go but down.

The point about communist states is that they supplanted religion and the church with government. And you'll find in general that more government equals less religion and vice-versa.
No point in praying for your daily bread when big gov is giving it out for free.
"In the US, never has religion had so much power.... "

Oh please! It has been on the wane ever since the whole Darwin thing embarrassed them. There are pockets of old-time resistance but it certainly is waning, and not even close to waxing.
I think thats a bit alarmist. I think religiosity is waning not waxing. This is merely the backlash. Liberalism is a tide which cannot be turned it seems.

I beg to differ. The ME is as much of a religious basket-case as it always been, religion has never been stronger or more powerful in the US, in Africa religion is as pervasive as it always has been. In China, religion is resurging, and it has always been strong in many parts of Asia.

Eastern Europe is fervently religious, as is southern Europe.

Rationality only has bastions in Japan and western Europe......
I dunno Any, remember the puritans and such back in early US history, err well in the history of the british colony of America :)