Israel Kidnaps Palestinian Politicians


Atheist Missionary
Israeli forces have seized Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister Nasser al-Shaer in a raid on his home in the West Bank town of Ramallah.
He was held when troops burst into the house early on Saturday, his wife said.

The Israeli military confirmed the detention of Mr Shaer, who is a senior member of the governing Hamas movement, which does not recognise Israel.

Israel has detained about 30 MPs and a third of the cabinet since the capture of an Israeli soldier in June.

Does this give the Palestinians the right to invade Israel, attack civilians and civilian infrastructure and attempt to impliment a policy of ethnic cleasning inside Israel?

Let's hear it for Israeli terrorism...whooop! whooop!
Invading and kidnapping a countrys leaders ? Who appears to be the terrorists here ?

You see my point about them both being terrorists?

It is shocking that so many support such terrorism on one side and decry it on another
There is no country of Palestine, they rejected all offers for a country. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Israel is a sovergn country. But they may be willing to trade this guy to get thier citizens back.
There is no country of Palestine, they rejected all offers for a country. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Israel is a sovergn country. But they may be willing to trade this guy to get thier citizens back.

The PA is a soveriegn democratically elected government.

Who'd have thought toby would be so anti-democratic and pro-terrorist???? :)

Isn't this sort of snatching (that time of Israelis) what kicked this whole thing off?
Invading what country? There is no country of palestine. hamas is a terrorist organization and any members of it are subject to arrest or death. Israel can use this clown to get their soldier back. I know you have no concerns for the 19 year old kid they took. Your more concerned with the old terrorist leader and his well being.
Any are your confusing Hamas and the Hezbos? I am pro democratic and anti terrorist. The pali had a chance given to them by Clinton and they spit in his face, Bush first president to publicly state he would support a Pali state, and helped them with elections and they turned towards terror. They prove where they stand.
Let me see. If I were wanted by the Feds, I then got elected to the State Senate. The Feds then came in and took me into custody and imprisoned me...

Would I be "kidnapped" or "arrested"?
Invading what country? There is no country of palestine. hamas is a terrorist organization and any members of it are subject to arrest or death. Israel can use this clown to get their soldier back. I know you have no concerns for the 19 year old kid they took. Your more concerned with the old terrorist leader and his well being.
Hmm I guess you forget about bush and his minions bragging about the democratic elections ? Well they were bragging until they realized how they turned out.
Invading what country? There is no country of palestine. hamas is a terrorist organization and any members of it are subject to arrest or death. Israel can use this clown to get their soldier back. I know you have no concerns for the 19 year old kid they took. Your more concerned with the old terrorist leader and his well being.

Pathos-laden 'arguments' don't work on me.

I decry terrorism on both sides. I don't turn a blind eye to one groups terrorism just because I like them.

Hamas are the democratically elected government of the PA.

You obviously aren't too picky about former terrorists forming governments given your support for the Israeli government (or maybe you are unaware of the number of Israeli leaders who came from terrorist groups such as the Stern gang?)

So why don't you get on the side of democracy and anti-terrorism and denounce terrorism on both sides? [/B]
Let me see. If I were wanted by the Feds, I then got elected to the State Senate. The Feds then came in and took me into custody and imprisoned me...

Would I be "kidnapped" or "arrested"?

Lets take this accross country borders Damocles. Say you were elected to the mexican govt and supported illegal immigration, the US govt went down and got you and took you back to the USA. This is more the scenario.
I don't think anyone is forgetting about the elections. The Palis choose terror, and will have to live with that choice as best they can. That is why we should cut all support for them. Don't feed them anymore. The elections were a good thing, they have shown how they believe. We need to take that into account when we deal with them.
Let me see. If I were wanted by the Feds, I then got elected to the State Senate. The Feds then came in and took me into custody and imprisoned me...

Would I be "kidnapped" or "arrested"?

If the Israeli's entered the Palestinian Authority area to snatch members of the democratically elected government (30 of them) then that is kidnapping.

A better analogy would be the government of Canada snatching members of Congress because they don't like US government policy.
Lets take this accross country borders Damocles. Say you were elected to the mexican govt and supported illegal immigration, the US govt went down and got you and took you back to the USA. This is more the scenario.
The problem is it isn't accross international borders. The Palestinian Territory still is controlled by the Isreali Government...

This is more like a Fed/State issue than it is like a Mexican Government/US Government issue.
The Palis choose terror,

Actually, before Israel kicked off this time, senior members of Hamas were meeting to discuss accepting the two state solution....
The problem is it isn't accross international borders. The Palestinian Territory still is controlled by the Isreali Government...

It is controlled by the PA.
Let me see. If I were wanted by the Feds, I then got elected to the State Senate. The Feds then came in and took me into custody and imprisoned me...

Would I be "kidnapped" or "arrested"?

If the Israeli's entered the Palestinian Authority area to snatch members of the democratically elected government (30 of them) then that is kidnapping.

A better analogy would be the government of Canada snatching members of Congress because they don't like US government policy.
Once again, incorrect. Canada is actually a Nation and not in official control of the US territory...

Now, if we are to use this example it would be more like... I went up to Canada, bombed the crap out of a few buildings then returned to the US to hide. I then got elected to some sort of "government" over a territory not controlled by the US, formerly controlled by Canada, directly connected to Canada, that had as it's sole goal the total destruction of Canada... I then resurfaced to take my place of government. Is it "kidnapping", or an "arrest"?
It's the same thing with the "Hamas kidnapped a soldier"...

Rubbish he was taken prisoner by an enemy... It happens all the time to soldiers.