Israel has eviscerated Syria as a viable military threat

The early Zionists planned the Nakba before they even set foot into Palestine at the invitation of the fading British empire. Not only that- but they planned to occupy all of Palestine before seizing more territory from neighboring countries. They knew then- as they know today- that Israel will not survive as a small state.
Lesson; If you want civilization and world peace through the UN........................Zionism must be crushed.
It was. It will probably continue to be now that Israel has destroyed the Syrian people's ability to have any security. It is a mistake to equate a sovereign country with extremist groups that are not the country or its people.

Nope. Now Iran has a brand new training camp.

I officially distance myself from this antisemitic remark. The people who suffered under Assad's authoritarian rule are not to blame for Iran's militant terrorism in the region. You shouldn't equate them.

That's a terrible thing to wish.

Typical moon bat rubbish.
Oh pipe down, fag.
That is entirely the wrong way to request to blow me.

Nobody is left wing just because they point out you're an idiot and hate Da Jooos like your tranny 'girlfriend' moon does.
I don't hate Jews. I don't hate any group. I demand full accountability of anyone or any group violating the Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. At the moment, Israel is egregiously violating both and is a signatory to both.