Israel past, present and future

What childish babble. Just like Putin, who claims that there is no Ukrainian people. Then who is Russia waging war with? Probably with the Martians. Probably Israel is waging war with the same Martians, if there is no such people as Arabs. The only thing I have to tell you is that I don't have time to comment on nonsense. Good luck.

Sure you do; most of what you post is nonsense. All you have is time.
Seems to me that the Palestinians are incapable of:

* forming and running a coherent, unified, government.
* creating a trained and capable military.
* pursuing a reasonable and effective foreign policy
* creating a society with a productive and profitable economy
* protecting their civilian population from even their own government and other political factions
* living with their neighbors, be those Jews or Arabs.

The way I see it is that history shows the Palestinians are their own worst enemies because they are racist, hate filled, violent, illiterates who cannot think their way out of a wet paper sack.
Seems to me that the Palestinians are incapable of:

* forming and running a coherent, unified, government.
* creating a trained and capable military.
* pursuing a reasonable and effective foreign policy
* creating a society with a productive and profitable economy
* protecting their civilian population from even their own government and other political factions
* living with their neighbors, be those Jews or Arabs.

The way I see it is that history shows the Palestinians are their own worst enemies because they are racist, hate filled, violent, illiterates who cannot think their way out of a wet paper sack.

None of their Arab 'brothers' will keep them in nearly the same style and luxury the UNRWA does, so they stay. AS the King of Jordan said back in '48, they wouldn't even fight for it themselves then; he set up stations to take in volunteers for his Army among them and hardly any signed up, they just sat around and whined how nobody was doing enough to kill the Jews. lol they're feckless trash.
None of their Arab 'brothers' will keep them in nearly the same style and luxury the UNRWA does, so they stay. AS the King of Jordan said back in '48, they wouldn't even fight for it themselves then; he set up stations to take in volunteers for his Army among them and hardly any signed up, they just sat around and whined how nobody was doing enough to kill the Jews. lol they're feckless trash.
The other Arab states don't give a shit, a rat's ass, about the Palestinians. If they profess support, it's not for the Palestinians but far more likely a hatred of Jews. They wouldn't lift a finger to help the Palestinians, but they're more than willing to cheer them on as they get their asses kicked by the Israelis.
I saw this sort of tribalism among Arab states up close and personal being stationed in the Middle East. Among the Gulf states, the Saudis were despised. The Gulf states were more friendly to each other--at least sort of. For example, the Bahrani's hate the Saudis, but they also have a big issue with the Omani's as there are disputes over territory.
Israel is just a convenient whipping child for them and other Arab states.

For Jordan, hatred of Palestinians is personal. The Palestinians tried to overthrow their government in a violent revolution that failed. That saw most Palestinians kicked out of Jordan. So long as Israel leaves Jordan alone, the Jordanian government is willing to leave Israel alone. Any support shown to the Palestinians by Jordan is just window dressing to placate various Arab factions. Jordan won't lift a finger to help the Palestinians.

One look at Lebanon shows the sort of violent, territorial, tribalism various Arab factions engage in. That country is little more than a collection of fiefdoms run by warlords on the basis of tribal identity and religious factionalism.
Instead of defeating Hamas, as Netanyahu promised, Israel began negotiations with it.

Which will only prove Hamas to be liars and murdering rapist scum yet again, like they always have been. Fortunately a new American President has been sworn in and tolerance for typical Islamo-Vermin antics will be low.
Which will only prove Hamas to be liars and murdering rapist scum yet again, like they always have been. Fortunately a new American President has been sworn in and tolerance for typical Islamo-Vermin antics will be low.
Be that as it may, Israel is negotiating with Hamas instead of destroying it, as Netanyahu intended, thus violating the principle of not negotiating with terrorists. So maybe Hamas is a guerrilla organization.
Be that as it may, Israel is negotiating with Hamas instead of destroying it, as Netanyahu intended, thus violating the principle of not negotiating with terrorists. So maybe Hamas is a guerrilla organization.

Nah, just a handwave at a few sniveling Arab supporters in Europe and the U.S. He will get back to dong what he needs to do soon enough. Hamas as already murdered most of the hostages, and that will be apparent soon enough. They're low life scum, and just can't help themselves when it comes to sadism and homocidal gangsterism, same with most Arabs.

When the oil runs out, which will be soon, they're back to raping sheep and murdering each other over water holes.
Which will only prove Hamas to be liars and murdering rapist scum yet again, like they always have been. Fortunately a new American President has been sworn in and tolerance for typical Islamo-Vermin antics will be low.
The good thing about Trump is he's a criminal, laws,right and wrong mean nothing,he does whatever he wants!
Be that as it may, Israel is negotiating with Hamas instead of destroying it, as Netanyahu intended, thus violating the principle of not negotiating with terrorists. So maybe Hamas is a guerrilla organization.
Hamas is the government of Gaza. Therefore, Hamas, their military arm is an actual military. It is just so incompetent, pathetic, and ill-trained that the only option open to it in warfare is irregular street fighting. I wouldn't even characterize it as guerrilla warfare. It's more like a street gang with military grade weapons. Hamas mainly fights as individuals or at best in small groups. There is no coordinated effort going on.