ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson Open Letter to Sportsmen

we l;ose more liberty every year. And the right and left support the loss.

Thats because the difference between the parties is minor. The "issues" that they bicker over are inconsequential compared to the ones that are ignored by both parties.
Liberties get in the way of profit, control and religious morals.
Which liberties get in the way of profit? Or are you talking the socialist "liberty" of economic equality?

Which liberties get in the way of religious morals? Or is that one just an excuse for suppressing religious freedom as much as possible until your kind gets rid of that part of the 1st amendment?

Agreed liberties get in the way of control. And we all know how democrats LOVE to make sure government is in control, so they can make sure we are all tucked away safely in our beds at night, while republicans are watching close (as in way TOO close) to make sure no-one is planning any nefarious anti-American activities.

(But then, are republicans the ONLY ones who love to watch too close? Why is it the latest FISA fiasco passed?)
on religious problems with liberty. How about gay marriage ? Porn ? nude beaches ? all the religious prude rules.

Tired now, I will think on the profit one, But of course I am sure I am correct;)

Ohh yeah the liberty to distill my own booze ?